are sandniggers really the same species as white people?
Are sandniggers really the same species as white people?
Dominic Cruz
Brayden Robinson
Both are caucasian rigth?
Daniel Morris
muh race?
John White
Caucasians and Asians score so much higher on IQ tests than Africans that many people say Africans are actually closer to the the IQ of a chimp than any modern humans. where intelligence is concerned. That's not racism. It's a fact.
Brody Scott
John Nelson
Niggers nothing more nothing less
Jaxon Young
Jayden Allen
Ah poor guy. Probably too retarded to even realize what hate is. We need to do a kick-started or sometime help these people.
Bentley Garcia
This is great
Brayden Mitchell
Theres something wrong with me but I kinda wanna see this thing getting fucked or some kinda sauce.