My Dad is a Rock Star?

My Dad is a Rock Star?

More like "My Son is an Ungrateful Piece of Shit".

My show is a shit

Lol I forgot about this bullshit

ITT:Shows no one remembers

i used to watch this all the time

weird to find out sarah gadon voiced a character on it

More like my mom gives me an akward erection

itt: characters that uncomfortably remind you of yourself

the most forced opening ever

His son's name was Willy Zilla...With a name like that you better be hung like a mule.

Oh my lord, I have not even thought twice about that show since it was on air.

Also, fuck, do yall remember "Pelswick?" The wheelchair kid? Holy shit, I'm just now remembering all these forgotten Nick shows...

What about The Brothers Garcia? We LOVED that one...

The X's?
