>tfw you hover around 50% with the people who were supposed to be your core audience and get cucked by blackies anyway
Tfw you hover around 50% with the people who were supposed to be your core audience and get cucked by blackies anyway
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there anything that Trump can do to reclaim some of the black vote?
>Isn't it interesting how divided you are according to race, America?
How is it possible that beaners and niggers don't realize they are being taken advantage of if they vote Democrat?
How have they not learned?
Lol and deporting their friends and family is in their best interest?
When republishits provide a viable alternative to Democrat bullshit they'll vote for it
We need to find ways to get these niggers to start taking more of themselves out, or to get them to avoid voting.
Can we get new Jordan's released on election day? Maybe bump the release date of NBA 2k17?
No. White women want to vote for Clinton, so the black guys that fuck them will also vote for Clinton.
Good luck with that. All Democrats have to do is play videos of Trump's birtherism.
Obama has like a 95% approval rating with blacks.
Because they're not white and don't think like we do. They'll vote for whoever promises them the most gibs or for one of their own when they can. They don't give a shit about all complex issues things most whites do.
>implying niggers actually educate themselves before they vote
Why do you think Reddit has it's huge meltdown?
Wait for the complete landslide 2020.
Politics is tribal.
do we need a thread every time a pollster has a bowel movement?
The election isn't for months and the Dem primary isn't over.
Trump needs about 65% of the white vote to win.
Do your part. Kill a white communist before November.
Democrats promise them handouts
And cucks like this emphasize the nigger logic that the only way to best handouts is with more handouts, this is literally what niggers think. Take a look at any African country including South Africa
The white vote is the only vote that matters.
Clinton was the one who started the birther movement.
>muh dick
Shouldn't you be putting out the fires, Trudeau?
How do we fix it? Is it even possible?
You didn't think this through, did you? If you kill white people, then the percentage of them he'll need to win is going up, not down, and it won't change the outcome--blacks and spics will get even more powerful. You have to kill blacks and spics for your strategy to work.
52% + 33% 85% white
49% + 32% 81% white
48% + 37% 85% white
Where's the rest of the people?
Why does the black vote even matter? Aren't blacks only like 12% of the American population? If anything, he needs to work on getting some of the latino vote.
He'll win the Nigger vote, once they see how swag & dope the Man really is.
shut up, jose
>Ohio is 80% white
>49% of that demographic and 14% of the minority demographic brings Trump to a total popular vote of about 50%
>Hilary has 40% in total
Wow look, it's nothing. Someone do the math for Florida and PA.
Pic is from 2012, dumfuk
>all hispanics and blacks are directly related to illegal immigrants
>anything more than a small minority
Liberals showing their true colors. When will you admit the only reason you virtue signal to minorities is because you desperately want BBC?
>Barack Obama
>Mitt Romney
Nice try, kike.
>How do we fix it? Is it even possible?
You'll never be able to get nonwhites to vote for anything other than free shit.
you are so fucking retarded that it hurts. time to finally pull the trigger and end your life.
>deporting their friends and family is in their best interest?
It is for blacks who have to compete for the lower wages illegals working under the table bring.
I saw the numbers for Trump... They're worse
If Bern victim was part of the question then he should be included in the poll. He is not therefore the question must have been Trump ot Clinton. There is not even an undecided or abstain.
I'm not falling for your jewish tricks
You niggas are just pretending to be dumb right
yes, read some quotes from one of Hillary's heroes like Maragaret Sanger
though the numbers aren't the same, they are pretty much what is happening with trump/clinton
Look above the numbers.
100 white people and 50 niggers for a total of 150 total people.
Niggers represent 33% of the electorate.
Trump needs to win 65 whites and 10 niggers to win the election. (65% total white)
user kills 30 of the 35 other whites. (30 % total)
There are 70 whites and 50 niggers left.
Niggers now represent 40% of the electorate and have gained more power
Trump loses the election even harder.
I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat.
The better question is why whites vote against their own self-interest.
>wahh all whites should be le conservative alt-right memespouting faggots like myself
The your a nerves liberal posting on an image board to self sooth
White guilt
The myth of the noble savage
Not voting. A lot of Americans are lazy assholes who don't vote.
So he's poling lowing with a smaller demographic this needs legitimate numbers to it to be meaningful otherwise it's saying that the black to white ratio is 50:50 which its not
Absolutely this.
Nice catch.
His minority numbers are actually pretty good for a republican
Because they're beaners and niggers
Release a rap video.
Why is the German speaking more sense than most of the people in my damn country.
> trump getting Latinos to vote for him
>Just moved to California for work.
> Don't say shit about politics but MAGA as fuck
>all the beans at my work love trump and hate illegals
Feels good man
Legal Latinos fucking hate illegals you dumbfuck
>Clinton was the one who started the birther movement
And isn't that just the fucking point too.
She's ridiculous.
Do they really? Why?
The only reason you are in this situation is because of treasonous shitskin loving republicans.
Once upon a time 50 years ago blacks basically couldn't vote
Once upon a time 50 years ago the asians and beaners weren't in the country
These traitors created their problem, and you want to make it worse with pandering to shitskins?
Let Trump lose, then we can talk about violence.
no party support e blacks
Im legal and i dont like illegals cuz theyre parasites and will always shit on whites and the country that hosts them
Her only way of getting in is with the minority Cote
Nigs love Clinton.
Im latino and worked with Paisas before.
I used to think it was "racist" when people called them lazy but now I see where it's coming from.
They like to boast about how hard they work and how many hours they work but if you ever watch them all they do is drag their feet, take constant breaks, and come to work drunk.
Disgusting terrible people.
When Trump said they don't send their best he really knew what he was talking about
There are Hispanic families who have been Americans longer than a lot of white ones here.
How much of this "Mexicans who know that illegals makes things worse overall for work thing" true? Maybe my sample size of people I'm seeing is a bit on the retard size since I live in SF
People have in group preference, when push comes to shove they side with their own.
Although "fucking wetback" is not an uncommon statement from tejanos here.
We have to buy the clergy and the unions. If Trump succeeds with killing NAFTA and TPP the unions become a part of the Republican coalition and brings millions of Northern and Midwestern dindus with them, maybe hitting as high as 35-40%.
I don't know how to win black clergy.
It's maybe like 10% true
Just like this idea of there being "good blacks"
Im black and im sick of my race. Dont let liberals fool you into thinking theres a difference between blacks and niggers, because theres not.
We as blacks, dont belong in a complex environment like the usa. Our small brains are better designed for africa, our homeland. Africa, a place free of racism and somewhere that gives us the opportunity to compete in the work force.
Whites, hispanics, and asians have ever right to cleanse the blacks for their own good. Put them and me out of our misery, so your people can live in harmony.
I keep telling you crackers he isn't going to win but you won't listen.
Keep Trump posting though, it's just feeding the people who constantly humiliate you in your own threads
Impose tax on cotton imports.
Ohio is 83% white
Suppose there are 100,000 voters
83,000 are white
17,000 are non-white
White voters are split 40,670 for Trump and 26,560 for Hillary
Nonwhites are split 2,380 for Trump and 10,710 for Hillary.
Trump wins
Reinstate slavery.
also take into consideration that Trump is losing with female voters 65-35, and the fact that female white voters are the largest voting bloc in the U.S
That's not how data works. Those women are already included in the data above. There is no progressive stack in counting votes.
No but minorities hardly vote anyway so it won't matter much.
>all those filthy nigger apes voting for Hillary when Bernie was the one getting his ass kicked so the ungrateful pea-brained shitskin monkeys could get the right to vote
Lol you're Mexican
Ok whitey
This is how cucked whites are
>get arrested for a people's rights
>they still don't support you
They're incapable of forward thinking.
Because Germany can statistical averages and prorate.