Why do you support/not support Trump? Honest answers please

Why do you support/not support Trump? Honest answers please.

Because he's alpha and is going to bring back the jobs to this country. The wall is stilll going up LIBTARDS. DEAL WITH IT.

because he is an idiot who is an embarrassment. Forget politics, the man himself makes me feel less pride being an American

I only voted for him for the Supreme Court seat that was open.

I didn't vote because the place I went to "I wasn't registered for". But Trump already didn't need my vote, he had plenty.

can't wait until he bombs the shit skins once the FAKE MEDIA WITCH HUNT shuts up and let's him show these fuck babies what a man in power looks like.

Well I don't do anything to not support trump except say that I don't support him. And its mostly because he's an embarrassment on pratically every issue and in most ways.

I get a good laugh at people who think he's alpha.

sauce on this

Hes a good guy who doesnt give a fuck what others think about him. He says things that nobody else is prepared to say e.g. the problems of islam, immigration, political correctness.

Because the LibTards were Going off the hook with their PC bullshit, and Agendas. We are fed up with their bullshit. Go back to Traditional Values. Let the Police do the hard job that you can't or won't do. The Middle Class is Tired of 4th Generation Welfare Queens, and Men who don't Raise/Pay For/Love their Children. Defend America, Do what is best for our Citizens. Were all on the same boat here people, when will you see that the Democrats welfare for votes is making us weaker. We cannot give welfare to the whole world and expect not to go under. The National Debt is $19,949,674,975. Almost 20 TRILLION DOLLARS. When the Crash comes, it won't be pretty.

What is there to support? He lives in a fantasy world.

I don't support him, because all politicians suck. But at least it's entertaining listening to the conniption fits he's causing among the entitled left.

And Donald Trump will somehow fix that.... Right.

So we don't become the next Europe

And what about when he got salty when they talk about his kid?

1st. look at the fucking webm. the site is on it.

2nd. prob just chris making casual threads with his webm in the hopes someone finally buys his videos

hes a fucking redneck asshole and idiot

Fuck traditional values. Fuck the militarized police who whine and think they're being macho. Fuck the welfare queens, like Elon Musk.

You're way off on the national debt. The real number is about 5 times higher, probably around 100 trillion right now. That's because the official number from the CBO doesn't include future commitments, like all the money they've promised everybody, like all those Social Security and Medicare benefits. Which is insane, because the same Congress that puts out those numbers made it completely illegal for companies to pull that kind of shit.

Who is the Trump of which you speak?

I think hes a better choice than clinton without a doubt. But I still hate him.

I hate democrats and liberals even more since they feel like its appropriate to stop everything Trump is trying to do

confirmed alex jones nut job.

Donald Trump is a clown. A charlatan. He's a caricature of what poor people think rich people are like, and it's fucking hilarious to watch him flounder.

We influenced your forums, mined your data, led your discussions, because your sanctions are damaging our economy.

You bought it all, and you're still willing to believe anything, just to save face.

Because the television says he's bad guy

I've heard the name, but don't know who he is. Except he's some random random person you probably don't like that you're using as an excuse not to discuss or think or rebut or actually engage in anything except throwing insults.

So fuck you.

I support Trump because I hate libfags with a passion. Everything they stand for is complete shit and I want mexicans and mudshits the fuck out too.

We won the meme way faggot. Put the crack pipe down and get a job.

its only because I rather put my thought and effort into something else rather than argue with a stranger on Sup Forums about politics.

So you just post shit.

Well, at least that I can support, shithead.

I need more of her. Fuck

What?! A father should feel morally obliged to look after his 10 y/o child? How dare he!

Dude what do you expect