>People here are literally voting for a man who says he wants to get rid of all the muslims
Are you serious? Do you know how much more radicalism and terrorism doing that will cause as a backlash?
>People here are literally voting for a man who says he wants to get rid of all the muslims
Are you serious? Do you know how much more radicalism and terrorism doing that will cause as a backlash?
Other urls found in this thread:
Go back to Starbucks Achmed, you've got to attend your online classes for Liberal Studies
And letting them in also causes terrorism.
>Don't you get it?! Isis WANTS you to defend yourselves.
Go lick a toilet brush, you commie cunt
Consider the following:
>man runs on platform to remove landmines
>critics complain
>"landmines might blow up if we try to remove them"
>"landmines are our fault to begin with"
>"they don't blow up if you don't mess with them"
"Landmines are an object of Peace"
Everywhere they go they bomb and kill
They never integrate
They never accept those different from them when they are no longer minorities
They don't care.
Trumptards are children and want instant gratification.
Absolutely short sighted
Muslims are so peaceful,
Don't slander them,
Or they get upset and blow you up
last I recall punks/anarchists/anti fascists were heavily against christianity
why the double standard?
>he wants to get rid of all the muslims
Short-sighted is ignoring demographic issues such as fertility and migration. Short-sighted is wanting peace now instead of the preservation of civilization in the long run.
>Do you know how much more radicalism and terrorism doing that will cause as a backlash?
that's a good thing
the more we agitate non whites, the more aggressive they become.
once we hit the tipping point and whites are sick of dealing with non white's shit, the culling begins.
we simply need to false flag nonwhites into attacking so that we can have the moral high ground when we wipe them off this planet.
The truth hurts,and Trump doesn't give a fuck about your feels.
Because they see it as "white".
This analogy would work if running on a platform to remove landmines created new landmines where none existed before.
Right now, most Muslims in America aren't blowing themselves up or otherwise terrorizing us. With Trump's rhetoric, many of them might very well change, and they'll be able to justify it as "self-defense"
THIS is why it is dangerous, not because it's "islamophobic" or "hurts peoples feelings". Trump can say whatever he wants. You just have to realize that he is giving them an "excuse" to blow themselves up.
How come OP never cares about the racist Apartheid state of isreal and their border walls(that are not on a border) that wrap around Jewish only settlements in Palestine?
Would they get kicked form UNI?
The real punks and anarchists are all dead, the only thing left is liberals who disdain being called liberals.
>With Trump's rhetoric, many of them might very well change, and they'll be able to justify it as "self-defense"
"Don't call us names, we'll fucking kill you!"
Sounds like something I hear from teenagers named Dylan and Eric.
Do you always talk like you're in a movie?
They're just as much against one religion as another itself.
What they aren't against is FOLLOWERS of a religion, at least not because of the religion they follow itself. They dislike a whole lot of people, but not for any reason relating to what they believe.
What they are heavily against is people discriminating based on their religion. Almost nobody in the west is discriminating against Christians in any real capacity. Many, many people are discriminating against Muslims for no reason beyond their religion. This is what they are against.
You shut your whore mouth. All the allah ackbars thet want to blow themselves up are gonna do it anyways. Are you so dense that wou think words are gonna make some clown blow himself up,that wasn't gonna already blow himself up?
Nigger please.
In genetics one differentiates between 'ultimate' and 'proximate' causes. Ultimate being the genetic imperative, proximate being the resulting biological mechanisms.
One proximate cause might be Trump, but the ultimate cause is the Quran which teaches people that Jihad is an answer to their problems. If you don't remove the ultimate cause, you will never stop terrorism. There will always be reasons why people go astray. As long as violence is provided as an acceptable answer to their problems by their holy book and their preachers, they will go that way.
lol I don't know why I'm laughing so much with this
He's a jew lover, of course he hates muslims. But it's inevitable that he's going to pull a "some of my best friends are muslims, so obviously I'm not a racist..." speech eventually to get moar votes, and your butthurt will be glorious.
Writing isn't the same as talking.
I know english is your second language so i'll let you off the hook this time.
Off the hook for what?
>Islamics killing people all over the world (including today)
>This will go on indefinatly
>Not wanting to temporarily stop, take stock of the situation and look into Islam to see whats going on
>Seeing the problem implementing the solution and opening immigration from Islamic countries again
Tell me what is wrong with this
being a massive pseudo intellectual bell end
Nah I agree i take it back
With luck, the west will enter a golden age of insulation (not isolation) from the uncivilised and barbaric muslim countries and peoples.
This new age will be characterised as "minding our own business".
>trump supporters also flip flop.
Like to emulate you false prophet I see.
Nothing pseudo-intellectual about it
Except you're making it sound a lot tamer than it really is.
Think about what the United States means to people in other countries, particularly in developing nations. It is the Land of Opportunity, somewhere anyone can go and, if they work hard enough, they can make it.
Now, we have someone who has a very good shot at becoming our country's next leader basically saying, nah, fuck that, we don't want anyone who believes in a different version of my God.
There are plenty of bad Muslims, don't get me wrong, but plenty of them are also good. We need to let the good ones in, not just keep all of them out. The same goes for literally any group of people. Donald has apparently reached this conclusion with Mexicans (people can immigrate legally but not illegally, which is just fucking obvious), but not with Muslims.
This is basically sending a message to Muslims: even the good, productive members of society here are worthless just because of the religion they were raised with. This will increase racial profiling (because in the retarded south, people think brown + not mexican = muslim), and just cause a divide to grow bigger than it already is. There will be hateful acts on, say, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs just because they look similar to Middle Easterners. Plus the hateful acts on people who happen to be Muslim, or even just raised Muslim and are now atheists, who really don't do anything wrong and actually benefit our country
Then take into consideration how much of a reach ISIS's propaganda has on social media. They are already working on radicalizing moderate Muslims. With Donald, they have an enemy to point to. It's wrong, but they do. They can say: "look at all the white Christians who support a guy who thinks you're worthless because of your beliefs. We need to fight back."
So yeah, when you take everything into consideration, it's way fucking bigger than "calling people names"
make a fucking effort
Literally the worst people ever
In-case you hadnt noticed, radicalisation of muslims is a growing trend that started with the Islamic revolutions of the 1970s.
Will Trumps words and actions cause it to grow faster than it is already growing? 5% faster, 10% faster? It's hard to say.
What can be said though, is that a policy of insulation of America, from muslim aggression, is probably the right strategy given the fact that radicalism is growing unchecked in the middle east (and other parts) with or without the presence or actions of the west.
t. Mehmet
This rationale doesn't work. In Europe, people used to kill each other because of differences in Christianity, fuck remember learning about the 30 years' war?
Applying your logic, that would mean that the Bible was the 'ultimate cause.' Except the Bible is still around, but these people aren't killing each other all the time anymore.
The world is more nuanced than just "it has to be religion's fault." Look at the political climate of most Muslim countries and then try to say that Islam is the reason they're fucked up. No, the reason is far more nuanced than that, and the countries would be just as fucked if they were Buddhist or Jewish or some shit.
Explain how people decide to blow themselves up? Just randomly? Without any words being involved?
>inb4 "muh islam"
Islam has been stored in the Quran which has words in it you fuckbrain.
Eat a fucking dick you traitor, people like you are why innocents get butchered like cattle.
America didn't accept non-European immigrants until 1965. The last 60 years have somehow tricked all of the citizens into thinking that we've always welcomed immigrants of any background. We let the Chinese come build our railroads and then kicked them out because we didn't like their slanty little eyes.
hol up
bombs internally
you sayin
beheads an infidel
if we keep out mudslime
rapes a 9 year old
dey might be mad?
crucifies a priest
>Christians are SO evil at mean look at what they did 400 years ago
I know it all seems weird to your limp wrists and it scares you, so you try to take the bullies side to save yourself, you're a liability.
>when you lose an argument and can only resort to calling someone another race because that's apparently supposed to be insulting to them
Women wearing hijabs also mean the Islam terrorists win
Oh wait you can't because your point has no premise in reality.
>Getting this triggered
>Using the "You name call, you lose" argument
Because the Reconquista wasn't a thing.
Fucking kill yourself you uninformed faggot.
Yes they did, you fucking idiot. Africans, Mexicans and Chinese all came to the US long before 1965.
>be nice to us or we will kill you
>It is the Land of Opportunity, somewhere anyone can go and, if they work hard enough, they can make it.
That's been falsehood since the 70's, most of the U.S. lives in 3rd world conditions as it is.
>There will be hateful acts on, say, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs just because they look similar to Middle Easterners. Plus the hateful acts on people who happen to be Muslim, or even just raised Muslim and are now atheists, who really don't do anything wrong and actually benefit our country
Correction: there WERE hateful acts on anyone remotely brown-looking. After 9/11.
Since then, nobody gave a shit.
Conclusion: Hate acts occur after terrorist attacks
Solution: Keep terrorists off of our soil.
>With Donald, they have an enemy to point to.
They've been pointing to the west since the 70's, the Radicals hatred for America has always been there, you'd have to have been blind not to see it.
The Immigration Act of 1924, or Johnson–Reed Act, including the National Origins Act, and Asian Exclusion Act (Pub.L. 68–139, 43 Stat. 153, enacted May 26, 1924), was a United States federal law that limited the annual number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, down from the 3% cap set by the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, according to the Census of 1890. It superseded the 1921 Emergency Quota Act. The law was primarily aimed at further restricting immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans.[1] In addition, it severely restricted the immigration of Africans and outright banned the immigration of Arabs and Asians. According to the U.S. Department of State Office of the Historian the purpose of the act was "to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity"
It's not first generation Muslims that are the problem, it's every generation following after.
Uh... nice haiku?
The Western World has moved away from Christianity. The most influential ideas are not Christian, they are enlightenment ideas. It varies from place to place, but even in the most Christian nations, Christianity is sharing the place with Enlightenment values. The growth of the Enlightenment happened to a large extent because it was allowed by Christianity, sometimes Christians were even its foremost advocates. Islam is not the same as Christianity. Islam tolerates nothing besides itself. It includes Sharia, a total set of rules for the governance of society. It's a different religion, that has much less tolerance for foreign ideas. There's a reason why liberalism and Enlightenment has had such a hard time in the Middle East, and always had to come with the jackboot instead of the writer.
Exactly my point.
Christians aren't inherently evil, but if you apply the same sort of logic you do to Muslims, only 400 years ago, you'd come to the conclusion that they were.
The problem isn't the religion. There's a whole lot of other problems. Religion is just an excuse that some idiots use to gain political or financial power, brainwashing armies of radicals into following them because they think theres some god who wants them to fight for him.
when it gets to ad hominems its basically a forfeit for the shit flinger
For that matter, let's look at "tolerant" European countries. They've practically bent over backward trying to make these people like them, what do they get? Rapes, murders, no-go zones, bombings, killings, etc.
Hell, we've been FUNDING the Saudi regime and they have connections to 9/11 AND funding extremist factions.
They will fuck us over wither way, and the entire Western world has been lying to itself saying that these people will civilize as soon as they set foot on our soil.
Nah, it wasn't the "you name call, you lose" argument
It was the "you don't make any argument, you lose" argument.
If you have an argument to make, I'll hear you out. If you don't, then you've lost in my book.
>The problem isn't the religion
yes, it is, they regard mohammed as their perfect example to follow
Mohammed, most perfect example for ALL Muslims, was a warlord who led over 25 military campaigns (and ordered around 100), he took slaves and booty in battle, he personally ordered the beheading of over 800 men in one day, he raped a child, he had political opponents tortured to death(sometimes over money) en.wikipedia.org
Jesus, most perfect example for ALL Christians, was not a warlord, led no campaigns(ordered no campaigns either), took no slaves or booty, beheaded no one, raped no children or adults, had no one tortured
The difference is we evolved from the Dark Ages.
They didn't.
Wow. Sounds like we have a bunch of fickle people who can be easily influenced to become terrorists. We should probably get rid of them
Speaking fro the UKs point of view. The 1st gen muslim immigrants did not have a closed-community/ghetto/state-within-a-state to plug into when they arrived. So they mostly just went about their work.. earning some money, sending some home, grateful for heath, housing, and law and order, and even a right to vote.
Subsequent generations, and newly arrived 1st gen muslims today, get to slot straight into a self-imposed state-within-a-state, with defacto sharia law, honour killing, FGM, election fraud, etc etc.
This is why 100% of our suicide bombers in the UK are 2nd or even 3rd generation immigrant muslims, and why a lot of the new arrivals are also slotting straight into a community which makes it easy to radicalise them.
Really people should stop looking to our government to solve this problem, because they dont have a working strategy. If there is to be a "fix" it will have to be outside the realms of government and the police.
Wow, so you're telling me that there was no immigration to the US before these laws in the 1920s were passed?
Black American voting for Trump here.
Fuck what America means to the poor third worlders; they are not our concern.
The tenants of Islam stand in direct opposition to American values such as the separation of church and state, and equality under law.
I do not hold it against anyone to be raised in a religion, but I do hold it against them for remaining in the faith.
>but the punishment for leaving Islam is death!
I don't buy for a second the claim that thoughts have no influence on actions, because that's basically what you are saying. Islam is a terrible influence on people all across the world It makes them treat women like garbage, other religions like subhumans, glorifies suicidial violence, is anti-scientific and intolerant in the extreme. All this follows from the fact that islam claims to be 1. the LITERAL word of God, 2. the FINAL word of God about the world, and that 3. its prophet was a warlord who conquered his enemies and continually spoke of the glory and holyness of waging holy war.
The idea that these thoughts have no influence on people's actions, despite the fact that they continually claim that this is the precise reason that they commit violence, is preposterous.
Not an argument
Why do they call terrorists radicala when they are simply espousing the beliefs of true Islam?
>Do you know how much more radicalism and terrorism doing that will cause as a backlash?
And this is why he will go to the families.
The 30 Years' war was long after the Middle Ages.
Furthermore, their religion is currently the same age as Christianity was at that point, so according to your logic, they haven't had the time to.
It's like a 20 year old saying to a 10 year old, "why haven't you graduated from high school?"
The Reconquista was a war of liberation, not a conquest or war of aggression that the Muslim Conquests and Crusades were.
Or you can just treat them like human beings and fewer of them will be inclined to become terrorists?
Terrorism can only be found where Jihadists are
Therefore, keep them out. 500 year ban on Muslims.
So? The reconquista was completely legit. If you thinks the contrary, you are clearly an ignorant imbecile.
>No background checks
Don't care, its better if we can shoot mudslimes at the gate than heal people who get bombed.
How's this for a reply: You're a traitor and you are wrong.
Know what else is funny? You'll be one of the first ones lined up and shot when the patriots retake our country from you and your Leftist disease. Fuck off.
Alright name the lastest war that had Christianity as the main cause
Now name the last time a war was caused by Islam
>Protip it's now
Naw man, Islam is the religion of peace, there's no way they'd turn aggressive just because we want their terrorists out of our country
>1 post by this ID
Sage and move on
> s-seriously guys, theyll literally kill us if we try to stop them from killing us
Im a registered democrat and 2008 obama voter who will vote trump with a smile on my face. Go flush yourself down a toilet.
All it will do is expose their true nature
>truly the religion of peace
>Do you know how much more radicalism and terrorism doing that will cause as a backlash?
Not in the USA because they will be gone.
Good, it will give us the moral impetus to begin cleansing the Muslim infection on this planet.
Islam is a plague and deserves to be eradicated like one.
Which is more likely to drive a population to extremism:
A) Bombing their countries, resulting in mass civilian casualties, or
B) Realizing that a certain demographic commits the vast majority of terror attacks, and restricting immigration of said problem demographic?
Would you be worried about the same thing if he wanted to deport all Atheists and Christians?
How about another religion of of peace, Would we be under threat of terrorist attacks if he threatened to deport all Buddhists?
Islam has absolutely no place in the world and should but cut out outright like a cancerous tumor.
Quoted for emphasis