Reddit: the band

Reddit: the band

Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit: the post

Reddit: the reply

Reddit: the reply to the reply

Reddit: the thread

That's not Tool

I fucking hate this place

Reddit: the conclusion

No. Mr. Bungle is Reddit: the band

Reddit: the only real answer

Reddit: the reductionism

>Reddit: The Oneness


I fucking hate this board

Since nobody answered my question from the other thread, what are some songs with drums similar to this?

Sounds like shit
you have awful taste, user. Stop trying so hard to be edgy and go listen to some Skillet my man.

we Sup Forums now

wtf i hate ween now

Which song should I listen to that has that drumming?

Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit: the Reddit

Reddit: the meme

This is nothing compared to saying that certain weathers are reddit, like holy fucking shit dude