Is this what an average Argie looks like?

Is this what an average Argie looks like?

If so, wtf i love argentina now

>le show up only in big games footy lad look


But he's CUTE

Can't decide if I want to fuck him or want to be fucked by him desu.

Why not both?


he is like the Paki of One Direction but over 1.90 instead of manlet, and with light eyes.


As I know he has polish ancestors.

Argentinians are pretty good looking.

Better than Higuain or Ozil who fail big matches

Are dutch men that ugly? That's a 6/10, at most.

Rihanna wants his dick

If thats actually a 6/10 in Argentina I'm going there right now

post what you consider a 9/10

sorry but I won't post photos of myself on here



I thought you like meat rare not well done


This is like an 8/10

no that guy is definitely not 8/10 lmao


underrated post

Looks like a fuckboi who shaves his boipucci

Whats wrong with that?

thats not a sign of alphaness my man

But its convenient and looks better
