>live in country southen ontario town
>not a single "minority" in my town
>work retail and literally everyone that comes in is white and has many blonde blue eyed white babies
>so many whites and promising future

Anyone else in here live in an all white town?

Other urls found in this thread:



>everyone that comes in is white and has many blonde blue eyed white babies

On my way!!

My white wife has a big bubble booty like your pic. I love burying my face in it.


Most of the big cities in southern ontario are liberal brown cucktopias but most of the small towns are filled with based whites. We are basically western new yorkers / eastern michigan, almost no difference in culture

Briella bounce

I'm there. Blonde girls have the softest palest skin!

Based serbia. It is not as common in north america. But please dont ever change

And yet somehow Canuckistanis are still overwhelmed by white guilt...

>that ass
The implants are so obvious.

I used to, then the Mexicans moved in. Ignore the flag, am from Northern NJ. Gonna have to Maine or something if Trump doesn't live up to his end of the bargain.

When I was in school not to long ago it was nearly all white save a token Fillipino or African-American. Now the classes are 90% Hispanic in Elementary schools.

Don't worry, equal opportunity housing programs will fix your white problem in no time!

thanks. i'm outta this thread.

Romanians visit every Wednesday to beg and steal, other than that yes.

Yes Northern Montana

>Working retail

>More focused on race then starting a real career.

Maybe if you didn't have a job where you wore a name tag you wouldn't be so depressed and look to your race (something you inherited) to have something to be proud of.

grow up kiddo.

>tfw when America is still majority white but not for long

Found the nigger

>Implying anything in ontario can be all white

I live in winnipeg, mostly natives and whites especially my area so its pretty nice.

The jewish media is so powerful that a magazine that call us the most racist city in Canada and this causes everyone to become a shabbos goy cuck in an instant

What town are you in?

Most towns in ontario with white """"people""""" are toothless redneck degenerates

So do I

Please share town name. I've been looking for a town just like this.

Im 20 years old and my retail job is just part time, i go to university for commerce and will have a well paying job in the future (hopefully)

>Live in rual West Virginia
>Completely white
>Nearest town demographics is 99.9% white


>Maybe if you didn't have a job where you wore a name tag you wouldn't be so depressed and look to your race (something you inherited) to have something to be proud of.

People who have nothing else to cling to, cling to their race as if it's an accomplishment

>Some white people were inventors and conquerors, I iz one too! We gud bois!

Lol goddammit i am OP i left my house and not on the wifi anymore i knew i should have started this thread later. How can i give proofs that i am OP

k 99.9

Middlesex county checking in, it's the sam here and it pisses me off. Specially the Indians they are the worst.

Shows how ignorant you are. Most rual areas of the US are still almost 100% white...let the huge nigger populations in detroit rot in their own filth, i'm good here

what town?

>home town is Gotha, Thüringen
>99.9% white
>can spend weeks without seeing a single shit skin
>hear local dialect than standard German most of the time.
>study in Cologne and my depression manifests itself with a vengeance.

We should of kept the wall.

look at this shill, also no verified twitter mark

delete the fake picture kid you just got rekt hard.

What is wrong with Justin Tradeau? He has the potential to be a good leader but acts like a complete retard.

if the wall was still up you wouldn't have Merkel, so you are right.

WVAfag whos lived in D.C and California.

Over 95% white here in White Sulfur Springs. Rated safest town in the state. Comfy as fuck on my 40 acres with the river acting as a moat.


very small town in upstate NY. There's a middle eastern dude that owns the corner store, but hes very assimilated, his wife is white and his daughters are hot, so its all good.

The retarded Leaf poster doesn't know what he's talking about...
You will never be Australian but keep shitposting

PEI checking in. Haven't see a nigger of any kind in almost 4 years unless at the airport or Chtown in the summer.

>Anyone else in here live in an all white town?

i used to until about 3 or 4 years ago.

since then, there have been a plague of petty thefts from convenient stores (blacks), a home invasion (blacks), several car break-ins (blacks or unknown identities), kids arrested for bringing a gun to the playground (blacks) and the basketball nets that kids have played on for over twenty years had to be torn down because of bullies (blacks), fighting (blacks vs whites), and vandalism (blacks).

up until maybe 3 or 4 years ago, i never once saw a black person in my neighborhood. now there are two or three homes for sale on every block.
the white-flight has begun. it won't be long until i'll be forced to move too. the house next door and across the street are both for sale. i've lived here for 30 years.

What town OP
I also live in an all white rural Southern Ontario town

Yes unsurprisingly

I do, but we have a few arabs/indians, but they're all doctors and rich as fuck

Lol Sup Forums BTFO

Shut the fuck up american, the entire idea that aus or canada are * shit posters * is an idea perpetuated entirely by the fact americans are the majority poster.
This is also evident in how despite massive evidence pointing to u.s.a being the most cucked nation- it is pushed aside in a pitifully obvious manner as the americans then try to return to talking about sweden or whoever in an inferior manner.

U.S.A is the most cucked
Obligatory Hitler speech declaring war on u.s.a and going into detail why U.S.A is the Eternal Jew

>U.S.A is the most cucked

Nice shitposting buddy :^)

lemme guess, orangeville?

>tfw you grew up in Toronto and will never experience white paradise

No clue which part of the city your in, but take a trip through downtown at literally any time of the day and you'll see five shit skins for every white person. Don't even get me started on the service industry, reason I hardly ever eat out these days not even for coffee.

>go visit grandparents in Calgary
>go to where we use to live (NE)
>everyone is either black or brown
what the FUCK happened

In what world do you think you're not being obliterated right now.
Tit for tat, U.S.A loses everytime in the cuck department.
Learn your place, being the majority poster is all you have to subdue the proper criticism you deserve.
A nation of 10 million like Sweden obviously has a tiny voice in comparison and hence the american perpetuated memes maintain their dominance for that reason alone.

As soon as Trump loses I can only hope the entire board turns on u.s.a as it rightfully should always.

U.S.A should be the sweden or whomever- that just gets constantly shit on.

>google search name for interest
>page 1 full of coalburning

It is a matter of quality not quantity. My city is full of degenerates who would have nothing against niggers or other non-whites if you asked them. But in the outskirts of the city lie the gypsies(non white, pakistani-like shitskins) and people are redpilled when it comes to them. Before the niggers and the rapefugee crisis, Europe only had problems with those, the gypsies(PC term: Roma people).

Spread based Colin Flaherty around liberals

you were born at the right time when the real estate market is slowly prices all the minorities out

>You wrote all that text and I didn't read a single line

>>tfw you grew up in Toronto and will never experience white paradise

toronto is one of the safest cities in Canada.

Not even in the top 50(in canada) for violent crime

unfortunately a large majority of people here rent their homes. So a house that would be home to a white family is now split by 4 shitskin families.

Bergen county here. There are less and less whites in my neighborhood by the year. Blacks and Hispanics coming in waves and driving out the Polish, Irish, Italians here. Nobody wants to live next to them so more just come in. Sad.

As a Texan: Aah!... Oh...

what does crime have to do with me not wanting every place to eat being shwarma or falafel?

Obliterated america is obliterated.
If this is your how quickly your defense runs out then you better hope Trump wins or your goodwill is going to run out.

>shwarma or falafel

But those are delicious.

Toronto is great m8, most relevant city, best food, fun as fuck.

You've never lived in a shitty middle of nowhere town where there's nothing to do but get drunk and piss yourself.

I dont like butts that big because I only have a 5 inch penis.

Anyone else in my boat?

Also I started jelquing so I can gain an inch.

Im not the one sperging out and writing paragraphs, you're shitposting all wrong.

Low test spotted

When I visited Serbia I pretty much just saw various southern slav ethnicities, zigani and for some weird reason occasional troops of asians. Can you explain to me wherew those asians come from and what they are doing there? Saw them mostly in Belgrade and Novi Sad, but also some in Cacak and Podgorize

paki/indi detected

>promising future
How deluded are you, exactly?

It would be better if it was fully white. Toronto isn't bad, but niggers, mudslimes and chinks aren't making it better.

Have you ever lived in Toronto? My entire neighborhood is fucking paki now. I barely hear english in my area.

No we have all these rich indian engineers coming and gentrifying my neighborhood, and these stupid slavshit russians are coming and jacking up the prices too.
Ruining what used to be my all white town, fuck you LBJ.

Toronto is the u.s.a of canada- full of degenerates, liberals, foreigners, jews.


Terrible isn't it fellas. And its only going to get worse with Obama's latest resettlement schemes.

I envy the time where you could keep your doors open and all that jazz.

At least based Christie is keeping out the refugee hordes. I would hate to be some Swedecuck-descendant living in New Somalia (Minnesota)

No he doesn't. If you were Canadian and had been following him since before he became a meme, you'd know.

Chinks aren't white though. Fairly bright skin, but there's something really wrong with their eyes and faces.

Toronto is cancer. All the towns around london ont are based as fuck. Theyre mostly all like ~30k 97% white. Very american culture. Thats where i was born and raised. Bramladesh (brampton) and mississauga and parts of toronto are just the fucking worst

>Toronto is the u.s.a of canada- full of degenerates, liberals, foreigners, jews

So is every relevant city.

Everything outside of Vancouver(and surrounding area) and Toronto(and surrounding area) is literally-who land.

>It would be better if it was fully white

Every major city is like this.

>Have you ever lived in Toronto?


You realize any attempt to enlarge your penis that isn't surgery doesn't work, right?

Honestly fuck indians. They drive all the white kids out of schools because they're overly competitive and they constantly throw shitty block parties that no one wants to go to except the liberal cucks.
Not to mention the smell.

you came to this thread just to shitpost...your life must be miserable

I have an average 6 inch dick and my gf has an ass like pic related.

You don't need a long dick to reach girls with big asses unless you have a huge gut or something.

Will you Toronto guys be voting for our Bernie Sanders in the next mayoral 2018 election?

London Ont has one of the highest rates of violent crime.

There is also limited jobs/industries there.


USA is pretty cucked.

First the Amerinidians cuck the first Asian settlers, then Europeans cuck the Amerindians then they cuck themselves with Africans, then they get cucked by race mixed Hispanics, and now they're watching Armenian realty about how great race mixing is.

BTFO our commonwealth.

Chinese influx most likely, but it's not as numerous. The irony: I live not far away from a Chinese mall. They are also coming to the Balkans, I've heard Bosnia has had some of those too. When I was a kid in elementary school, we used to buy stuff from a convenience store and the shopkeeper was Indonesian or something, I remember everyone being weirded out and surprised by it. She worked for a few months or so, never saw her again, and this was about 10 years ago or somewhat less.

That ass would make me cum in seconds.

You're doing exactly what I said is happening.
All you can do is try to double down on attempting influence as the Majority poster. Absolutely pathetic.

I know, i didnt mean london itself but the small towns in the surronding area. Like stratford and all the small towns between london and hamilton area. Trust me bro im from one of those small towns and whatever stats you have i can tell you this first hand because i live it.
I am also OP by the way. Left my house 5 mins after i made the thread because i didnt realize it would actually get this many replies most of my threads 404 in 15 mins. Not being on wifi changed my id

I'll vote for Doug Ford if he runs

>First the Amerinidians cuck the first Asian settlers,
the natives are the asian " settlers "
east asians who crossed the bering strait are the natives

I have seen documented blog posts of guys doing it for years.

Average gain is 1 inch in a year if you jelq consistently.

Don't get me wrong, I love the southern slavic culture and Serbia especially, but why would you ever immigrate half way around the world to a country that has all but failed?

I already showed you the proof that the county I live in is actually 100% yea you're just fact you're doing the same things SJWs do when presented with facts so now I'm convinced you're just here to shit up the thread because your life sucks.

Yeah man most of them are cool and all but Toronto is king desu

Just everything relevant is there, good place to live tbqh

Sounds like Chatham

Mah nigga

I agree bro have a few friends that go to UofT and ryerson, clubs in toronto are the best and its a fun city. Just very multicultural. Alls i wanted to get accross was not all of southern ont is cucked. Many based towns