Allright Sup Forums I need some advices
>be me saturday night at some kind of rave party
>had 1.5 MDMA + lots of alcohol and weed before that
>having a chill night with my friends
>don't do this often so this night was pretty fucking good
>meet this 7/10 qt I already knew for a few weeks before
>have a few words with her, things feel great
>she then tells me something like this "hey you should come over one of this days, I'd like to see you sometime"
>I wanted to kiss her so bad at that moment, but something tells me I should wait until sober
>so I say "yes sure we'll do this!" and talk for a bit more
>leave and go back to friends to have fun
>at the end of the party on the way out at 8am, see qt in the arms of some other dude
>still so fucked up because of the whole night, I didn't really give a shit
>have some kind of sunday, blurry af
>be today, go to work like usual
>decide to send her a text, basically something like "hey (: still want to see each other sometime?"
>7 hours later, still no response
>think about sending her another text, like "text me one of these days if you change your mind"
>be high af
>start a thread on Sup Forums because fucking analysis mode
so here are a few questions :
>yes I should have kissed her
>was the "(:" cringy af? I feel like I fucked up there
>should I just give up because no response and she was in the arms of that other faggot ? Something tells me I should
>should I send the second text? I mean it's just a text I have nothing to lose... right?
>I was thinking about sending it in english, she was born and lived in England, I feel like this could work. But how would a native speaker react to this? bad idea?
>am I overthinking all this ? I've always really liked this grill, I feel like we could have a great relationship (& fugs ofc) together, I'd like to not fuck it up
>why do grills never have the balls to tell the truth? ffs why do they ALWAYS make it so difficult
>should I fap before?
glorious boobs always related