What exactly is the point of a monarchy any more?
What exactly is the point of a monarchy any more?
Good for tourism and cultural values to a country.
As a reminder of what Europe once was. Democracy is a born nation wrecker.
So countries with no monarchy have zero tourism and cultural values?
No you retard, countries with a monarchy tend to have more, monarchy add culture and tourism. Its not an on and off switch.
None, hang the entire Royal family
Found the bootlicker
Hopefully to uncuck your country once democracy goes too far
Tradition. Something pol seems to revere.
Give me one reason Democracy isn't a good thing.
>countries with a monarchy tend to have more
Like France and the US?
It's also cute you assume the entire UK tourism industry is exclusively linked to a family
But Democracies are more likely to be bootlickers lol. A Monarch is far more likely to put their foot down whilst Democratic leaders are universally cucks.
>being a butthurt gook
Have you seen the fucking state of our royal family? You think those ponces would be doing some "uncucking"?
When did I say anything that made you think that. What don't you understand about concept of added value to something?
>A Monarch is far more likely to put their foot down
Maybe 600 years ago, or in Saudi Arabia.
Because you're claiming nations with a monarchy tend to have a greater tourism industry.
I never claimed that I said that it is good for tourism. You seem to be seriously mentally handicapped user.
A referee independent of the political system can be an effective means of counterbalancing a tendency for factional spats to overwhelm national priorities.
>countries with a monarchy tend to have more
>people unironically believe people will visit a country just because they have a queen they will probably never even see
Monarchist "men" love being dominated by these Germans. They love the idea that they and their children will be subjects and that their land is actually the Queen's land and that they're merely freeholding fucking serfs. The reason we have a monarchy is because losers get off on domination. I fucking hate monarchists, they're like Pakis but white so you can't tell them apart from normal people. I fucking hate them, lads.
Theyr an extra diplomatic asset with some higher value among other monarchies.
propaganda, money laundering and corporate lobby
So we can hang people like you come the day you mongoloid republican scum try to start something
I guess the fact that Karl the Cuck was letting any darkie who wanted a piece fuck his wife was probably good for diplomacy. Maybe that's why he's friends with all the Arabs.
Why are there Dutch monarcucks? Your entire monarchy was made up because of the Napoleonic wars, you don't even have "muh history" as an excuse.
>dutchcucks had their freedom, but let the english install a monarch
Calm down, Harry. Your cripples will be the first lot swinging from the gallows.
"The monarchy is pointless!"
"...but here's a reason why we need to get rid of it!"
Lynch all republikikes
it wasn't "made up," but it definitely wasn't necessary.
the dutch had a functional republic for centuries, then got conquered by france, then allowed the english to install a constitutional monarchy.
Monarchy is good.
The Queen can tell people to fuck off that the PM can't because of political reasons. ie. that priest who said the level of Christianity in the UK was like a 3rd world country.
It's disgraceful. Monarcucks in England aren't men, but I can understand why they think they are. But Dutch monarchists are just a joke.
>Child molesting monarcucks think they're not lynching target #1
>None, hang the entire Royal family
>What exactly is the point of a monarchy any more?
it's written that's why
You should probably read up on our civil war and the conditions agreed upon afterwards
It can be, because it can be a populist redoubt.
The Dutch Republic was always a battle between statists and monarchists. Elected as stadtholder it would vary between the two.
The monarch is a descendant of the house of Orange, not the Senior house though.
Because it's stimulates the economy
What do you do op?
Yet still France has more "cultural" tourism than England
Well it does sell tabloids in England. Not sure about tourism. Will I get to meet the queen if I visit? Is she like Micky Mouse in Disneyland?
Divine right to rule.
To end it you must purge it.
Found the beaner
Your people declared they shall be slaves to a king no more 250 years ago
Yeah and that worked out great for a while. Now it kind of sucks because aristocrats run everything and there's basically noone to oppose them..
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with theblood of patriotsand tyrants.
If there are any patriots left you know what to do
Not anymore, the chink tourists went Paris and were disappointed about the lack of French. We can really talk though
Closet redcoat
Monarchies if legitimate are less prone to blackmail and can focus on long term strategy much better than a tyranny of the majority if they are truly acting in the best interests of their people (must be ethnically homogeneous for a monarchy to be legit then). Problem for England is that your (well, suppose 'our') monarchy has been illegitimate since 1812 thus fully subverted and blackmailed by bankers and criminals running the state.
>Monos (One) Archeia (rule)
>British monarch don't rule alone
>Therefore Britain isn't a monarchy
Her troops alone could crush Islam yet she watches her Kingdom crumble. And her people sitting on the sidelines being forced to serve Islam. The Queen is weak. England needs balls right now. I think the Queen and people should ask help from their enemy, the IRA! They are the only force that have guns. Fucking give them what they want and ask for their help. Every day cost more lives for the solution. I haven't seen one '' demonstration where British were kicking Iams ass. WTF IS WRONG with you people? Ever since this Queen knighted a known homosexual England seems to be under a curse. Only blood will lift such an abomination.