It still hurts
It still hurts
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should have showed up to the games retard
should have voted prop c retard
I did
I would've given up 10-30% of my income to keep the Chargers
yeah it's fucked up man
Unlike the Rams in St Louis or even Raiders in Oakland, the Chargers were here for 56 years
Being a San Diegan meant being a Chargers fan too.
It just hurts so much. It feels like a huge chunk of our identity was ripped away
Well shit, sorry my dude. You still rooting for them?
Nah. I might be done with the NFL
I'm not going to watch the playoffs this weekend. I'll catch the Super Bowl but will focus my energy on other things
There ours now boi. Rivers gonna get his ring now!
Oy vey goyim!
I doubt it
As long as the Spanos family owns the team they'll be cursed
And that gives me solace at night
>voting for welfare
Y'all should try to get a hockey team. I know once the rams left, the blues instantly filled the hole in my heart. Physicality of football, but on ice.
We have the Gulls and they're relatively popular for an AHL team
I'd want the Ducks but I don't want Anaheim fans to feel how I feel right next now
Now all you have to do is be absorbed back into Mexicoland
I'll watch for Rivers and Gates but after they're gone I'm done. Any other Charger fans going to root for another team? I'm thinking of the Cardinals.
Only problem is we would have to build a new facility to convince the NHL to give us a team. The sports arena or whatever it's called now is way too small.
I know a lot of people are going to root for the Raiders but I can't bring myself to do that
tfw I work at a restaurant, where the main theme is the san diego chargers.
F (You)
Yeah I couldn't bring myself to do that. There's quite a number of Charger fans going to the Cards, they even noticed and welcomed the new fans.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What about after they move to Vegas?
It's not LA
Why would San Diego root for an out of state team when LA is 3x closer?
Gonna have to get over it buddy, NFL is a business, never forget that. Spanos is just trying to add some monetary value to it before he sells them off. Spanos is going to have to pay $650 million to the NFL for the moving fee, plus another $12 million to San Diego for breaking the lease on Qualcomm. With that money and a few bucks extra investment from Spanos and a decent stadium could've been built. He knows he'll make more money selling them when they're sharing the stadium with the Rams and paying $1 a year in rent, which is what he wanted from San Diego: A free stadium so the operating fees are reduced and he can get more money for them.
And as for San Diegans not showing up to the games? Who the Hell in L.A. is going to slug through 2 hours of traffic to fill up the Stub Hub center, which will be the smallest venue in the NFL and is smaller than some high school stadiums, to see a team that mediocre and with no connection to them except one season in the AFL in 1961?
The Chargers took advantage of San Diego because we only had two options for major league sports, them or the Padres, so they could get away with not producing results. In L.A. they'll be competing for audiences with the Kings and the Anaheim Ducks, the Clippers and the Lakers, the Dodgers and to some extent the Angels, the Rams, and even MLS. Say what you want about L.A., Angelinos aren't dumb. They're smart consumers when it comes to sports. They don't mind if you're not number one but if you're not even trying, you'll soon be ignored, the Rams are nearing that realization already. Add to that the fact that L.A. is a Raider town, the Chargers' worst enemy. I'll be shocked if they ever fill those seats for any game other than when the Raiders finally come back to town and no one but a few people from South Orange County will be wearing that trademark violation of the Dodger logo on their hats.
Nobody outside of LA likes LA. If a nuke took out Los Angeles, the rest of California would cheer.
I know the team is terrible now, but you should consider becoming a 49er fan.
It is like when my beloved junior team moved from Vancouver to Langley. Sure it is just across a bridge but fuck that. Hurts so bad... and they still call themselves the Vancouver Giants.
LMAO why didn't the Raiders move back and avoid all this shit with the chorgers and rasm?
Nah, most San Diegans are still salty about this anyway
Man I wouldn't know what to do if the Seahawks relocated
Sorry for your loss bro, but maybe you should've supported them better and they wouldn't have left
I honestly don't know what's worse; ironic seahawks shitposting, or genuine seahawks shitposting.
Of course it hurts. It's gonna hurt. As reports go, the NFL refused to decide whether the Raiders could go to Vegas until LA was taken care of and as a response to that declaration during meetings this week their rep told the League to tell Dean to shit or get off the pot, because if he didn't go to LA, they were going to. Hours later, Schefty reported that they were going to announce the move to LA the next morning, and that next morning was yesterday. Dean has always been scared of being the bitch of SoCal which he felt would happen if there were two teams in LA that weren't the Chargers. That combined with San Diego's City Hall's refusal to bend over and give him what he wanted led one of the League's most pathetic owners to get scared by the Raiders into forfeiting a community that stood by his shitty product for decades in favor of one that has never wanted any part of it and wishes he hadn't chosen to fill a spot they preferred would have gone to the Raiders. I'd feel sorry for the guy if I could feel anything but contempt for him. Best wishes to Rivers and Gates, but I am finally free to laugh alongside Sup Forums at the absolutely maddening decisions this franchise makes on a regular basis. It's going to be funny rooting for McCoy of all people and the Broncos and every other team of the AFC West as they completely trash the LA Chargers next season, which is something I didn't think I'd say a week ago.
It's genuine
The Hawks were thinking about moving in the 90s but we did something about it
Sorry San Diego couldn't get their shit together
STL here, I feel you bro. Went through the same shit last year. It's fucked up.
Fuck LA, Fuck Jewdell, and fuck the entirety of the NFL ownership.
t. nonexistent fanbase prior to 2012
Except the Hawks have sold out every game since 1983
And unlike you, we still have a team.
why would anyone root for LA?
Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure this some clandestine Atlanta banter.
The fucked up thing is that all the NFL
had to do was move the Raiders to LA.
The Bay Area would've still had a football team
The Chargers would still be in SD and Rams would still be in STL, saving two markets
Oakland had NO plans at all to save the Raiders and yet, they are the only team still in their market. How unfair is that? They should've been the first to move
Lol gonna watch my team tomorrow
Enjoy cheering for LA or the pathetic Tardinals
Yep, and now the Raiders are going to end up moving to Vegas, likely.
It's a joke. I pretty much only watch football for my interest in fantasy football at this point, because the Rams and any rooting interest I had are dead to me.
Don't forget your #12 jersey, fellow xehawk fan!
Fight and win!
>losing your NFL team
Moving the Raiders to LA by themselves would've solved nothing, if not only make things worse. The Rams would still be playing in that shitty dome that literally tears ACLs, the Chargers would still be in their shitty stadium, and the Raiders would (presumably) be in the shitty LA Coliseum with no money to build a new one.
The Rams going to LA ultimately made the most sense. To be frank, they never should've left in the first place.
Losing your basketball team
Shouldn't you be out protesting for the Kings to move to Seattle?
Tell me about the San Diego Clippers? How about the San Diego Rockets?
Well I hate to break it to you but the Rams had more success in STL than they ever did in LA. See Turf, Greatest Show on.
And the Edward Jones Dome was shitty but only reggie bush tore his ACL there recently. STL had a viable stadium plan too but no one cared.
Oh well, Kroenke and his shitty organization are perfect for LA because they're both generally useless. They'll never win anything out in LA, never. And the fairweather fans out there will continue to be apathetic.
Kroenke could've bought the Raiders for an insane amount and build the Inglewood stadium
Which relocation was funnier? The Chargers or Rams?
I know that feel bro. At least you'll have fun watching them fail as the void in your heart becomes bigger and bigger.
Rip your livelyhood
>Being a fan of a team that did literally the same shit
Why? Why would you cheer for a team that literally did what your team just did to you? Are Chargers fans literally retards?
I heard that San Diego Police are going to forcefully evict the Spanos family from La Jolla. Any truth to that?
All of the CA urban centers hate each other. You have San Diego, Southland which is LA-OC (who don't even like each other that much), Gay Area (SF, Oakland, San Jose), and irrelevant Sac-Town. Any of us would gladly see the other areas burn to the ground.
What do Fresno and Bakersfield do? And why would SD and Sacramento hate each other?
This is why San Diego is a backwater
>Fresno Anna Bakersfield
Not urban centers. Central Valley is flyover farmlands. Farmers only disliked for wasting waters.
Sac-Town is state capitol and source of governor meddling. Sam Diego is backwater military border town that's half Mexico.
Just fucking move to LA then, or just make the drive every game
Incoming Raidniggers playing the role of the victim in 5, 4, 3...
But why would Sacramento and SD hate each other? They don't share any sports?
So why is this happening? Does the team not make any money in SD?
>Being a San Diegan meant being a Chargers fan too.
No it didn't, you ass.
>b-but the team name starts with "Los Angeles" instead of "San Diego" so I can't like them now!
>So why is this happening? Does the team not make any money in SD?
It did, but the team owner wanted the city to finance a new stadium for him. The city refused, so he moved to Los Angeles where the team won't have a stadium of their own, but will supposedly be able to make MORE money than in SD.
God you San Diego faggots still at it? LA was the real victim you entitled spoiled shits
>calling anyone else entitled
How in the world was LA the victim?
Did we get the raiders back?
>this damage control
Yeah the NFL conspired against the Raiders from coming home
We get it
But in Vegas they'll be our 3rd team so fuck them
>the NFL conspired against the Raiders from coming home
Just as I predicted, Raidniggers coming out of the woodwork to play the eternal victim dindu style
How is them being in Vegas any different from them being in Oakland? They're not YOUR team and they won't be in Los Angeles. If anyone "deserves" to have the team, it's Oakland. They packed the stadium for years to watch a (mostly) shit team. So fuck off.
How are they NOT our team? Oakland already has a team - the 49ers
We in LA have been waiting their return for 23 fucking years.
Cry me a river you stupid San Diego fucks
>How are they NOT our team?
Because they're in Oakland, fucknuts. They were LA's team until the owner decided to leave. So now they aren't LA's team. Just like the Chargers aren't San Diego's team anymore and the Rams aren't St. Louis' team anymore.
well, for starters they play in oakland now...
kys, you are severely autistic and your sole purpose on this board is to yell at people saying that the raiders are LA's team when their own fans are responsible for their relocation to oakland because pro football was massively declining in popularity in LA
YOU cry me a river Mr. Turbo Autism
So it's OUR fault there was an earthquake? It was OUR fault the NFL forced Al davis to share his stadium with another team?
Get the fuck out of here
No, but it is your fault that you were somehow less popular than college football, didn't give the owner what he felt he needed to stay, and the potential “co-opting of the team apparel by gangs.”
YEs the owners conspired to keep the Raiders away from millions of their fans here
Now that they're moving to Vegas, they're about to see how much LA Raider nation matters
Like shitposting?
LA and SD have a huge rivalry
> Let's give billionaires welfare
You deserve to die.
No, SD thinks it has a huge rivalry with LA. LA just doesn't really give a shit.
LA is the worst city in North America.
So you gave aways millions upon millions of public dollars that had no ROI. Congrats, dipshit.
- owner wanted new stadium
- owner didn't want to pay for it
- owner demanded several time that public pay for stadium
- public rejected this demand multiple times
- owner decided to pick up and go to place where someone else is building stadium he can use
It's that simple.
It's cute how you think that's somehow a counterpoint.
LgAy is the gayest city in America
You Stockholm syndrome cuck