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That snowball would hardly bother a lion. The fact that they have to live in freezing tempatures might though.
they're lucky they didn't get eaten
referring to the lions btw
even their fucking lions and tigers have slant eyes what the fuck
sad that they built wall 2k years ago
first best
>this makes someone not a human
looks quite funny desu
only a snowball
Chinks aren't evil, they are apathetic organisms which is even worse than evil.
Racism only exists as it does because of ignorance.
To you, every other race looks the same. One ching chong peepee on your chode? Well obviously they're all going to do that since they all look the same to you. When Billy comes up and steals your pizza and pulls down your pants and takes a picture of your penis you know to avoid those people in the future.
We grow up all of our lives picking up social queues and hints -- but those only apply to our race, and is why racism exists.
This, the surge of autism, and the SJW movement are all connected.
>Autists experience these problems with even their own race
>Become social recluse game developer
>Circlejerk on Twitter all day about nationalism and wonder why anyone would ever be racist
but honestly I hate all those slant eyed yellow fucks
>t. Ching Chong Louie
What the hell is wrong with those lions eyes? I've never seen a lion, much less two of them at the same time, squint their eyes shut like that. Who else thinks that they were blinded by the Chink zookeepers out of pure cruelty?
fuck, I'm laughing so hard
probably because i don't like lions
That's why they're throwing snowballs.
The lions were mocking them.
It's an Asian zoo you twat
Lions are BASED I wish I could own one
They are closing their eyes because something is being thrown at them
Throw a snowball at a dog and it does the same thing
i'd actually burn that chink alive and be ok with getting prisond
Please tell me that's fake
It's called flinching, retard.
good, cats are shit tier pets
I think every government should give out interrogation rats in an attempt to lower violence.
why hang them like mini jesus? Ahh asian subhumans please never change
One more rat interrogation vid.
Currently looking for the one where a Chinese woman snips off a rat's dick with a pair of scissors... I'll post it once I find it.
That woman is not Chinese.
its not. How could you even think that? Dont you know your chink ways?
She is Chinese you dumbshit
The sign says: "I've stolen something, I deserve death."
Really not that different to ISIS videos where they kill a someone for being christian
>You slowly begin to realise every colonial action taken by the Empire was a justified and morally upright behaviour by a league of extraordinary gentleman having interacted with various nations of savages.
when we as a civilization fall to the ineptitude of our women, china will step in and lynch/enslave every nigger they find
for that i cannot begrudge them too much even if they are commie sociopaths
These are the same people who lock bears in cages that are barely larger than the bear itself so that it is incapable of moving and they can harvest the bear's bile for years. All because they think it will make their tiny cocks a little bit harder and other assorted bullshit. Fucking cunts.
lol even the lions have chink eyes
so as you are a chink, are chinks ok with stuff like that?
For a minute I thought this was the webm of that guy snipping off a rat's dick with scissors.
Anyone have said webm?
any non chinese who have worked for chinese will tell you they are shitty people and terrible to work for
worked 6 months for a shipping company based out of china. never again. They are just awful fucking people
Yup. Sickening.
on that line of though:
as a roach are you o.k with being an insect?
came here to say the same joke
All those people passing by... Chinks are soulless insects
true, they might be legit scared, maybe previous abuse
>danish """banter"""
Thanks senpai.
Fuck rats.
At least they're copping snowballs and not being flayed alive and slow cooked to ensure the tastiness of their flesh.
it's china, there's no "maybe"
oh my god my heart
>no life threatening injuries
hahahaha weak little china men can't even kill a toddler with his bare hands
>those people that just walk by watching some dude literally fucking murder a child without doing anything
Any story on this?
They know cats can't read, right?
Flinching is just a reflex to keep shit from getting in your eyes, it has nothing to do with fear.
no im actually serious. Do miss colored people hate themselves or do they view themselves as equals/better than their peers?
I fucking hate chinks
>Dude just strolls by thinking "oh look, another kid being killed"
What is it with the third world and a complete disregard for human life?
another great showing from Japan
>fat dweller trying to fit in
okay underage now go play your friends.
I believe it was the granddaughter of one of the shop owners nearby, she had wondered out the shop and got hit. People aren't helping because there's a fear of being sued, by getting involved.
I ain't even mad. At least those kids won't grow up spoiled like the little prince and princess gooks over here that get everything they want.
Trying to control these little twats in a classroom is fucking impossible.
>Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.
Could apply the same principle to 90% of non-White culture & customs
Apparently the kid lived, and the dude was schizophrenic.
what an awful world we live in
thats what those racist lions get. look at them squinting . they probably said something liek "meee luv yew long time solja boy"
Kek, I wish there were more asians on Sup Forums so they could have bantz with each other.
China has fucking stupid liability laws. If you try to intervene you can end up footing the bill for everyone. At least that is what my Chinese friend told me.
There is no middle in nonwhite societies. Not just no middle class. Their only paradigm for power is simple domination. Thus, they are either the slave-master, or the slave, and they read non-existent hostility into what a Westerner would consider a polite greeting. Their whole culture is Elliott Rodgers resenting a non-insult.
Good Samaritan laws don't exist there. In fact, getting involved will probably result in some sort of punishment for you.
weak retort roach
>muh underage
>muh fat
whats next, saying I have a small dick? pathetic reddit tier.
just answer the question. Do you view yourself as a sultan and superior to other shitskins?
Noich détecté, merdeux va
You'd be singing a different tune if China ever invades korea though.
Racism is a collection of accurate generalizations that are the product of real-world experience.
Not on the attack in general, but one of the reasons chinks ignore shit going on is based on one of the most fucking retarded legal precedents in history.
Basically, someone got hit by a car or some shit, so a good samaritan brought them to a hospital. Then the government said the only reason he would possibly be bringing her there is if he did it himself and felt guilty, so he was forced to pay for all her medical bills.
Basically, if you help out, there is a legal precedent to punish you. That person becomes your complete responsibility.
Nice one.
Look at the mutton chops on the absolute madman.
It doesn't look scared. It looks like it wants to kill that gook.
Fucking gooks.
Fuck em all.
yeah but just sane enough to attack something that couldn't fight back
bring back asylums and chuck the rats in them to starve
i'm tired of people having to stand around with our thumbs up our asses waiting for these fucking lunatics to wreak havoc so we can finally put them away or get them "help"
well you are underage and im not interested in communicating with underages trying to fit in.
to answer your question
"turks" in turkey are genetically anatolians and far superior than bunch of danes aka "0 history- the ethnicity" living comfy lifes because they are living in a noonecares land and they got low population.
now it's my last (you) for an underage. now you can chimp out
Sounds legit.
i hate this fucking worthless world
>starved to death
I'm pretty sure he died from being cut in half
If you harm any animal for amusement or eat dogs/cats you are most likely non-white or mentally ill
Have you tried tieing them to a fence or tree and whipping them?
Jesus...fucking...send the flood
Remember when China gave a mastiff a haircut, put it in a zoo exhibit and called it a lion?