>Australian hero
Australian hero
American Hero
>British Hero
>Austrian Hero
American Hero
We dont see Ned Kelly as a hero at all. He was simply a criminal who wore iconic heavy steel armour. Just because movies have been made about Geronimo the Indian Chief, does that mean you are bending over each morning to take redskin dick up your arse?
Nope, just a criminal who simply had enough of corruption. More of an anti-hero.
But I will tell you this, Billy the Kid would shit his pants if he ever met Ned Kelly
is that real?
It's photoshop.
I am actually Indian (aka Redskin if you're racist) so you can go fuck yourself while I fuck your girlfriend with my big red cock
pic related are my girlfriends
Hero ?? he got BTFO m9
>feather nigger gets butt hurt
says the emu
>Literally a conquered people
>We dont see Ned Kelly as a hero at all. He was simply a criminal
What? He stood up for his family in a time where the Australian Government harassed his people (Irish Catholics) That's why he is considered a hero to some. Maybe if more people had his spirit, Australia wouldn't be an SJW shithole
>Needs dreamtime with lysol.
Fuck off Chug.
>not literally conquered by the United States
I probably make more money than you silly leaf fucker
I'm more of a Chopper fan.
that hilarious, because you know he was irish right?
Argentinian hero
He has a strong chin and beautiful blue eyes. Who is this man?
Chopper is a degenerate and legitimately retarded.
it's moot you newfag
He denied an organ transplant because he thought it would be better in a child than in him. He died of cancer a few years back because of this decision.
>Australia is both a SJW shithole and a politically incorrect shithole
>He denied an organ transplant because he thought it would be better in a child than in him.
wow after this amazing news I am now a #cruzmissile
Howard fucked the housing market than Obama does to his fucking big black wife.
Degenerate retard or not, he still died a noble death.
>he makes threads about Aussies during our off hours because he can't deal with the bant onslaught from the boys during sick cunt hours
Nobody in Britain knows who he is, he obviously appeals to an American audience
There's nothing noble about death, everyone dies, it's how you lived that matters.
>a fucking leaf
>sick cunt hours
you mean summer?
>he obviously appeals to an American audience
We could say that the helmet is a battle burqa and it'd instantly appeal to strong British women everywhere.
That's not m00t retard. This is
Both matter. Going to Valhalla requires honor in life and a glorious death. Even if modern society often denies us the latter, we must never forget.
>one tenth your size
>basically your closest allies
Why do we do this love/hate nonsense USA?
you're our closest allies because of Britain who is only your closest allies because they realize the petty crimes your ancestors committed fares nothing in comparison to what the rest of actually does
>Why do we do this love/hate nonsense USA?
They stopped being lads with their WW2 generation and took up passive aggression and estrogen tactics from their women. Meanwhile we never stopped being lads. Now they see that they goofed hard and they resent us for our natural bant levels and all around sick cunt ways.
Kinda checks off the most important things for being an Australian hero, then
fukken oath cunt
Based Tone, wicket incoming
you wish you could get to our level m8
>our level
muh sekrit country
pay enough attention to aussie posts and youse cunts might finally learn how to bant again
we are willing to share our hard won secrets to bant success and right the wrongs that decades of passive aggression has done to you
just because you don't have jobs doesn't mean you can bantz better than the rest of us
typical estrogen response
the fuckin state of you, mate
Is that some adidas ripoff?
Things America is better than Australians at:
1. working
2. driving
3. drinking
4. hunting
5. building
6. cleaning
7. genociding
8. warring
9. bantering
10. sporting
You're not white, are you
Things americans do better than the rest of the world
1: Obeisity
2: Wal-marts
3: Violent crime
5:Sucking up to the jews
8:Being fat fucks
9:Failing at imperialism
10: Last but not least, Obeisity
You missed school shootings.
>he's so triggered he just made a 10 point list
oi just fukken relax aye youse cunts can go back to being absolute bloody legends if you only listen to us lads we are here to guide you
Things Americans do better than the rest of the world
1. Hockey
Things Americans do better than the Rest of the World:
1. Spelling
2. Capitalism
3. Hunting
4. Spelling
5. Balancing power in the Middle East
6. Adopting European Culture
7. Spelling
8. Farming
9. Not being British
10. Last but not least, Spelling
>Things americans do better than the rest of the world
>1: Obeisity spelling
>2: Wal-marts spelling
>3: Violent crime niggers
>4:Obeisity spelling
>5:Sucking up to the jews- lol, leaf. Nice hatecrimes
>7:Obeisity spelling
>8:Being fat fucks I've been to Candinavia
>9:Failing at imperialism- good firefighters
>10: Last but not least, Obeisity spelling
american """""banter"""""
disgraceful how far you boys have fallen
it's like comparing apples to oranges now m8
shame how far you cunts have fallen
People who live in a glass country shouldn't throw stones
>he somehow thinks water is glass
11. Chemistry
May God bless his soul.
>Not getting the proverb
American education everybody
People who live in an arse country shouldn't smoke cones
>not believing in kek
Try looking up the story of William Fraser and the Hornet Bank Massacre. He is a little known Australian hero.
>You slowly realise banter is the muslims greatest weakness
>it's like comparing apples to oranges now m8
woah don't waste a line that good on the internet
save cheek that brilliant for the next nandos meetup and have all the other cunts wondering how you always manage to slay em
Most countries are, believe it or not. It's just the former wish to rule the latter.
These people are probably the exact people who need a few cones.