FJM leaves Fleet Foxes

>FJM leaves Fleet Foxes
>they release their worst album

>FJM leaves Fleet Foxes
>releases trash piled upon trash

>trash piled upon trash
I couldn't have described Crack-Up better myself

It's honestly easier for me to think you're trolling than to think you actually believe this

but they released their best albums BEFORE he joined, you fucking tard

every solo fjm release is better than crack-up. you would have to be some failed english major or hs student to think otherwise

>every solo fjm release is better than crack-up
>there are people on this board who unironically believe this

Chiming in to say FJM is indeed garbo.

fleet foxes and fjm are both terrible

they're both trash.
they always have and always will be overrated garbage.
all of it.
shut the fuck up.

i have no idea how fantano likes this dude

I can't believe you people were so excited for Crack-Up that the disappointment of it is actually making you think it's worse than FJM's dumpster fire lyrical masturbation

because fantani is a retard

>being this retarded


Worse how? It's different, yes. However I love their new sound.

I'm honestly so confused about the reception to Crack-Up. It seems so clearly to be by far the most interesting, original and fully realized thing they've released. It makes the first two albums seem so juvenile.

Also FJM is an entertaining songwriter but he's just not even on the same level as Pecknold. It's beyond me why he has so many followers here.

They coincidentally both released their worst albums this year

Pretty much this

his lyrics aren't that good at all in my opinion, fleet pecknold was always a better writer and always will be if not for the fact that he understands the difference between a metaphor and a reference, if rap has taught us anything is that you can only meme your way through so much a career

>lyrical garbage
i like the music though

fjm lyrics sound like the dumb shit i used to write in hs
ff lyrics sound like the dumb shit i wrote in college

>fleet foxes
>helplessness blues
light 6
>whatever the new one is
strong 7

hmmm ???

Crack Up is their best album and Pure Comedy is shit. I actually liked the other two FJM albums but Pure comedy is just muh ironic lyrics with a guitar in the background.

He wrote nothing for Fleet Foxes ever. He didn't even appear on their best album.

this. Crack Up is incredible.

he sang, and play drums, which like i know they have some but where i gotta go find them

The flaw in your post: Crack-Up was good

you jacked my thread

>being this retarded


k buddy.

>reads ff lyrics
>reads fjm lyrics
yeah he had nothing to do with writing any of the songs