What is "Degeneracy"?

What is "Degeneracy"?

Is posting on an anime imageboard degenerate or does that get a pass because that's where Sup Forums - the bastion of non-degeneracy resides?

Everything I don't like is degeneracy



Being Canadian




Is Russia degenerate?



Degeneracy is something that can easily become harmful to a society if it is accepted as normal.

Plety of degeneracy




Your memes are old and busted.


I wonder who could be behind this post?

Fuck off spammer lefty. I'm just countering that.

>Belgian flag


fucking kike loving bitch, you are the cancer of Sup Forums


You don't know how long I've been looking for this image

>Degeneracy is something that can easily become harmful to a society if it is accepted as normal.

Is posting on an Anime Imageboard harmful to society if it is accepted as normal?

Degeneracy = not subscribing to christian morality


Because without answering the question "Who is God" you can't really understand morality as deeply as after answering that question




>Degeneracy = not subscribing to christian morality

Is posting on an anime imageboard all day about the jews and niggers subscribing to christian mortality?




> What is "Degeneracy"?
What jews and other anglo influence agents do on in the lands of their competitors = degeneracy.



Is Sup Forums degenerate





Not when you wouldn't apply some of ideas forged here in reality




>intelligence if chiefly influenced by socio-economic status

It`s a sandbox, where they watch the opinions of the different people on different subjects to build strategies against anything, that interferes with their plans.

But this is also a place to create unforeseen consequences for them.


this gave me cancer