Maybe Carl The Cuck was right all along?
Maybe Carl The Cuck was right all along?
damn... makes u think
Damn really makes you think......
>image quality on Sup Forums
after reading this i am now a cruzmissle
Think.... really makes you damn.
damn this really made me think
I'm really thinking....
Damn, really makes you sage
this is the forum that thinks hitler did nothing wrong and that the holocaust didnt happen. dont try to reason with these people
This is obvious op. Thats exactly why ppl compare him to hitler.
damn makes u think fa m
>anti muslim fascist
lol, why do millennials use the words fascist and racist interchangeably?
they'd probably pop a vein if I started saying Bernie was getting hype to put dissentors in the gulag the fucking hypocritical scumfucks
Goddamn, Trump is Hitler, that's why I'm a #CruzMissle
I'm damn processing this new .......information
Donald Trump's rise very closely mirrors Adolf Hitler's but not because of these stupid reddit-tier meme reasons.
Yeah. I think when shills finally understand that shilling is useless
Isn't there a phenomina on the internet that every argument leads to being compared to hitler? I see this as the lowest form of arguing. Fear mongering is basically what people do when they have no real substantive arguments.
"we're all doomed if you don't agree with my position"
>Promised to make Germany great again
I'm glad where I live in a country where our based Trudeau has made no such promises that he wants to make Canada great again. I'm glad we live in a shithole, rather than a privileged white country.
get out leaf
...rlly makes u think