What is the point of this non country?

What is the point of this non country?
Who should own it?

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half austria half italia

Italy? Probably france should own it


After they give Trst back to Slovenia, I agree they should surrender all their land to France and Spain.

Austria and Slovenians

Something like this.

Slovenians are good posters.

it's next to water. This is just like kalingrad oblast, the only reason it belongs to a country it logically shouldn't is because of the connection to the ocean.

you've absolutely no claim nor cultural ties to us m8

dead people can't talk

Slovenians are older than Italians and they have claim to Venecia, since they're Veneti, like us.



You should see Canada

>The name Slav first appears in the historical record in the writings of Roman historian Jordanes. He mentions one Sclavini tribe in 551, locating them between the Carpathian and the Vistula river. Sklavenoi were mentioned by the Byzantine historian Procupius in his 562 account of the Gothic Wars of 536-37. He placed them in the lower Danube region. Origins of the word ‘Slav’ proposed by Gimbutas include: From Latin sclavi, ‘slaves’, Proto-Slavic slava, ‘glory’, or slovo ’word’, ‘speech’. Gimbutas argues that the name Slovene is the true name of the entire Proto-Slavic community before its dispersion, connecting it with Polish slowien, Slovak slovien, Ukranian slovin meaning ‘flax’, the main cash crop of the ancient Scythian Ploughmen.

Find me source from this time saying "Italians". Go on, I dare you.


wrong country, m8

I personally like the theory that the Veneti belonged to an extinct branch of Indo-European language speakers with ties to Germanic and Italic languages.

by your logic the entirety of north-eastern europe would belong to finland because some roman guy happened to mention fens in some book he wrote about geography

wtf pls come and liberate us from disgusting shitalian leeches

Expansion of the Veneti/Vistula Veneti is well-documented though in various sources from different times.

Unlike Fenni/Fens.

we have only ever claimed what's rightfully ours because we're not dirty imperialists like the wops


except that nobody gives two shits about some random fucking tribes that have absolutely no connection to the modern idea of a nation state

>non-Balkan country
>ruled by Balkan country

you're making no sense

>no connection
>direct ancestor
You're clearly stupid and there is no reasoning with you.

Don't worry, Germany will be taken care of in one or two generations.

That's beautiful

and this isn't?!


The whole world would go up in arms should you attack us. Giving up land from our control to your mafia-infested corrupt brown country where Everybody still lives with their mother can only be equalled by gypsies creating their own country in the heartland of Europe. Should we ever be conquered again it will be by Germans. Pasta nigger irredentist spamming every thread with their shit "claims" on us. Taking it out on smaller countries after two abysmal performances in both world wars. You have no claim on Sud Tirol but still cry about Nizza, Savoie and Sardinia but don't hear you bully France. Your modern military history is seen as a joke and rightfully so.

To be fair, everyone lives with their mother in Slovenia too

It is not nearly half as bad as in Italy. Nowhere is it clearly stated that it doesn't count people who technically live in the same house but pay their own bills and everything and often have even a separate entrance.

why are slovakians so mad all the time?

>implying it doesn't

I think the correct name is slovonkians, but I'm not sure


wtf slovenia!

See what I wrote about the nowhere being said how data is collected.

Very funny, Venezuela (I actually had to check your flag first to make sure I accidentally didn't get it right).

>tfw I'm trapped with this shitty nation of mobsters and lazy mamaboys instead of being part of based sLOVEnia

lmao come get some sissies

>i-it's the data who is w-wrong


As I said. When you hear "living with your mom" you probably think of a loser with no job who doesn't pay his own bill. I guess there are those too. But majority of people live IN the house of their parents on their own floor, paying their own bills, having children and then they move on to a house when they have enough money.

Are you sure you could survive Slovenia's continental climate?

Can you prove it isn't? I am not sayig it is wrong I am just raising my doubts.

dude i'm just memeing i'm 20 and will probably keep living with my mom until i graduate in 2 or 3 years

He could just move to Primorska. Same climate and a lot of people even speak Italian. Olus he would have all the rights of an official minority.

ITT: butthurt slovenians
the time will come for you, and for those who'll oppose us

can you prove that God isn't real?

checkmate atheists

they're just jealous because we have cooler mountains

The entire coast has been majority Italian. By your reasoning, you should only have gotten the hinterland, but it looks like ethnic cleansing goes a long way.
Shame we didn't do the same to Slovenians on our side of the border.

>but it looks like ethnic cleansing goes a long way.

If only we'd have ethnically cleansed you then you wouldn't have run off to Trst in your tens of thousands along with most of the historical artwork of North Istria.

>tfw only country that encompasses the whole alpine range

why are we so great lads?

I used to love slovenia until i discovered slovenians are smug cunts
Now i hate slovenia

"slovenia" doesn't deserve to exist and as an European citizen I'm afraid to share a citizenship with such a non-country. That's pretty much all I have to say about it, it's the only one "country" in the world I actually despise. I'm not seeking for answers or a dialogue or anything, their "flag" is actually the only flag I filter here.

I used to love italy until i discovered what a smug cunt D'Annunzio was
Now i want to remove bresaola

that's about what you'd expect from a non-ethnicity that was forcibly and artificially created from a dozen ethnocides

the attempted ethnocide of Slovenians was one of those, but unlike with the other 'Italians', you failed here.

never 4get chaplain Martin Čedermac

can't we all be friends? Remember: we are european brothers

>sl*venian greatest pride
>even on their own flag
>not even 3000 m tall

embarassing, such a joke of a country

Make it an autonomus libertarian paradise with lax canabis laws.

jugoslavian commie gyppos come from india and eat children you know

you do NOT make fun of Triglav

Triglav is sacred to Slovenians. Every Slovene is said to have to ascend Triglav at least once in their life in order to be considered a 'true' Slovene. The Slovenian minority in Hungary keeps a piece of Triglav in their largest village as a reminder of their heritage.

>an Italian calling another nation brown

Giuseppe, I...

>worshipping mountainlets

how low can you get

Slovenians are so easy to bully

More than half of all Euro countries are non-countries.
The only reason why Europe looks the way it is today is because ethnic groups comprised of like 600 people max wanted their own clay.

What's a non-country for you



Slovenes are Croats that lack national awareness. All of Slovenia should be Croatian. Trieste should also be given to Croats and probably all of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region as the Italians don't deserve shit.

A country that loses a war to Ethiopia and Greece would be a prime example.

I'm ok with this. Pick up Albania too.

>Who should own it?

Us. And Triest, too.

how can slovenian women even resist?

There is no such thing as Croats. Croats are onomastically, toponymically and linguistically identical to Serbs and Bosniaks. At most you can speak of a Serbocroatian ethnicity, but Croatian is merely a nationality and not an ethnicity to itself.

Trst je nas

trieste è nas! NAS!


Austria belongs to actual Germany anyway

Austrians owned jack shit. It was all in the hands of one inbred family

I will go to bed tonight praying for Etna and Vesuvio to erupt.

>Little to no influence, culturally/politically/economically etc.
>Military that can't really defend itself if actually gone to war; has to rely on allies
>Extremely small population in comparison to its neighbors
>comprised majorly of another ethnic group

Non-countries include:
>Pretty much every Balkan
>B E L A R U S E

Lmao butthurt slavs
>we wuz veneti and sheeit
You were and still are nothing but sciavi

>all these buttblasted slavs


>Little to no influence, culturally/politically/economically etc.

Žižek; the world's no. 1 trophy wife

>Military that can't really defend itself if actually gone to war; has to rely on allies

literally defeated the entire Yugoslav army in 10 days

>Extremely small population in comparison to its neighbors

Slovenia's population is not extremely small compared to Austria's, Croatia's or Hungary's.

>comprised majorly of another ethnic group

Slovenia is 88% Slovene

But Fabrizio, we WERE the Austrians.

Friendly reminder to all Italians that in the upcoming war Serbia is your natural ally and will help you deal with C*oat & S*ovene scum.

You dagos have been roleplaying imperialism/colonialism for centuries and kept failing at it. You'll never conquer anything.

>literally defeated the entire Yugoslav army in 10 days
lol no

no, croatia, YOU are the dago


This is a monument that stands in the middle of Ljubljana as a symbol of Slovenia having control of Primorska and access to the sea now and forever, goombas be damned!


>anglos bully us
>french bully us
>germans bully us
>nordics bully us
>poles bully us
>hungarians bully us
>slovenians and croats bully us
>constantly made fun of in every culture
>considered mommaboys by everyone
>thousands of offensive namecalling like makaronis, pizzaboys etc etc
>hollywood depicts us as criminals
>international media depicts us as lazy and disorganized


>>hollywood depicts us as criminals
thats italian americans
basically MUH ANCESTRY autists, not real italians

Just bully them back

A shaddapa you face!

stop being such a fucking queeah

No, I have feelings too! They think it's cool to constantly make fun of us just because somehow offending italians is normal.
If you offend anyone else then it's bad, but when you banter italians you get a free pass. Enough! This has to stop, we are the most bullied nation on earth, I don't know why they think it's acceptable to deride us, but they should have some dignity. I'm tired of being mocked because they think it's just funny memes, I'd like to see you motherfuckers to be constatly picked by bullies.
Reality is that the whole fucking world is jealous of us so they decided to unite and attack us in this vicious manner. Well, fuck them then, I stand on the moral highground!

go home and get yer fuckin shinebox


America is the most bullied country

Well if you didn't support nazis there wouldn't be a problem in the first place. Yes the did mostly peacefully separate before nazis wanted to recreate third reich but Slovenia would fold back if checkerboard cucks failed.

we beat you fair and square, Osmanović. The oriental, despotic Serbian mentality simply failed when faced with the democratic and decentralised European-Slovenian decision-making process, which is why won the guerilla war so decisively.