How can you prove that blacks are genetically predisposed to be unintelligent
How can you prove that blacks are genetically predisposed to be unintelligent
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by taking environmental factors into consideration
luckily it has been done for us
yup, blacks are genetically retarded
Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele
50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks
Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"
Here is an African trying to build a plane
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.
Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."
"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.
Race can be determined via brain scans.
beaten to it and i'm glad. it's literally genetics.
By posting a random graph and concluding what I want out of it.
What are they planning?
>Mexican intellectuals
Researching neurology and making discoveries that we are not within decades of accomplishing.
Not any of this: , ,
Not even a little bit.
> it was inconclusive in terms of determining relative environmental or biological contributions to racial differences in IQ – as the study's result could be interpreted as supporting either hypothesis
So how does this help at all?
It doesn't.
There is zero scientific evidence to support the claim that any one group of humans is predisposed to a lower intelligence than any other.
>mexican intellectuals
by taking many sets of identical twins that were raised apart and then administer IQ tests. This allows you to know what amount of variance can be explained by genetics. Now you have established intelligence and heritability.
Then you can administer IQ tests to blacks raised in various environments and determine how smart they are.
Nothing about your experiment, even as a hypothetical, would demonstrate anything you think it would.
read the data
they're saying that to save their ass
why do you think these studies aren't replicated any more? because they always get the same result and the result is "problematic" so they have to say this shit to not get crucified by jews
>well according to the research we did, regardless of environment, blacks still score 85 on iq test
>it's inconclusive though
its like that putnum study about diversity and how he found out it really sucks and got hounded by marxists until he said "my research is inconclusive"
those countries alone have created the modern world
everybody else is just along for the ride
>why do you think these studies aren't replicated any more? because they always get the same result and the result is "problematic" so they have to say this shit to not get crucified by jews
>Is it because we should believe the scientists?
>Or is it a secret conspiracy that can only be exposed by the pluck and bias-confirmation of angsty, fifteen year-olds on the internet?
Next on Nancy Grace.
>political correctness is a conspiracy theory
i mean the data is right there, they put black kids into the homes of rich white people and were properly educated yet still scored 85 on iq test
like what the hell
Do you not understand how incredibly few factors that rules out?
Forget that it fails to take into account every single social interaction in the entire life of each person. Forget that it's a small sample size where conditions aren't controlled. Forget that it fails to take into account who is doing the teaching and of what. Just biologically, it doesn't account for thousands of factors, from the diet of the mother and pollutants she was exposed to, to those same variables every second of the lives of the children.
The data is just data. It does not defend a claim that black people are less intelligent, and no scientist will tell you otherwise. And the reason for that is because it isn't evidence of anything--it's just data.
Scientific proof, if there is any, will be neurology. It will be:
A) Defining intelligence
B) Identifying what controls it
C) Describing the differences between those actors in various populations
D) THEN using data as a test to support a scientific theory
>But just IQ!
IQ is not a standard. It contains bias from the administrator, bias in the tests vs test takers, and it the tests are not standardized.
Cool lack of a rebuttal bro
Thanks, I worked super hard on it, bro.
When you're busy being kings you don't have time for science.
So your stance is there's evidence supporting that blacks are less intelligent but it doesn't cover everything. There's also no evidence they are as smart.
My stance is that you should stop pretending that a lack of scientific evidence is the same thing as having scientific evidence, just because you're a teenager.
Dunno where you made up the rest of your nonsense from.
why don't they continue their research then?
because they already know the answer
blacks are subhuman retards, i mean, it's pretty obvious, you don't even need extensive research
>Do you not understand how incredibly few factors that rules out?
That was your response and I don't disagree. But there's still evidence they are less intelligent and your response acknowledges that.
Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnic group and have won 25% of Nobel prizes and field medals among other accomplishments despite being 2% of the population. But IQ means nothing.
There is pretty good evidence that blacks have smaller average brain size than whites, and whites have smaller brains than East Asians. And the adoption tests are only really significant when you realize they confirm what had been hypothesized.
While, yes, it's unclear what exactly causes IQ (it's probably just a raw measurement of processing power based on number of neurons) in the same way that no one is entirely sure what causes gravity (probably relative displacement, could be gravitons idk I've been out of science for years now so whatever is in vogue right now I'm not sure)
I'd encourage you to watch Stephan Molyneux's video series on IQ for more info.
>iq tests are more biased against blacks than koko the gorilla who outperforms subsaharan africa
2.pick a metric, any metric, blacks underperform universally
>because they already know the answer
Nice baseless, unscientific assumptions.
The myriad of factors is too broad to be reasonably controlled, is the reason. It isn't possible to do.
>That was your response and I don't disagree.
Strong argument. I would like to respond with a "no u."
>Muh red-herrings!
>There is pretty good evidence that blacks have smaller average brain size than whites
There is no evidence that defines intelligence. Do you think shorter people are stupider than taller people? Proportionally shorter people have proportionally-smaller brains. See my point? You're back to making assumptions based on nothing.
>do blacks score lower on test scores and iq tests then everyone else?
>do blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime?
>even when taking environment into consideration? (western education, eating properly)
>are there countries uninhabitable shit holes?
>are there countries capable of being great? (rhodesia)
it's pretty fucking obvious blacks are subhuman retards, all the data suggests it as well
>>That was your response and I don't disagree.
>Strong argument. I would like to respond with a "no u."
>>Muh red-herrings!
I took your literal response and took it to its literal conclusion. You didn't refute it and tried to meme me. You lose.
Look at every population with a black majority. Dosn't matter where. ie. Haiti.
They are completely incapable of maintaining civilization without help.
>See my point?
Height correlates with wealth, iq, and most intelligence metrics, so no i dont see your point
Proof of what? You invented a strawman. I never made the claim that you did.
It always astounds me just how much Britain has achieved for the size we are. It almost makes you feel like crying with pride, which is nothing to the amount of tears I could cry for what it's become. I'm glad the people who made Britain great are long dead, they would be disgusted if they seen what it is now. I hope the liberals do keep saying "swap rapists for racists" etc and it actually comes to fruition, both sides would get what they want, but only one of us would prevail as victors, those of us in the white homeland. We could even send the liberals a postcard, as long as it was within 6 weeks of our leaving because I don't think waving a rainbow flag and telling people who literally fucking despise you that you "accept them for who they are" is going to go over particularly well when they're burning your comrades alive in the streets with no patriarchy around to protect you. Then, and only then, will they realise that there was never a truer word spoken than "you don't know a good thing until it's gone". Fucking pieces of shit.
>you're wrong but I can't say why because reasons
>anti-racism is just a crazy conspiracy
>it's not like a nobel prize winning geneticist got blacklisted for suggesting that races aren't the same
>it's not enough evidence to conclude perfectly
All you're showing here is that you don't understand statistics.
If this were any non-controversial subject like the intelligence of a Golden Retriever and a Pitbull this would be an accepted fact.
>shitload of scientific evidence to support a theory
>literally no evidence to counter said theory
Yeah, theory must be wrong because there isn't enough data. Really bro? Find one credible scientific study or even college paper that counters the racial differences in IQ that have been outlined and proven to be true for the past 100 years. Go on, do it.
Scientifically, niggers posess a smaller brain that is verified in MRI scans.
Nigger skull characteristics are more closely related to archaic humans than any other race.
> It contains bias from the administrator, bias in the tests vs test takers, and it the tests are not standardized.
Proofs plz
>black people can be as intelligent as whites under certain factors that we don't know of
very scientific bro
so all we have to do is find the right environmental factors to make them non-subhumans
maybe if we give them millions of dollars each, let them have sex with whatever female they want, feed them whatever they want, control the temperature of the land to their liking, clear any pollution in the air, they might be able to perform as well as whites on average!
top fucking lel
get the fuck out of here
They have no historical achievements or great people.
No Patrick, peanut butter is not a historical achievement.
>When losing an argument, proclaim yourself the winner and walk away!
So that's why asian people always score so poorly on these reliable metrics?
>You pointed out that my pet theory has no evidence!?
>Then I'll invent a strawman detailing what you must necessarily believe to make my theory sound like the only reasonable option, so that I don't have to admit that it has no evidence!
You almost tricked me with your clever words, lion.
Whats with your fascination with using the retorts of strawman and psuedointellectual?
You're just reinforcing the stereotype of niggers being less intelligent.
Why do they always look like the ones in the NatGeo nigger documentaries despite doing white people things like using the toilet and bathing I dont understand
It's not fascination. It's simply the only thing anyone has done.
>I'll green text some utter bullshit, ascribe it to you, and then we'll all forget that you rightly pointed out that there is no evidence!
It's not my fascination--it's theirs.
>Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"
you cant prove that with iq tests only. you are implying inteligence is inherited despite culture and level of education. IQ tests have to take level of education in comparison. that is : how can you compare 2 whites, one that got to the tird grade and one that have 2 phds, and in the and say that one person is more in theligent than the other via genetic code? things dont add up. You just cant know the inteligence "potential" of people, there are no tests for that. Therefore if ytou study more you have a higher chance of getting better in IQ tests. if you study more logics and math you have even higher chances of getting better at IQ tests. So depending on your culture, wealth and time spent studying you have higher IQ. sorry there is no evidence on how genes can make you smarter.
>So that's why asian people always score so poorly on these reliable metrics?
So no argument outside of personal attacks? Or just a fundamental misunderstanding of statistics?
Do you have ANY evidence for your claim of equality?
This is because a lot of students study abroad predominantly us canada and europe. I bet you a great deal of studies are carried out by minorities.
>there countries
Keep on representing the master race there buddy boy.
>study supports lesser black intelligence
>you respond that it doesn't account for all factors
>I respond that I agree but it still supports lesser intelligence and your response acknowledges that
>you stop replying with substance and pretend that I quit
You disappoint me
i have all the evidence in the world
Nigerians do pretty well in general. But they're the exception.
>here's evidence
>that's not evidence because you didn't have a million subjects and also didn't cut open their brain and analyze every synapse, also there's some reason I can't think of but it's there
>now I'll be really vague and not say anything I believe, you can't debunk me if I don't actually say anything other than you're wrong, haha
Hey we're actually doing alright!
Cuck cuck cuck. Nigger! Cuck. Degenerate, low-energy. Jew jew cuck jew cuck. Hitler! Degenerate cuck. Jew nigger cuck. Unintelligent. White. BBC coal-burner beta cuck. Master race. Day of the Rope! Gas the kikes. Race war cuck.
Good to see only the north of my country appears on that map.
thanks dad
And consequently there is zero evidence that to support the claim that nurture plays any role in intellectual capacity.
Sub-saharan Africans are second lowest on the IQ scale, just above Australian abo's.
not sure what you're trying to prove here
sub saharan Africa is a bounty of life and biodiversity, hardly a difficult climate to develop in
Found the nigger guys!
How did Rhodesia become the breadbasket of Africa and Zimbabwe starve and beg for food?
so IQ has been proven to be reproducible and genetic but somehow it's irrelevant?
None of this makes any sense, it's like arguing with a creationist.
The only reason why Europe, the U.S., and East Asia have the most scientific research produced, is because they stole all of the research from Sub-Saharan Africans. WE
If political correctness did not exist and scientific objectivity was all that mattered, negroids would be classified as a non-human hominid species.
Intelligence has nothing whatsoever to do with education.
Intelligence is genetically inherited trait. Knowledge is affected by education, not intelligence.
>>Intelligence has nothing whatsoever to do with education.
inteligence by definition is : the capacity of solving problems.
if you study you can solve problems better.
>so IQ has been proven to be reproducible and genetic but somehow it's irrelevant?
you cant prove that.
2 you cant take a son of a high iq person, isolate of all culture, and test it.
3 you cant compare that with other people, because the child will probably not be even able to talk if you take him out of culture.
4 if you solve this problem you will get a nobel prize.
There is a thing i never understood with that map : Why is Russia so small when it had a fuckton of scientists during the soviet union ?
so your position is nigger culture makes you stupid?
same reason as Germany after the war - they left.
>anti-racism is just a crazy conspiracy
>it's not like a nobel prize winning geneticist got blacklisted for suggesting that races aren't the same
He also said latina women were genetically programmed to be the sexiest and attempted to prove it by showing his peers slides of women in bikinis.
He's a crazy old man, deal with it.
Pic related.
Blue is labelled. Maybe Italy is a bit generous but Etruscans had civilization by the 10th century BC at the latest.
Red is the only black African civilizations to use any of the blue inventions.
Rest of Africa did not develop any of these things until what would be called the Hellenistic era, some and some even later (11th century AD and after in some cases).
Note how most regions are not vast expanses of 'HIGH' land. Just river banks and 'MEDIUM' land.
That map tho.
Nigeria is way greener than its direct neighbors, NIger and Chad.
It's safe to imagine that Nigerians are not super genetically different than their neighbors, right?
Well, Nigeria's one of the most prosperous countries in Africa. It has a great education system, and they got that sweet oil money.
So wouldn't you say that environment plays at least some role in IQ?
Then there's the Claude Steele study. Given the same test, blacks scored way lower when they were told the test was an exam of "intellectual ability". Check it out.
Zebras tho.
Sub saharan africa may be a bounty of life and biodiversity but that doesn't mean it's useful biodiversity
Everyone makes fun of Jared Diamond for touting this for some reason but he's got a good point.
>It's safe to imagine that Nigerians are not super genetically different than their neighbors, right?
Why would you say that? Africans vary genetically more than other races.
If you use wealth to buy education, you get better IQ.
Exemple : jews. /thread.
how do you explain IQ gap when standardizing for wealth?
being wealthy is not equal as buying education. so you can be rich and dont like reading.
Niger-Congo people are closely related though. They're sometimes considered just one ethnic group.
if you get same level of education and wealth, mabe we can get proof.
How do you explain this?
>it's like arguing with a creationist.
Race Creationist would be a suitable term.
Liberals love to talk about evolution, right up until you point out that evolution applies to humans as well.
Negros and communists are animists by nature. They believe everything has a spirit. They believe things "just happen". They have no understanding of the toil and sacrifice it takes to build and maintain a modern civilization. That's why headlines written by liberals always read "Child killed by a gun" instead of "Child killed by a negro".
That's why you hear them constantly babble of "bad neighborhoods"; they believe it's the dirt or the spirits or some mystic juju that makes a neighboorhood "good" and not the people who live there and work to maintain and improve their homes.
The videos earlier show this in painful detail: the nigger believes if he nails junk together so that it sort of looks like a helicopter, he'll be able to fly.
Thats close, but still we need to check how much money each one of them spent on education. my bet is blacks dont spent that much money on education, because study isnt a high standard value for them.
>you can buy IQ points
Throwing more money doesn't solve the problem.
Education and nutrition and nurture play a role in intelligence.
But so do genetics.
That looks faked as fuck desu. The numbers, I mean. Not shopped, just falsified.
Is there one with Asians?
I believe that scan comes from this old paper (behind a paywall). They are old SAT scores that were leaked.
Why are there no studies that show blacks have the same average IQ as other "population groups"
You can increase your IQ several points by studying for the LSAT
>my bet is blacks dont spent that much money on education
That's only because they get shot while robbing homes for book money an sheeit.
Last time I was tested by the state of California 30 years ago, I had an IQ of 135.
It doesn't surprise me that normies can't comprehend the difference between knowledge and intelligence.