What are you going to do when your neighborhood becomes hell on earth? How do you defend yourself?
What are you going to do when your neighborhood becomes hell on earth? How do you defend yourself?
It works both ways desu
I live in south london and loads of white hipsters are now moving down to this shithole opening coffee shops and bistros
Also, why is nobody talking about this?
They tried this in Chicago once.
I lived in Aqua (pic related) paying $2700 a month and some nigger moved in for free. Needless to say the rich people did not like this much at all and it was ended.
So maybe rich neighborhoods will find a way out. What about middle class neighborhoods?
I live in a black neighborhood, I'll be okay.
The uppity filth could use some enrichment, though.
They're fucked.
Niggers will infest, and the whites will run away. It's just how it's going to go when democrat minorities run shit.
It's all "poor little La'Trell ain't got money for dat rent".
Former Chicagofag here. I moved out of Oldtown precisely because of that reason. Too many unscrupulous, clearly impoverished characters started moving into my block and the robbery and theft rate skyrocketed. I now live in Orland Park, and even here I'm seeing more and more Section 8 housing being development. I fucking hate Chicago, man.
They already do this in a lot of places, particularly Chicago. They give Sheneequa a voucher. She rents the Trump Deluxe Suite in the millionaire district. She pays like 150 a month and the voucher will pay the remaining 2500 a month or whatever at taxpayer expense.
Shockingly, Sheneequa rarely lasts very long. She has absolutely no connections in the area, her job is usually on the other side of the city, and zoning/restrictions prevent her from housing 18 families in one building or selling shit out of it. I imagine the owner probably sells the building before there's too many Sheneequas, or evicts her for some violation.
Just realized another user posted about this.
Trump needs to win and destroy this.
Thank god, i'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck and barely affording my rent.
I hope I qualify for this program.
I've lived in a neighborhood that was 99.9% white and it happened there.
You know its bad when the one black guy comes out to his front porch looks over to you and say "niggers ruin everything my property value just plummeted 25% and the crime rate here is rocketing. Be wise and sell soon because I am and you know some little niggers are gonna move in here after me"
I just raised my coffee mug to him and said will do and left that shit hole before it was to late.
But where do you go?
You're a big country
lol did you really believe his little story?
First day on the internet?
Let me tell you about the Grifter.
I went to Kentucky in the sticks.
Best move of my life.
Orland Park was just in the news for a bunch of burglaries.
I wonder why.
Isn't it amazing when they take the niggers out of the ghetto, and they still act like ghetto trash? They're beyond saving.
for you
We are. But we have lots of dindus looking for dem programs. They destroy one neighborhood/city, then move onto the next one.
Pic related. It's called white flight.
There's at least 2 threads everyday on it
Inter racial breeding grounds, we will not have,
Crime ridden shitholes and white flight, we will
If I took off that welfare, would you die?
It would be extremely helpful.
>Two of my friends because huge SJW faggots after high school
>They're always bitching about privilege this and that while being spoiled by their parents
>Won't get jobs, got bullshit degrees, won't move out
>Tried to convince them to get a house with me during college and they wouldn't, looking back that was a good thing
>One of them lives in a posh white neighborhood
>The other in the country
>Posh one moves to California so he can "make it big", protip his mom is paying his bills back at home
>This thing is rolling out in their neighborhood
>His liberal mom is shitting her pants about it
>It's also happening in his $3000/month apartment
>After all these years of telling them my horror stories of working retail in the ghetto and them brushing me off, now they will learn
>Posh friend has been mugged multiple times since moving and now this being piled on top is finally tearing away the SJW bullshit, he's finally fucking understanding that niggers are not your friend and do not want your help
>Country friend has section 8 housing popping up in the empty field across from him
Honestly, it's the wakeup call they needed.
>Ask his mom why it's such a big deal
>She refuses to answer, says that it's too much for her to explain
Top kek.
Reality is the true red pill.
Shit. I expected the cities to go to hell, but of course they want to fuck up rural areas too.
She got what was coming to her for even entertaining the idea of coal burning, desu
I feel you, user. I live in a fucking incredible area.
>Country town just outside of a small bustling town with everything you could ever need, and amazon for things you can't get here
>Beautiful, large apartment with cheap rent because midwest
>New neighborhoods popping up all over just outside of the town because we have a thriving community with our elementary, high school, and special ed buildings all within a block of each other
>One of every fast food place you could imagine if that's your thing
>Multiple ethnic grocery stores from the immigrants who actually assimilate and don't turn into welfare sponges
>Ever since I heard about Obongo's final stand I lose sleep at the thought of my 99% country town being taken over by hood niggers
I swear to god I have not seen one black person while shopping in the four years I've lived here. I've seen them working the fast food places, and they're all holed up in a motel a few miles outside of town, but I've never seen them shopping or even in my apartment complex.
Is this Chicago suburbs area?
Close, I live around New Haven, IN
I live in a nice part of a big metropolitan area west of the Rockies. I've thought of the Midwest or plains states for a future place to live.
Ah, my town sounds similar to your description, but mine is an hour-ish northwest of chicago. All the same problems are starting to crop up here. Recently there was a big debate throughout the town because our lefty mayor (actually a childhood family friend) decided to let a company come in and build low income housing in the center of town, right next to where all the Mexicans have taken over the only apartment complexes in town. There was a good amount of backlash over the decision, and a bunch of town hall debates about 6 months ago. Then the story went quiet for a while, until I drive past there a few weeks ago and construction crews are going ahead and building the complex as we speak.
Also the heroin problem in our county has skyrocketed in the last few years, and I've seen more and more blacks coming into the suburbs via the metra trains. I've even seen a few homeless people passing through, which is the first time I've seen that in my home town in my whole life (23 years)
He's just going to push the suburbs further out.
I drive into the city for my job but it's barely even a half hour to get there. I can think of days where I have run out the door late and got there in 15 minutes if I sped.
The midwest is amazing. I come from divorced parents so I've lived all over the place, in cities, in the middle of town, the far out country, and now I live in an outskirts kind of place. It's not too far that I can't walk places, but not so close I see signs out my bedroom window.
It's the kind of town where you can send your kid outside alone with a hundred dollar bill pinned to his shirt in the middle of the fucking night and he'll come home without a scratch on him. Fuck this stupid diversity shit, I can't believe they want to take that away.
I've always lived out and around this town, and it's about a half hour or so away from my parents. We have some Mexicans here, but they're the America-loving honest to god legal immigrant kind who sit at the bars in their MAGA hats and talk shit about the beaners that give them a bad name. My town is so goddamn nice, there's a pair of neighbors in my complex who one has a Bernie sign, and the other has a Trump sign, and they still talk to each other every day like civilized adults. I think I live in one of the last real rural towns. I think being on the highway helps.
There's actually some evidence that when you take niggers out of the ghetto and give them a job and a place to live that's surrounded by whites and Asians they do a lot better and their kids don't chimp out later in life.
The problem is you have to keep these nigs in total isolation from other nigs for it to work. They can't have Jamal from the old hood hanging around, they can't be going to BBQs with Lemon'jello and they sure as HELL cannot be hitting the club's with sheneequa on the weekends.
Basically the only way to keep them away from their old nigs is to move them very far away, like Chicago down to suburban Dallas, and they have to be active in the community through a church or civic association like Rotary or Lions. The required degree of separation and isolation makes it very difficult to scale this out enough to make a measurable dent in black degeneracy.
Bruh she saw him breaking into cars while she was walking home from a dance rehearsal and he bashed her head in with a hammer and dumped her in the creek.
She literally dindu nuffin.
The thing about blacks that I'll never understand is that being on welfare in the United States isn't that bad. No, you won't being eating like a prince and buying the latest iphone but you have a place to sleep and food your belly. A simple life isn't nessessarly a bad life.
Some of the happiest people I know work middle class jobs and adore their family. They don't bother anyone, even if they barely have enough money to raise their kids.
Black just have this idiotic and toxic culture that follows them wherever they go. Rich or poor they always fuck it up somehow. And the few nice normals ones that you rarely meet? You better believe they have at least a dozen dirtbag friends and family members that will swarm and like locusts and destroy everything.
That's what pisses me off the most.
>Aforementioned SJW friends always talking about wanting to be rich and famous
>They're spoiled to death so they get everything they want and then some
>I wasn't from a poor family, but not a rich one either, just enough to be "middle class", my parents didn't even get a flat screen TV until like 2014 or so
>Talk to them about living within their means
>I eat natural foods, nothing in a box, make my own noodles, lots of beans, veggies, and rice
>Buy meat in bulk from the butcher, chop it up into servings, freeze what I don't need
>Try to talk to them about learning the little things like how to mend your clothes, do small repairs on your car, etc etc
>Nope, they need top dollar food, Jimmy Johns and Chipotle every day, buy new clothes at the drop of a hat, spend hundreds in their parents money if the car gets a scratch, etc
They're in for a rude awakening soon enough. This shit won't last forever. Can't wait to drink their tears this November when Trump wins.
>One of them went to a Bernie rally and got his ass beat because he spat in the face of someone wearing a MAGA hat
>Now just flat out refusing to vote
This. Just like a monkey you have to keep a nog's mind occupied or it will go bananas
Happening here in Michigan too. Detroit and flint niggers moving into section 8 apartments in the middle of small farming communities. It makes me so sad.
Essentially tall poppy syndrome.
Do what all of Sup Forums will do. Hide in the woods away from all my fellow whites (while the niggers tear apart out civilization and I do nothing to stop them).
Then I hope that when they finally come for me my fantasies of being a one man army are accurate. If so I kill every black, Muslim, asian and jew singlehandedly and enjoy being the last man on earth.
White guilt is a plague. Those dumb fuckers don't realize they're being taken for a ride because they literally don't know any better.