Redpill me on HIV / AIDS
Do you guys believe that its almost impossible for a straight, non-drug addicted male to get HIV through heterosexual sex? Is HIV for straights males a meme?
Redpill me on HIV / AIDS
Do you guys believe that its almost impossible for a straight, non-drug addicted male to get HIV through heterosexual sex? Is HIV for straights males a meme?
it would be extremely painful
I believe that you should pay your denbts.
Its a meme regardless, science has it on lock senpai
AIDS doesn't exist.
Africa exists
fuck off tard
I don't know pals...there was a famous AIDS denailist here in Greece, who had been infected by HIV, and she died by HIV related symptoms
For You
PReP drugs reduce the chances of catching HIV by 90% let alone the recent clinical developments that have retroactively removed the virus in patients and made them immune.
Aids doesn't exist in the west
someone had the money for a spare sandwich but not a condom
Chance for ftm transmission are very low
That is if you only got head and fucked her cunt.
Up the shitpipe is another story
>Magic Johnson is still alive
If you're rich, you can hey cured
>Do you guys believe that its almost impossible for a straight, non-drug addicted male to get HIV through heterosexual sex?
It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not it's a biological fact.
>implying anyone on 4chins has sex
if you fuck around a lot, it's possible, but even then, not likely.
Happens all the time in Washington DC.
Which is also the AIDS capital of the US for more reasons than the politicians. Plenty of straight hetero males who end up HIV-positive thanks to fucking someone who isn't, plus kids who may end up that way at birth.
yes it does
Why do you think porn pushes anal so hard?
heterosexual anal is still just as dangerous as gay anal.
For (You)
there was a couple of famous AIDS denialists in the Rostov plane crash too that it would have to attend an important conference
Aids was invented by a tech giant. Legend has it that the federal govt monitors all tests. People who get tested more often are at risk of contracting it. Basically they use it for population control. Its a small satellite that sends a little energy projectile down the brain stem. It causes the body to deregulate certain syntheses. Supposedly some of it came out at the time of the bermuda triangle incidence when the military was practicing with invisible weapons.
A story i heard from a friend and he would validate what you said. He once told me that in the 1990s he had friends with hiv/aids. But only they gay ones passed. Several of his guy friends had married women who had hiv due to transfusions. They even had children with the women. The guys were negative the children born negative and the women positive.