How hard is it for a regular person to date a celebrity?

How hard is it for a regular person to date a celebrity?

I know her in real life and she's not slutty or crazy at all. A very laid back, chill and almost kind of shy person. She's also french

Celebrity? You mean a pornstar?

pretty hard. post moar natasha

Depends strongly on - do you live in the Los Angeles or New York areas? If not, it's hard. If so, and if you're a Chad, you have a realistic chance.

Really fucking hard. Lets give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're a guy involved with a female celebrity and that she is genuinly attracted to you, no matter what you look like.

You will have to deal with the fact that your gf is the subject of an untold amount of sexual fantasies by the general public. Are you insecure in any way? Well i hope you have fun dealing with that creepy ass shrine website some obsessive fan has created about her, and all the creepy fan mail and stalking she receives.

You will be the subejct of endless Paparazzi ambushes when you are with her and will cop your fair share when you're without her as well. Dont expect to ahve any other female friends as litteraly everything you do is going to be scrutinized to fuck for tabloid trash headlines.

Unless you live near a major movie or recording studio in LA or NY your relationship is likely to be LDR for months at a time as she has to fly all over the world for her job. Deal with her getting involved in saucy scenes and tabloid rumors of flings with co-stars. You better trust her implicitly when she is away.

Your life will become open season as her haters and obsessive fans could paint you as a target to hurt/get close to her. You'll have to be social as well, since she is going to get invited to things all the time and you will be obligated to go with her as a good boyfriend should. To do otherwise will fuel the rumour machine that WILL get to you eventually, how badly is up to you and her of course.

The benefit obviously comes with her busness and social connections, along with the prestige of dating one of the most desired women alive. So if the whole ordeal works out then you are basically set forever, at the cost of flipping your way of life on its head.

Damn, nigga, you know all about this. You dated a celeb?


Who cares about all of that. The true difficult part is not seducing a celebrity, it's not living their lifestyle, or meeting them. It's meeting them in private long enough to actually talk to them 1-1

Yeah your mom. She's known for going around


I dated a well known female celebrity for almost a year. AMA




Kek kkk right off the bat

she freaky in bed?

It isn't really but you can't be a creep about it

Did you taste her butthole? Who was it? Got nudes?

The gal you dated - does she appear regularly in Sup Forums celebfap threads?



Bro. You need to give us moar. Not many reading this thread. Divulge something. Share a pic of celeb asshole. Something awesome, man. Come on!

Where is she from?

I too have dated a "celeb". We are talking Disney channel-Nickelodeon third banana level sitcom celeb, but she was aces. We still keep in touch but she is focused on making a success of her career so being the "non celeb" half was never really a do-able thing for us.


I need to know what celebrity taint tastes like.

The lifestyle clash alone would make it impossible to date a famous person. Imagine trying to keep up with someone like that. You can't because you have never experienced that life.

is that guy wearing a battery t-shirt?

too hard, just masturbate at a playground

If you're a chick, tough. You'll need to be super hot and go find him. For a man, practically impossible since women date up, so you'll need to become a celebrity.

As if any self-respecting b/tard would EVER respond to this question with a "no".

What's her name ?