Feminist at Harvard fucked up
>demand an end to men's clubs at Harvard.
>School issues a policy against single-sex clubs
>no feminists are protesting because it will infringe on their God given safe space right
>“My women’s organization has been more than a social organization,” said graduating senior Whitney Anderson during the rally. “It has been a mental health respite, a place to discuss sexual assaults . . . where I became a feminist, and where I refound my voice
Feminists BTFO
>To illustrate the point, protesters held signs bearing slogans such as, “Women’s Groups Keep Women Safe,” and “Collective Punishment Is Not a Harvard Value.”
>They also chanted slogans that reverberated across the august yard, including one mantra that went, “What do we want? Female spaces! When do we want them? Now!”
Have a bump padawan
Where do they find the time for all of this nonsense? Don't they have to study?
>b-b-but that's not how I imagined equality to be!
>Collective Punishment Is Not a Harvard Value
They say this as they blame men for everything, the fucking hypocrites!
We already got a female space it's called the fucking kitchen you cunts
womens rights were a mistake
hahaha glad i'm going to a small university where we focus on edifying and increasing the accumulated wisdom of mankind rather than identity politics
This is exactly the point.
Feminism creates problems for Feminism to resist.
That's how it lives.
Most degrees are not about studying or hard knowledge anymore. Theyre about feelings and opinions, no shit. Learning how to be 'community leaders' through activism.
Half of why i quit going. Couldnt stomach it.
I got through most of my "cultural awareness" classes by thinking "how would my liberal dumbass professor answer this question?"
Keep bringing attention to your hypocrisy, regressives. This lukewarm shit where we tolerate double standards and accusations based on thin air because it doesn't majorly infringe on ability to lead happy lives has gone on for several decades too long. It's time for a real dialogue, and not your buzzword version of the word where you get to talk and other people get to be silent and listen to you and you alone, and anything else is censorship. You're doing a great job stepping on enough toes that people won't just sit idly by any longer.
I have a BA in Liberal Arts. I got through it by actively debating and discussing topics. Only a few were butthurt. Most professors were, surprisingly, very receptive to debate.
Especially an old as shit Italian English Lit professor that was getting ready to retire. He didn't give a fuck about offending anyone. After the last class he took my aside and said that this was his last class he'll ever teach, and he thinks I should be the professor to replace him.
Kinda brought a tear to my eye.
Exceptional kek.
This is rich. I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a ton of these things blow up in these professional protesters faces over the coming decade
Femnism is just a retarded yadadablabla based on contemporary events.
i've been there, but for geography
turns out the university system has a no exceptions PHD only rule
Please, it's really only the social science and journalism departments that have been infected with this disease.
The world still needs physical scientists, engineers, technicians, and businessmen. Also, if you choose your classes and your professors carefully, you can largely skirt around regressive influence. Even the bullshit diversity credit can be largely devoid of their influence depending on the class that you take.
>Wouldn't the social scientists be the experts? If the experts are backing this position, then doesn't that prove it right?
What it proves is that academia is a human institution, and is just as capable of falling victim to "feels before reals" as any other human institution.
A field is ultimately the people who make up that field. People join the social sciences and the media in order to push the regressive agenda, and the leaders in those fields see to it that they're staffed by likeminded individuals. That's how we got to this echo chamber in the social sciences. When it comes to actually defending their positions from critics using empirical evidence (where you would demonstrate that the claims made aren't just your baseless narrative), they fall apart very quickly.
No feminists are protesting?
I'm confused
How naive you are.
This is how equality works cunts. How dare they even bitch about mens clubs in the first place? Whats their fucking Problem?
>Wait a minute... I never intended that equality would affect ME
This is gold.
Damn, how could you people let the jews turn your universities into re education facilities?.
>yfw gov says "ay man, if you want equal rights you gotta get drafted too"
>yfw women finally admit they don't want equality
>yfw it finally ends
No joke, I'd cry tears of joy. I'm tired of all the bubbling anger I have of everything being spinned into a women's rights issue.
>Wants equality
>Gets mad when treated equally
Not surprised. But why do women say they are equal and just as smart as men etc etc etc but say they are marginalized? Don't they realize when women who actually bring something to the table aren't marginalized or glossed over? The only reason tumblr feminist feel this way is because they have shit ideas that people make fun of.
People still use that site?
Bullshit, you're a huge loser.
Same, I had too much shit to do in my EE classes to worry about crap like that, so I just pretended to be the biggest cuck I could.
Odds are they're students majoring in non-STEM fields, so they don't really need to study.
comma splice retard
all you have to do is show up
..and not even all of the time
this is a good way to describe it
But it's perfectly ok to send your sons right? RIGHT??? These fucking people.
That fucking sign
These people are straight out of a fucking comic strip.
>Women bitch about uni-sex shit
>Give them what they want
>They bitch because they didn't get to keep their special shit too
Wanting the cake and to eat it too
Damn I haven't thought about fark in like 10 years. Where did it say that was the source?
In OPs link.
As in, the hyperlink says "source=fark"
One of my uncles was unfortunately drafted into Vietnam and this fucking pissed me off. How fucking arrogant and disrespectful can these creatures get? Folding laundry and cleaning the house was too much for them, so they cry for equal rights but they fucking cherry pick what they want, in a perfect society most cunts would either get a backhand for being this retarded.
>unfortunately drafted
>it ain't me starts playing
OP here. Fark is a cesspit of cucks that /r/cuckold aspires to be.
True story: I once called someone a cuck on that website, and I got a response from another person saying "he may be a cuckold but at least he's not a bigot"
I'm Muslim, and I'm seriously considering moving to Saudi after I'm finished with school.
>he may be a cuckold but at least he's not a bigot
>demand an end to sexist single-sex clubs
>"Alright, we're shutting down the feminist studies clubs too since they're all-female."
"We don't want equality, we want superiority over WHITE MALES"
SJW and racist minority whining in a nutshell
>want to get into men's club
are they craving a dick this much?
>americans still have a draft for either gender
Okay but why do you still hang out there? Unless you do it to laugh at the cucks, that I can understand
>>demand an end to men's clubs at Harvard.
>>School issues a policy against single-sex clubs
>>no feminists are protesting because it will infringe on their God given safe space right
Women's suffrage was a mistake of colossal proportions.
We don't, Nigel.
it's how we rescue people
like in wwii
'membe' tha', chaps
That is all it ever was. It is all a power game, and they win most of the time.
Laugh at the cucks, basically.
If you have an account go there and call someone a cuck and see how defensive they get.
they don't have a draft fucker
Do education from Ivies mean anything anymore?
I always wonder why we ever bothered saving your asses from the krauts twice. Old and Nazi Germany would have been a better ally once it finished crushing the now pussified Yurop lands.
well yeah, of course.
>men's only clubs include organizations where future important people meet
>women's only clubs are full of psychos who were almost raped
>quints for truth
Wouldn't it be great if all the men suddenly decided to quit Harvard tomorrow out of protest. It would so fuck their budgets. Man can dream
That's why they are so jealous
>>"Alright, we're shutting down the feminist studies clubs
Men are allowed to take the class so long as they sit and listen and to not debate women's anecdotal experiences.
The regressives are going to lose all of their power over the next few years, and I expect some massive changes in the social sciences and media to follow.
They've never been popular, either with the normalfags or with the real intellectuals. People have only tolerated them up until now because they were mostly just talking in their echo chambers, and when they did act, it was in very small increments. That's changing, and with it, people are becoming more openly critical of them. Bill Clinton, Bill Maher, Steven Hawkings, Richard Dawkins... you're seeing the people that you might assume were their allies if you were seeing things from a narrow "left vs right" (fucking useless terms that really need to fall out of use) perspective abandoning them all over the place. And if you look at the comments sections on regressive articles, the comments are critical, assuming that they aren't filtered to only show things that the author likes.
>pretended to be the biggest cuck
Get your stoneage ass out of our free nations, you sandmonkey.
They've used blatant double standards and doublethink to avoid admitting even to themselves that they don't want equality in regards to things like male vs. female sexuality, censorship, what qualifies as sexist behavior, etc., even trying to redefine terms like "bigotry" as it suits them. What makes you think that this will be any different?
The collapse is not going to be initiated from the inside. It's going to come from their critics speaking up.
Don't use "women" and "feminists" interchangeably, /r9k/. If anything, women are the ones who are most likely to openly mock the stupid cunts at those protests.
professors control graduation requirements
they prpobably get extra credit
fucking mongs
Nigga you elected Trudeau lmao. Almost as bad as Londonistan.
Always hold feminists to their own standards.
Always speak up.
Feminism is such a clusterfuck. They literally have zero beleifs of any kind and are completely not even interested in feminsm.
Michelle Elliot, the woman who started Kidscape which is a child protection charity, described how feminists she encountered would defend female pedophiles.
Feminists even attended and disrupted a talk she gave because she was talking about the fact women abuse kids.
She said she has personally heard Germaine Greer defended female pedophiles.
>western women
That's how I got through my music appreciation and html classes
Quality top tier education produced that masterpiece
>best school in the US
Women are making babies or making trouble.
>Please, it's really only the social science and journalism departments that have been infected with this disease
and the university administration, and most of the dept heads in proper science too, and a fair few proper scientists
password is on first link
it explains how lefty professors decide who can graduate, then who can postgrad, professor, tenure etc
pretty funny too
what do they say when you tell them a man can make a baby in 30 seconds, but it takes a woman 9 months?
This is really fucking brutal. Why do this?
Isn't "freedom of association" a thing for these people? This is disgusting.
This so much. I am a student too and I literally have 35 hours of classes per week + a shitton of homework
How do they even find time to protest? I imagine Harvard is a good school right?
Actually, yes. Women's bodies are designed to have lots of babies, from a very young age. Since that no longer happens, in the post-industrial West, you have girls and women going insane. Hallucinating rape all the time, adopting loads of small animals as surrogate children, and swallowing antidepressants (SSRIs) like M&Ms.
Equality, like wage statistics, are a feeling.
Are there jewish or muslim male/female only organizations?
the men and women in the US military will never be equal until the pt standard are the same and women have to sign up for the draft
oh your not american... sorry...
college fags are the laughing stock of america (to the the capitalists anyways) they all went to college by getting into a bunch of debt or having their parents waste a bunch of money and all they did was party and do drugs and play video games online and protest and then they get a job at the mall or at caribou coffee and have no skills
When is a feminist not mad?
did we start feminism here in the states ? if so i'm terribly sorry
we didn't start islam though
Regardless of how feminists try to frame the term, feminism is ultimately a movement about fighting for women's rights against male oppressors.
What does the movement do when there's no male oppression of women occurring? You would hope that they would pat each other on the back and go home, but unfortunately, that's not what happened. Instead, they simply took the more bigoted aspects of the movement that came from its less intelligent members (inevitable when dealing with a movement that pits one gender or ethnic group against another), built on those, and came up with more ideas along the same lines. The end result is an extremist movement that seeks to silence and oppress men.
This movement isn't going anywhere until the target of their bigotry breaks some noses and takes their voice back.
Its not a good school, its just hard for white people to get into.
I bet you did
Noice top kek
But sadly lots of bitches can't even cook anymore either, besides being baby incubators the lot of 'em are absolutely useless
IT KEEPS FUCKING HAPPENING. Doesn't matter if its hobbies or clubs or discussion groups or anything. Women see that men are enjoying something without them and come in and fucking ruin it.
The only male space that will ever be forever free of SJW bullshit will be the gym. And that's because SJWs and libcucks don't have the dedication to start lifting.
>1.4% of the US
Harvard's law school is what they're known for. Those that attend the law school are the real harvard students.