Hey Sup Forums I have a question: as a nihilist I have no motivation to better the world around me or people's lives, the only reason I haven't gotten off the ride years ago is because I've had a good life. But life isn't fun anymore, Im forced to get a job I hate and my best friend is moving away. So here's my question: why shouldn't I kill myself?
>Pic is the most related one on my phone at the moment
Dylan Evans
There isn't a reason not to. Other than the fact that it's an eternity in the abyss of the human unconcious afterwards.
Hunter Russell
Just ride it out brother. I get the same feeling every now and then but it always goes away in the end. Maybe I'm just bipolar idk
Anyways though, we're all going to die. There's zero rush, we'll all meet the same ground so just ride it out and no matter how unmotivated you are, there's always SOMETHING to keep living for.
Jackson Miller
That's just it, there isn't. I feel empty and I have for the last 4 years. I have no drive or goal in life. I just can't pretend to care about the world anymore.
Zachary Fisher
Just wait a little bit longer and we will all be history, it will be quick, painless (sorta) and no ones fault but humanity
Josiah Thompson
Jesus loves you and died for your sins.
Zachary Reyes
Yeah, I grew up with that. haven't beloved in that in years.
Nathan Perez
That sucks man, definitely sounds like anhedonia or depression as it's not normal for it to last that long.
Ask your doctor about Wellbutrin, for many people Wellbutrin is much more effective at uplifting you. SSRI's usually are good if you have anxiety as well but Wellbutrin is safe and doesn't make your dick soft because it works on dopamine instead of serotonin. Might be worth looking into
Anthony Morgan
Thanks man. I will keep that in mind, but my problem is more existential. I don't feel depressed or sad, just empty.
Camden Nguyen
OP here, let me rephrase my question. There are a lot of people here from a lot of walks of life, some of you have lived through things I will never experience myself, and you have dealt with it in unique ways. What is it that keeps you people going? I may as well be asking you to explain colour to a blind man, but I would like to hear your purpose in life.