Which is better, atheism or Odinism?
>cuckstians not welcome
Which is better, atheism or Odinism?
>cuckstians not welcome
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Atheism is cancer so odinism by default.
>Atheism is cancer
It doesn't matter both are just a subset of Fedorism
It promotes being a hedonistic faggot who does nothing for society. At least Christianity has a clearly defined value system whereas atheists parade around thinking their scientists because MUH GOD DON'T REAL.
There's a reason the fedora stereotype exists.
>He unironically is PAW's (Pagans, Atheist, Wiccan's)
>christians not welcome
Implying we ever were
>who does nothing for society. At least Christianity has a clearly defined value system
I can't make my own decisions without an imaginary friend to cry to. I am so useless pls hlp
And there you go. You have no sense of how collective society works, unable to think about anyone but yourself.
And it surprises you lot that atheists are some of the least trusted groups around?
>It promotes being a hedonistic faggot who does nothing for society.
How does it do that? All I get from atheism is them not believing in theisms.
>At least Christianity has a clearly defined value system whereas atheists parade around thinking their scientists because MUH GOD DON'T REAL.
I don't see them doing that any more than Christians licking refugee toes. Honestly, I've seen more of the latter the last few years.
>There's a reason the fedora stereotype exists.
I see it as a sign of stupid people not willing to drop their cult for a second to adress points in a proper fashion. Which might be the reason why so many atheists went to the left.
I am an athiest with Christian principals
I love christianity, what it teaches, but I can't lie to myself and believe that god exists
I wish I could, but I just can't.
If I die and god does really exist somehow, and judges me as a sinner and casts me out because I didn't have enough evidence to prove he existed, then I'm not really sorry. If you want someone to follow you, step 1 should be showing them what you expect of them yourself.
Atheism by a vast, massive, crushing margin; is a Semitic religion. It is a counter argument against the existence of YAWEH and little else. The objective morality, the universalism, the belief in Thomism originating equality, are all carry overs from Judeo-Christianity.
As much as they're loathe to admit it the Fedoras are just another denomination of Christianity. They do nothing to address Hinduism notion of life as a drama or Buddhisms mindfulness. He'll jpg the time they're trying to see how far they can fit Allahs dick up their asses.
Odinists are the Christians of Heathenry, they take Christianity and they replace Jesus with Odin and carry on. They're the least informed of all branches (Spare the Lokean or Rokatru cunts but no ones talking about them). To top it off they're all peckerwood a which is barely better than a nigger.
Heathenry, Asatru (now under hippy occupation), Theodism, Forn Sed etc are where it's at. Find the reconstructionist heathens, anyone else is making shit up.
This of course, but Odinism only makes sense if Your Scandinavian.
Odin only work for the good of his People, that means Nordic People.
Odin probably does not care about souls he doesnt know who have never before incarnated in his sphere of influence where he is king, so it makes no sense for lets say a chineese to become and Odinist
You should read into stoicism, which is basically Christian morals but without the semitic nonsense around it.
Marcus Aurelius adressed the last part of your post, so there might be some compatabilty there.
Do you believe in magic? if so Odinism
What the fuck is the point of being an "Odinist"??
The norse gods really didnt give 2 shits about what mortals do. They really look most favorably on people who had the balls to take care of themselves.
Basing your spirituality on conspiracy theories about Jews is pretty immature and stupid.
Only a small minority of pagans are of the racialist variant.
Odinism is less relevant than jediism.
Again, they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Landvættir and Disir, now that's where it's at.
>There's a reason the fedora stereotype exists.
yeah because its a forced meme because Godfags got tired of being made fun of for their bullshit so they just yell "LOL LE FUNNY MAYMAY"
i've had enough with "moral" arguments against atheism. that isn't the fucking questions. its "was the universe created by a conscious entity" and it looks like NO.
if you disagree tell me why some people are born deformed and in pain for their whole lives, tsunamis wipe out millions for no reason, deer get struck by lightning and die in pain in the forest, 99% of the universe is not suitable for life, ect...
if you need a religion to tell you how to act YOU ARE A DUMB APE. THEISM IS FOR NON-WHITE PEOPLE.
stay salty filthy heathens
just imagining these faggots roleplay odinism irl and how excited they would be for someone to ask them what they believe just so they can say odinism only be to mocked by everyone in the world besides fellow tards on the chans
Kids, kids, you're both just awful.
>burning a Lutheran church
and nothing was lost
>Which is better Cancer or AIDS
>Semitic religion destroying European Culture
We know
We know
The fire doesn't really care for the differences.
>civilized society destroying prancing around in the forest because of fairies
Clearly you need to be reminded of Boniface
>t. kike-on-a-stick lover
>implying Paganus is European Culture
Same with Hinduism, Chinese folk religion, Animism, other nigger religions, etc etc.
looks Orthodox than RCC.
Christians destroyed Civilized Society, after that they're traitors to their own culture.
Burning builldings is for cowards, true men burn people :)
>Europe's greatest accomplishments were strawhuts and raping and pillaging like niggers
>looks Orthodox than RCC.
You can have an orthodox one too, that one burned not too long ago.
>Burning builldings is for cowards, true men burn people :)
Muslims agree.
I'll just add to my own post the fact that every post here for paganism is about burning churches. Not constructing anything useful, but only destroying things, because that's all that paganism can/could ever do.
kill yourself commie
Christianity civilized Europe.
>I'll just add to my own post the fact that every post here for paganism is about burning churches.
Wrong. I'm the only one that posted burning churches and I'm not a pagan.
It's funny how Christcucks can't handle the heat but are always the first ones to shit over the faith of the European people.
Bearing false witness like that should have you killed by the way.
The faith of the European people is, without a doubt, Christian, unless you're a pagan playing damage control for an era where we were savages.
Nevertheless, paganism in the current age has always been about destruction of anything civilized, and these church arsons are a natural leap for pagans, because like hell they can construct anything useful.
>The faith of the European people is, without a doubt, Christian
It's a non-European faith. European Christians are just LARPing as Jews.
>Nevertheless, paganism in the current age has always been about destruction of anything civilized, and these church arsons are a natural leap for pagans, because like hell they can construct anything useful.
Means nothing to me. Heathenism can come back or it can't, I'm more concerned about destroying Christianity - and that includes the physical removal of its places of worships; something the Christians of old understood too.
From Luke 6:31 I infere that that is what Christians want, so there should be no disagreement.
>tfw 1/4 Swede, 1/4 German, 1/2 British
>all these countries are cucked now
feels bad
>You will never be a hometown legend for taking down big gov's plans to ruin your village.
There is no reason for a sensible person to be anything but irreligious. I won't comment on personal spirituality, but organized religion is stupid.
Odinists are always fat drunks
>From Luke 6:31 I infere that that is what Christians want, so there should be no disagreement.
>And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
>bad thing
Are you one of those edgelord "some men just want to watch the world burn" fucktards or do you have your own special hair-brained idea for society that's totally never been tried yet?
True men use bomb.
>Are you one of those edgelord "some men just want to watch the world burn" fucktards or do you have your own special hair-brained idea for society that's totally never been tried yet?
>using the edge meme on Sup Forums
>complaining about "some men just want to watch the world burn" when that's what Revelations is about
Stay consistent please.
>fedoraism or "muh aryan heritage" LARPing
Christians in these threads get so damn
Revelations, and it's message of the end of this world and the beginning of Christ's reign, doesn't mean, nor in any way does it justify, forsaking the Golden Rule. If anything, it is to show the inevitable downfall of the people that forsake it.
Before Christianity, what was Britain but a bunch of pagan barbarians? Or Russia? or Germany? The majority of Europe were nothing more than savages before Christianity.
>doesn't mean, nor in any way does it justify, forsaking the Golden Rule
I never said that it does. I was refering do your "some men just want to watch the world burn" shit which is integral part of your religion and you calling it "edgelord fucktard". It's just not consistent.
I brought up the golden rule because future developments might see churches burning, religious leaders killed and people forced to drop their faith - something which, according to that golden rule, is something they should WANT.
Christianity needs to go the same way as paganism.
>It promotes being a hedonistic faggot
No, it gives you the opportunity to put your country before superstition.
Christians will betray their country for the promise of eternal life in ancient mythology.
Ye we wuz kangz while whitey lived in da caves
Apathy for the world at large and its inevitable, self-caused fate is not equivalent to calling for people to engage in active destruction on the offensive. Your basis on Luke 6:31 is unexpectedly incorrect and based on your staunch bias against Christianity, although I will give you credit in that I had to reread your comments at least 4 times to figure out what you were saying.
And yet the biggest threat to nationalism, ever since the late 18th century, has consistently been atheistic progressivism.
> Christianity
> clearly defined value system
wew lad
>And yet the biggest threat to nationalism, ever since the late 18th century, has consistently been atheistic progressivism.
Retarded ideologies are nothing new. It's the same thing as religion. The only difference is one includes gods.
>Your basis on Luke 6:31 is unexpectedly incorrect and based on your staunch bias against Christianity
Of course it's based on that. That doesn't make it incorrect.
Christians destroyed places of worship.
Christians killed heathen leaders.
Christians forcefully converted heathens.
According to the golden rule, they want to be treated the same way.
They will be. Either by the muslims or by people like me that don't like having them ruining our countries by bringing in third worlders.
I'm just pointing out the irony in that fate.
Both. Theism is for inferoir races.
All the violent, warrior parts of Christianity in Europe are just syncretized pagan elements.
>Heathenry, Asatru (now under hippy occupation), Theodism, Forn Sed etc are where it's at. Find the reconstructionist heathens, anyone else is making shit up.
Your post basically nails it. Odinism to Heathenry is like Skinheads to the NSDAP.
Are you sure about that ?
The most redpilled part of the bible is the one where the jews are still god's chosen people. Go figure.
The biggest problem with Christianity and Islam is that they are universal. They accept niggers, spics, jews, as long as the aforementioned groups accept their respective prophets and God.
Jews didn't exist at that time, the people of the Bible are the Hebrews, as for the Ethnic Judean they have gone extinct long ago.
This board should know by now that what drives a civilization forward is a deep reverence for its own virtues and not any particular form of religion.
One can only admire how cunning and inventive the European peoples were in their ways of distorting Christianity so that their best qualities were able to flourish, still under the always too heavy presence of the cross.
Nothing is a greater proof of a civilization reaching the apex of its self-expression than the "imperium" and nothing is a greater sign of worldly exaltation.
Indeed, the fact such instincts prevailed despite the Christian rejection of the natural world tells us more about the strength of those people than the strength of the religion.
> a good post from Brazil
>using the National Alliance logo for some reason.
>he doesn't belong to a true paganistic religion
>he doesn't belong to a neo-paganistic religion
might aswell be an atheist or kill yourself
Greco- Roman
Northern Europe wasn't shit until it was Christianized
Yahweh was originally a Canaanite god of war.
Meme magic
Interesting. Wouldn't that suggest that something similar can be done with Islam if it isn't stopped, that whites will end up subverting it into the new nationalism?
I hope you have cancer.
It was shit before Christianity
What are your proofs ?
I don't wan't scholar's anti christian speculations but actual proofs like canaanite texts who agreed with what you said.
I prefer Naturalistic Pantheism. Nature, the Universe and its laws are identical with an all powerful God.
>making new religions is bad
good goy just keep listening to the jews
So how does that work, you just pretend you believe in something?
Try to stop being a phony in the first place, religion isn't something you decide to believe in and you being from australia have no businness in hijacking someone else's.
t. nietzsche rip-off man
I can almost see all the greasy ponytails ITT.
Yall need Kek in your lives.
>religion isn't something you decide to believe in
So what you're saying is, you've never gone over the possibility that it's completely made up.
Before the destruction of the first temple judaism was a religion of a nation that lead them to power and conquest
After the destruction of the first temple they began to write the texts down and they transformed Yahweh from a god of power into a more personal god who helped the weak cope. This shift was continued into Christianity
If you look at the texts you can see a clear shift in jewish thought at the time of the destruction of the first temple
Because the Jews promote it
You don't say "is atheism cool or is it better to be a mufuggin pagan like dem vikings???"
You don't get to decide that, it's not how it works.
>Because the Jews promote it
If the jewish aspect makes something bad, then we need to do away with Christianity.
An Odinist society would seem non inclusive to mud-people where as a straight up atheist society woululd be inclusive of all miss.
this same australian posts this all the time quit being b8'ed so easily you idiots
Islam is useless for nationalistic purposes. Christianity itself was hardly useful, the many nations of Europe had to ignore the universalist message of the religion in order to affirm their respective ethnic identities.
What we see now is a battle of blood versus money, as Spengler puts it in The Decline of the West. Either money wins and the Arab world takes over Europe or blood wins and new brands of nationalism are born.
You can't decide to believe something you simply aren't convinced of.