Emma Watson appears in Panama Papers

I'd bet a pretty penny there is a large crossover between Bernie Supporters and Emma Watson Supporters.

And you can be sure as hell they won't care that she participated in the very thing Bernie is trying to get rid of in the US.


Fuck this cunt. She peaked in Prisoner of Azkhaban. She's been downhill ever since.

>Do as I say, not as I do

Tbqh I only know her from Harry Potter

I'd do her, and say I did her too.

first messi and now my waifu
fuck off..

So when is she gonna visit those migrant camps without security detail?

If she went back to her pixie cut and gained a few hundred pounds, she'd be hotter.

i agree about the pixie cut

>thinking putting your money into a place where the government can't steal it is a bad or immoral thing to do
Bootlicking cucks ITT

>Emma Watson, the Harry Potter actress-turned-liberal activist, has been named in the Panama Papers.

But it's no big deal, she says, because having an offshore company or account is not illegal or unethical.

Jesus Christ.. how even can you say this?

that was the media reaction to what her "PR team" said in official statement
fucking russia can't even context
this is why your elections are decided for you

Top kek if it turned out she was getting Soros shekels

чтo ты пoнимaeш oв эммa? cyкa или нeт?

мoй pyccки -- oк?



November 8th, 2016. The day of the rope draws closer and closer for every last one of you libitard traitors. Pray to god will forgive you, even though you shun him.

гyглпepeвoдчикoм нe пoльзyйcя хyйлo. пиши пo-aнглийcки.

>government can't steal it
How do you rationalize not wanting to support your country, troops, police, and mothers?

I can't read DOTA.

when will that dude finally croak.

as everyone else

this isn't a bad thing though, cause why would anyone with money let everyone know their financial activities?

>hurr durr fuck the NSA

Never change, Sup Forums...

It's about the hipocrisy and the virtue signalling, you dunce.

Because they do nothing to support me. I dont even live in burgerland anymore and obamas still trying to get his pickaninny fingers in my pocket

Not paying your taxes is probably the most unethical thing you can do. Does she want the UK to become Greece?

Fellow fat fetishist Spotted.

jew controlled disinfo to misconstrue the ignorant away from the real criminals

Lol! She campaigns against tax avoidance.

>muh disinfo

Fuck off Alex Jones

>feminist icon is a shekel stealing cunt.
More news at 11



Why do all the cute ones have to be insanely liberal...
I'm fine if they're liberal but they just take it too far...I'll never find a conservative cutie..

dumb ghettoposter

>not paying her taxes

She can move back to England and get Mohammad'd.

nobody cares about bernie. its ogre .

hillary drones need to realize she cant use him as a shield any more and hillary is going to hand the country to pedo muslim rapist

You're feeding the commie state, not the people. If you want to help people join a charity.

Where have you been user? She has been spouting dumb "feminist" stuff for years now. After the actor who played Snape passed, she made some really tacky statement oh he was such a good person because he supported feminist causes or some shit. Not the expected statement of being a nice, kind, sharing, etc. person.

Feminism causes moral and mental retardation.

then what causes feminism?

UN whore

But it was for her privacy, you misogynists

Daddy issues combined with being not top date material for some reason. Combine this with an exacerbated sense of entitlement that every girl is a beautiful princess and deserves some rich, handsome, prince to take care of her and you get disappointment. This grows into bitterness and then eventually metastasizes into full blown feminism.


I'll take my backwards letters on a Toys R Us sign only, thank you very much

then i think it would be more correct to see feminism as a product of mental illness. this is a huge issue right now as it is

Please kek make it happen.

>Lives in Japan
>Not protected with US tax money.


Trump is in the Panama Papers. Hasn't stopped Sup Forums from supporting him.

Brown University ruined her. She was fine before she went in, she cam out full blown Feminist.

This is what they are doing to our future leaders of tomorrow. All the rich trust fund babies with powerful parents are going to these rich kid schools and getting indoctrinated with this shit. It's like Yuri said, they put plants in America's top schools.

She supported Hillary, there was a picture of it on here

She's also part of the UN now if I'm not mistaken. She should get kicked out.

This desu senpai

If doubles not only does this happen but in a year California runs out of drinking water and chips will be inserted into humans

apparently she was playfully bullied in college/high school. classmates of her said they would always yell 10 POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR when she got called on

And we're sure it is THIS Emma Watson? Not an uncommon name, really.

Everything else aside that was probably annoying as fuck.

it's *probably a coincidence, but why take the chance? im sure we can meme her into this bullshit

I thought bongs were all about muh bants.

Why couldn't she just roast them?

oh most definitely, but knowing how she turned out she fuckin deserved it. some jokes never get old.

How many with that name have the kind of wealth to be using offshore funds?

that was a myth she addressed in an interview

Fuck outta here, normie

thanks but i prefer to believe she suppressed her memories

Haha, fucking political 'career' over.

Let's see the penny.

Did she steal because she's a nigger? Should Rowling take the blame?

you're russian is 4/10?

Understand you about emma? Bitch or no?

^ thats the sentence if I were to say it in english

Who here WOULDNT put their money in an offshore account? You guys think if I get rich I'm going to shell out a bunch of money to pay for Jamarcus and his baby mama's 3 kids? Fuck that. I'll be doing the same thing, see me in Panama, the Caribbean, and Switzerland.

Her publicist already said they exist, just for privacy, not for tax evasion. Learn to use google

apparently it isn't to profit or avoid tax, but to retain anonymity. i can't buy that bullshit.

hypocritical cunt.

Because she went to Brown. Americans don't do bantz in the same way.

No shit, but would you pretend you're a morally superior, bleeding heart liberal WHILE sending all your money to Panama?

That's what this thread is about.

I love how everyone who was all EAT THE RICH CUT OFF THEIR HEADS was giving Emma excuses for dodging taxes. Leftists are such hypocrites.

How could you be an activist and do that though?

>Her publicist already said they exist, just for privacy, not for tax evasion. Learn to use google
Her publicist if a very good publicist

Have you taken your Japanese last name yet cuck?

Then you're still stuck with Obongo dicking ya son :^)

Are you saying she had a particular activism against tax evasion? Where?

Do you know how many times the word trump appears as capital shell companies or property llcs? Lots. Let alone your """""crossovers"""""

Not sure, but if you're a SJW then being against tax evasion is kind of a given.

Adding to this, I think she'd carry most of her weight in her ass and stomach.

Where do you guys think her fat would be distributed?

The funny thing about sjws is they're the most privileged of them all, but they seem to want to downplay just how much class privilege plays a role in our lives, I wonder why they don't bring that up and instead bitch about made up things like manspreading or violence against women online.

Why are the cute ones always the worst?

pixie cut is fucking disgusting

Well this completely destroys whatever moral high ground that SJW bitch had.

Her accountant/publicist has already played it off as being anonymous/private because 'weird creepy men and paparazzi from the internet' stalk her every move, and leftists actually buy that shit.

Yeah I totally would, but I don't pretend to be a champion of the downtrodden whilst simultaneously robbing them of tax dollars that could be spent on their welfare.

Of course. A lot of them are just spoiled petit bourgeois.

See the really down trodden in this country are too poor and fucked over to really speak up for themselves. People who can sit on their ass on the internet all day have a fortunate life.

Yet it's always those who claim to have the best interests of the downtrodden at heart, even though they clearly don't.

Like you said, you can tell their intentions by what they pick to fucking whine about, which is shit that affects themselves.

Reddit is in an uproar about this right now, the same place which praised her as their "hot" (lol) feminist savior from the evil republicans.

Not all leftists are hopeless. They just need a good hit to the ass to get with the real picture. Trump will help speed this up.

Watson is a UN Goodwill Ambassador and this didn't even appear on the r/worldnews frontpage.

A lot of black woman hate the sjw crowd because it is a bunch of women who aren't actually oppressed at all. I don't know how there isn't a huge divide yet.

Activists tell you what you should donate to, and how you should live. Paying your taxes should be one of your top priorities and where your money goes before any donation.

Even better is how this isn't trending on facebook, but all that other mindless shit is there.

It's currently #8 on r/all, as of this post, with 6000 upboats. r/all is an excellent way to push something in front of normals and libitards.

I know but the fact that the more liberal subreddits won't even confront the issue is really telling

someone make petition to have her removed from UN

The fact that it even EXISTS on r/all, alongside motherfuckin' pro-Trump posts, is testament that the political tone is shifting on reddit. People are rebelling everywhere against the establishment, both in the primaries and online.

great taste

exactly, you wouldnt see this happening 6 months ago, guaranteed

>bitch about made up things like manspreading or violence against women online.

divide and conquer

I'll give ya that. I'm just trying to point out that some people will never change.

i'd sign it

Do as I say, not as I do!

Looks like my nephew when he was 10 years old. Are you a pedo?

I never understood why people liked Harry Potter. Didn't really care about any of the characters and it got stupidly complicated.

>I'd bet a pretty penny there is a large crossover between Bernie Supporters and Emma Watson Supporters
No, all Emma Watson supporters are Shillin' for Clinton

I'd peak all over her.