Why are most Trump fags low iq white trash?
Why are most Trump fags low iq white trash?
you have to go back
Is hillary paying you enough?
Why are all Mexicans low iq subhumans?
>Mexican Intellectuals
here's your reply
It must rot you to the core every single day knowing your skin is the colour of shit.
>Bill DeWall
>why are most niggers and spics low iq shitty trash?
where the fuck is he going to go back to, he's in México you low IQ trumpnigger.
Econfag here. I could list off my life achievements which prove I'm smarter than 90%+ of Americans, but being an econfag is good enough.
I support Trump
Ive seen the citizenship test and Im also aware of the cost.
Its not all that much and the test is fuckin baby brain bullshit.
Why are there so many dumb fuck mexicans that cant figure out how to come into this country legally?
You can just wrap all your bullshit up in a tortilla and stick it up your brown ass.
says tyrone that gets shot for not following aimple commands by an officer of the law. get fucked.
you too juan. get back to work on that wall now.
To Spain, obviously Paco.
>No beaners in North America!
>Make the Aztecs, Maya, and Inca great again!
>Soccer loving, leaf blowing, bean-breaths must GTFO
says the Mexican that will get beheaded by drug cartels for not following ample commands from a drug lord.
>he think studying proves you're smart.
It just proves you're a good little boy.
lol read some more books faggot.
>economy major
Who retarded do you have to be to major in economics and support a mercantilist anti free market idiot like Trump. Oh and the baby tier calculus you learn in college mexicans here learn it in high school.
i am yet to see what cocaine looks like and have never ran into drug problems. but cops have pulled me over and the worst was a small fine.
Babby's first meme...so cute.
Dont worry jose.we will be returning your family of subhumans soon enough.
I'll just leave this here
I've got a first class degree in architecture and love him with all of my heart
whats the plateu at 120? thats me on that one test I did (don't believe it though desu probs 105-110 I think I just work harder than everyone else
Spaniards do not want those half-Mongoloid mongrels in Spain.
white trash > mexican "intellectuals"
You can't even drink the fucking water in your country Paco.
because they're american
>Mexican Intellectuals.
...and who the fuck exactly did the testing for each site you repulsive subhuman animal?
that's some bullshit
is this the local >mexican intellectuals thread?
Just like all stats from liberal retards, they are completely fabricated, then put into graph form in a pathetic attempt to convince people that they are not full of shit. I mean, you can't just make shit up and make a chart of it, can you?
The Republican party has attracted stupid and uneducated white trash for a long time. They're the party of the aristocrats and the poor people they've trained as cattle.
Because every smart person is a communist. Hence why Sup Forums bitches about college educated Marxists so much.
Quasi-fascist populism is for idiots that need to bow down to the bourgeoisie lest their cold-war era programming cause them to wince at having an independent thought.
But we dont want them here...
>The Democrat party has attracted stupid and uneducated black ghetto dwellers for a long time. They're the party of the aristocrats and the poor people they've trained as cattle.
>tfw Sup Forums
>tfw more masculine AND more intelligent than Sup Forums faggots
Nerds are literally finished.
Fucking retard
I think you'd find that most democrats are educated white people.
>Sup Forums above 90
I know right? I mean look at how well cited the sources are. A couple of paragraphs without any mention whatsoever of the type of the tests that were done on the subjects (WAIS, RPM, etc.?), not a single shred of proof that the testing actually took place, not even in the form of screen caps, absolutely zero information on how they tracked down each undertaker on a nominally anonymous website, it's fuck all.
Basically a few fedora lines coupled with an appeal to authority. Anyone with the slightest of clues about psychometrics would laugh you out of the room if you told him that any of the boards on here had an average IQ of 130-plus.
You talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded.
Tienes que regresar Paco
"Educated" because they have a bachelors from a liberal arts degree factory?
>white trash
Why does the left pretend to care about the lower class but demonizes impoverished whites?
The average IQ of Trump supporters hover around 135 - 150. Some of the smartest people out there. They carry the weight financially of this glorious country of ours.
Meanwhile the average IQ of most liberals hovers around 105.
Like Mexicans except they are just trash.
You seem upset, I didn't realize low qualitybait jpgs could trigger someone so much
You might want to check your blood pressure
>posting mages of chink cartoons
kill yourself
You're an embarrassment to the movement.
OP is Vicente Fox
people that watch anime are quite literally the most intelligent redpilled people you will ever meet.
Trumptards are as mad as ever I see.
Also, the average native nigger's IQ is roughly 70 or so, definitely not 85. Those are American nignogs who are in part white already.
Well, not all of 'em.
Fucking this, Sup Forums shouldn't be that high knowing that it'ts full of autistic redditors cucks.
>Mexican intellectuals