Why haven't you joined the Libertarian Party yet?
Why haven't you joined the Libertarian Party yet?
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because I'm not a disgusting Hillary supporter?
Not gonna lie, that crazy bastard has some cojones.
Give ANYONE millions of dollars & they fucking have "cojones" you retard
because I like roads
McAfee's views are actually very solid, and he himself is a certified genius. He's definitely fit to run the country, but due to his lifestyle people would probably smear him into the ground and the general public would be appalled by him.
What are you implying? He earned every cent.
It'd be hilarious if the libertarians cucked the republicans and greens cucked the democrats in the general elections preventing anyone from getting 270 in the fall.
You seem to be confused. Libertarians and the Libertarian Party despise Clinton!
McAfee is a boss.
Great! The private sector maintains some of the nicest roads around. Which is WHY you should be Libertarian!
Because I don't want to vote for someone whose entire schtick is doing a Hunter S. Thompson cosplay
typical jelly loser
McAfee may be insane but he earned every shekel he made
Jesus... These libertarian threads are so forced.
Face it Shillary shills, everyone knows you're behind these.
yeah, but no private individual or group should have control of essential means of transportation
Because libertarianism doesn't work when it doesn't enforce very strong border control
The only people in favour of free market principles are, and will always be, white people.
Libertarianism leads to the washing out of whites and therefore its own eventual destruction.
It's retarded.
National Libertarianism within a white only state, maybe.
You seem to think that Libertarians are Anarchists. In a Libertarian society, private companies would propose roads, bid on the project, and be paid either fully by the government, or in part by entities who have an interest in the road, be it the giant factory at the end of the road, or the neighborhood that it runs through. With property taxes reduced or eliminated, land owners would have money left over to pay companies to maintain flawless roads with or without government help. Roads like interstates and main highways would be maintained fully by private companies who bid on contracts with the government.
>tfw he's following me on Twitter
if it was a white only country
except that if maintinence comes from people paying companies, not the Gov't, then they can set any price level they want, whereas the Gov't votes on tax levels.
Its not much better, but I prefer the gov't because at least I vote on the people charging me.
You have to be over 18 to use this site.
Actually it is the other way around. Since the Government pays contractors, the contractors set whatever insane price they want, and the government pays it, because hey, its not their money, its tax dollars. They keep their job no matter how irresponsibly they spend.
In a free market, people can choose to not pay for the product. In a slave market, the government takes the money by force, then pays whoever lobbies them the most.
literally because of this
Really, is this the way Hill shills are trying to "sow dissent" in Sup Forums?
They can't make us like Cuntllary so they try to get burgers to vote for meme candidates with 0% chance of winning?
>because I'm not a disgusting Hillary supporter
>he doesn't understand how the electoral college works
oh gee, yes i want to show my support for a 3rd party that will most definitely lose the election and get hillary elected wow! I'd much rather have a chance at beating hillary than send a message that the libertarian party is growing
>You don't agree with my skewed view of reality, so you must be a paid shill!