What's next for the absolute mad man?


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What is the appeal? Someone explain.

he's funny

Eventual waning of interest in 3 years or less, followed by obscurity and then probably poverty.

He's got charasma

bretty funny


this faggot's face makes me so irrationally angry, I don't understand it. I've never even watched their videos

Hillary Clinton will bitch about him and the "alt right" at some point which will make him officially edgy and subversive. He'll experience a surge in popularity just like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh did back in the 90's when Clinton started bitching about them.

Watch the video then read the article... This is some transcendent shit.


He looks like an ugly jew

he's a pretty funny guy though. First video of his that I found entertaining was this youtube.com/watch?v=EActHOQq0bI

has anyone ever found her social media

pastebin please

saving western civilization

Actually going on a killing spree for once, after he realizes this hunk of man is considered the face of MDE by normies......


Holy fuck the personification of nu-male


Can someone tell me the story about everyone one thinking he is a school shooter?

Is it something he did himself, or?

>the guy thinks he actually supports Trump

Blows my mind, especially bc he talks so much in the article about how nothing Sam does is genuine.

He's not in the alt-right. He went to fucking Rhode Island School of Design, he had a Chastity Belt song on his show, etc. if you think he actually is youre fucked


i mean you could just look it up

theres a know your meme article about it (lol)

he got punk'd, and will be everytime theres a new shooting

i don't know how pastebin works with images so i just did an archive

people shouldn't be direct linking that shit anyway

>the guy thinks he actually supports Trump
I can never tell if people like you are actually being serious because Sam is very obviously on the right.

i make it like 15 seconds and give up everytime i open one of his videos

Doesn't matter if he is or isn't, Hillary is falling into dementia and is out to get everyone she sees as part of this elaborate conspiracy she's made up, and unfortunately Sam's in that boat. He should just ride the wave instead of fighting it, if the Hill Shills and CTR are going to give him free press why not embrace it?


based user

This is his best video, it's what turned me onto his stuff. Boston Ross is also great. If you don't like these, then don't bother with his other stuff.


no :(

Can someone make a list of recommended Sam Hyde/MDE videos?

There are a lot of different kinds of videos, so different people will probably have different taste.

I'll try to keep an eye out for good normalfag-friendly MDE videos to show people though.

Officer Maggot
College Cunts
The TedX Talk video
Gin & Piss


any vertical video


paradigm shift

ideas man

im a alien

round bread

He just embarrassed the fuck out of himself in this video by not standing up for his beliefs.

Instead of having the courage of his convictions and admitting that he wrote these things, he tried some ebin le random ironic humor and then started insulting him like some 14 year old shitposter on Sup Forums.

Really, it just clarifies who this guy's fans really are: the morons of Sup Forums who can't argue their way out of a paper bag.

you can be on the "right" and not like Hillary Clinton and still be smart, and it wouldnt surprise me if he actually voted for trump, for the goof, but Samuel J. Hyde doesn't actually support Trump or any Republican

>his beliefs.
but he's not (((alt right)))

I think you're reading into it way too much, pretty sure he was just not taking the interview seriously at all. He knows it's 100% transparent that he has no assistant, it's not like he thought he was tricking anyone.

IMG 0612

and the recent ALL LIVE MATTER video

Do you have any reasons for saying this?

Who the fuck said anything about the "alt-right?" I'm talking about the shit that he obviously wrote that the so-called journalist cuck called him out on. I agree with the shit Sam wrote but instead of opening a dialogue on that shit, he cowered like a little bitchboy and tried to play Tim Heidecker's "time to ironically make a joke out of this thing lol" card.

People who criticize Tim and lick this guy's dick are hypocritical as fuck.
So why not just go all the way and man up? Say that you wrote it, ask the guy why he thinks that it's wrong to say those kinds of things?

Yeah he only has a Twitter full of breitbart articles and espouses right wing beliefs through all his works

More totally random comedy i hope haha!

why give him anything for his article at all?

>opening a dialogue
Why would a comedian want "super srs political pundit" as part of his brand?

Sam Hyde is clearly racially aware and also aware of Jewish influence, he definitely supports Trump though probably with some reservations. But he's not like a figurehead for the "alt-right" or anti-SJWs or anything. He's a funny comedian that makes jokes that aren't pozzed and hacky. He doesn't have to be a serious political pundit.

You are one sorry, autistic bastard.

ya haha he's like totally the same as tim and eric, i bet you'd have to be so stoned to watch this stuff XD

If that's your stance, why take the interview at all? Just dodge that shit if you know it's a hit piece.

Sam Hyde maybe doesn't but (((Samuel Hydberg))) certainly does.

Simple, free advertising on buzzfeed while simultaneously trolling them.

Pretty much everyone and their dog knows Jews run Hollywood. Even the Simpsons, now a blatantly PC liberal show, made a joke about it

>So why not just go all the way and man up? Say that you wrote it, ask the guy why he thinks that it's wrong to say those kinds of things?
>engaging seriously with a fucking Buzzfeed "reporter"
Whew, lad.

he gets youtube content out of it

In his interview with Needle Drop, Sam talks a lot moer openly about his views on the world. Probably since he respects Anthony Fantano as a human being who produces thoughtful content.

I'm pretty sure he shills himself on Sup Forums. A lot of his material comes from here (or is commonly used here).

I think the school shooter meme was a way of advertising, but I have no solid evidence, and I could definitely be wrong.

Jews running Hollywood has been a totally PC joke for decades, they're proud of it and shameless about it, same with Ivy League attendance rates.

Jews USE Hollywood (and the rest of the media), that much is a bit more esoteric and what I was referring to.

That was pretty kek shitting on that buzzfeed reporter.

Sam is truly a genius on a level above everyone else, above social conventions and superficial interaction pleasantries, fully capable of speaking and seeing a situation through at its most raw truth. His IQ must be over 200 at least.

jew detected

(((jew))) detected

So, what I'm getting from this is that:

>you can't make a show about topics I don't like


They're just as fucked up as the religious extremists

What exactly do you think that term means?

It took a while to get used to his videos being over 10 minutes long. Who the fuck makes a comedy video over 3 minutes long these days? But it's very addicting and I can't believe I can watch an hour of a grown man talk about nothing.

if you watch the entire rutgers vid you pretty much know what mde is all about

ideas man as well

A text book Cucck



This. Do you even realize how futile it is to try and have an honest disscussion with a piece of shit like this?

link for ep 3 please? i can't find it

>Gamergate created the alt-right

Fucking unstoppable

is this the new filthy frank?


he's so fucking ugly

he should be on radio, not tv

No he's hot

how can something older than something be the new something

MDE cucks on damage control


can't wait until sam comes out with an indiegogo campaign and you poor losers give him your NEET bucks

low stamina


could he show his dick to some black women, or has he already done that?

You gave out so many (you)s, here's one for (you)

>willingly giving some faggot Buzzfeed """"Journalist"""" legit answers

the guy is just hitting him him up for some easy clickbait shit. he trolled him and you're just a faggot

Sam Hyde physically repulses me

I seriously can't watch his videos because I am actually disgusted by how little he takes care of himself

Fucking shave get a haircut, get contact lenses Jesus

Oh look, it's another shill thread

I cum every time I see you

You are being such a god damn silly billy right now, that is his style! It takes effort to pull that off so go back to whence you come?

His style is being a fat slob?

pretty much wat said .

Just stop alright.

his humor comes from his hatred of the people he's trying to be 'satirical' about and you can really tell. He's a manchild still stuck in his edgy teen phase

Context? Saw the video, but why her shit even in it?


not that guy but nobody on mde seems to understand how to shave or take care of themselves aside from charles

even sam's latest video he has this stupid as fuck looking goatee, facial hair that's longer in some places than others where there's any at all and not just some sparse spattering of what looks like pubes or some shit, and to top it all off a nasty ass looking bloody pus pimple right by his fucking mouth

it's hard to believe that him and the other guy don't do that shit on purpose, but then how do you shave and still retain facial hair that looks like you just hit puberty

i don't get it

he wears retarded clothes too. it's a thing he does. maybe he's trying to give off the impression that he doesn't care.

>le multiple replies autism
Kys anyday now my dude

nah he could dress way worse if he wanted too, although i kind of agree on the whole playing 'i don't care' bit because it fits with his bullshit, sort of like that retarded looking bleach job he had awhile back, but still, some of that shit he has no control over whether he likes it or not, also you can't pretend like he doesn't care when his fucking eyeglass frames are some high dollar shit, or at least look like it

>his fucking eyeglass frames are some high dollar shit
they look like wallmart tier to me, just like his old ones. they looks plastic. surprised he didn't go for a more ridiculous looking pair.

then again he seems to have some fucked up prescription, maybe he needs expensive ones.

I'm hearing Jewish voices and I like it


probably why he doesn't do contacts, aside from the glasses lending to his shitty appearance of course

bad looking people are funnier at least that is definitely part of the joke.

People like that he's basically Sup Forums and /r9k/ IRL.

Its a meme you dip