>be me in second grade >class likes to get rowdy >everytime class gets rowdy the teacher threatens to kill an animal >one day class gets more rowdy then usual >teacher opens as filing cabinet >pulls out a living goose and a meat cleaver >what the fuck is happening.png >Teacher chops Goose's head off >there was blood everywhere >teacher began drinking the blood of the goose >Still can't eat goose to this day
Anthony Smith
The world's best bump
Jayden Baker
those inflatable wavy people they have at dealerships used to freak me out.
Levi Hill
Cooper Williams
I use to be afraid of mannequins
Charles Foster
wow what a hard life
Caleb Wood
Where do you live, Ukraine?
Adrian Murphy
I was anal raped
Jason Peterson
What the fuck country do you live in where teachers are allowed to kill animals to subdue the class? I'm gonna need some sort of citation
Isaac Perry
my first memory of life was being stabbed in the back of the head with a broken bottle when I was 4