What type of nose do you have Sup Forums?

What type of nose do you have Sup Forums?

Reminder that you can not call yourself white if you have anything other than a Roman nose.

I have roman nose so i'm white as fuck

Greek, which makes sense.

>mfw Ethiopian and have Greek nose
What does this mean
Do I also have to help with their debt

Turn up noses make for the cutest women

Traps too I guess :^)

a mix of roman and turn-up

Roman; I have an Italian father.

Roman, but I have mostly Polish blood in me. Idk boys, idk

>Greek style nose
>No Greek ancestry


Hawk? That's clearly a jew nose.


Turn-up nose here, wife has a snub nose.


looks like i need to pay denbts

Snub :(

No clue.



Mix if snub and Greek.

You aren't white if you aren't a snub and Greek. So everyone above the post is a conformist faggot

roman nose. dont know my heritage at all but im white. does that mean im roman??

Turn up. I have Norman blood.

>that image

That Romanian truly believes he is Roman, doesn't he?

Turn up. Kids used to make fun of me for having a ski slope nose.

>note being a good muslim

Roman, but I'm entirely Anglo so who knows.

What does a big iranian nose qualify as? Greek?

What if some people only have jew nose and are not jew? Makes you think.

Roman nose here. meh

crypto jew

Mix between Hawk and Greek

Turn-up is the gayest one if you're a man.

Reminder that you can not call yourself white if you are to incompetent to find a useful sized image.

here comes the italonigger

me as well

You jelly of my Roman nose, slavshit?

the jewish one

I think it's not bad desu, looks rather heroic

Irish and Dutch. No idea what type of nose I have. It looks small from the front but looks Jewish when looking at it from the side. Anyone care to tell me what type it is?

It doesn't look Jewish at all you dumb fuck. That's snub, aka potato nose.


Greek. I'm all Northern European.

Sexiest nose for a girl is Greek or turn up.

which one would it be out of this chart

this ain't remotely jewish what a waste of trips


Greekish with a little turn up

What does that make me?

My nose is straight from the side, but the dorsum has a slight bulb, giving it a slight crook from a non-orthographic view.

Mix of greek/roman maybe.

a white person

How do you feel about American blacks?

It's Derek!

I have a Roman nose


What nose do I have?

Roman master race

I don't get it. explain

Juden nose



>inb4 wog


come to brazil, we have white noses :^)

We don't got guac here jebbie

Think I can infiltrate the jews then? Unrelated, I'm apparently attractive to middle easterns and jews.

I have a bit of an Arab nose I suppose, it's Roman but it starts pointing down midway so the tip of my nose is rounded

There is no correlation at all

What's your ethnicity?


whats my snozz

Mexican, my eyes and hair look pretty asian though. My skin is tan but not broan. Who knows what's all inside of me familia.

I think greek? My father (english and french) has a roman nose but I have the same nose as my mother (Irish and welsh)

I have both the greek foot and greek nose. Dont know that very much about my ancestry but being greek would certainly explain alot.

>tfw viking and spartan blood in me
>Americucks will never have this alpha bloodline

or are you abel?

>alpha bloodline

A mix of Greek and turn up.
Or in other words THE MASTER RACE.

23&me bro, it's at least interesting to know what you are if you're a mutt.

What am I Sup Forums?

Got them Egyptian feet and from what said I have a Shlomo shnoser.

>giving a company my genetic info
>implying they won't sell it to the Feds
Fuck that, I don't really care anyways.


Everyone has an "Egyptian" foot.
If not your feet are fucked up.

Mostly Greek with a slight bent. Pic related, custom profile.


Just use a different name and adress, I used my brothers name and got it mailed to his house.


Definietly heritage from arabia felix area

Now where would that be exactly?


Greco-Roman...but I am Germanic...

Between Roman and Greek, I have Roman ancestry in Paris (Frankish + Roman mix) and Roman ancestry in Italy on the Adriatic coast (settled by Romans and Greeks).

I have old conqueror blood



Greek. Standard as fuck.

Just kidding i meant arabia magna. The provinces near israel and alexandria

I literally have no traces of kike blood

Germania was cucked by the roman empire for hundreds of years so..

That makes scene from the Italian part, but my family isn't from southern Italy, more like central italy, definitely not sicilian. My extended family is pretty jewy though in terms of looks and greediness.

Mine is Greek with maybe a tiny bit of Roman mixed in.

True aryan over here.

Well italy has been conquered so much throughout time and has been quite race mixed ( especially sicily). Maybe they moved from sicily to upper italia? who knows. Atleast you have a 50+ increased chance of finding gold and 30+ in speech :D

You are basically the same guy

Mine resembles a Roman mostly.

Greek Nose master race reporting in. Excuse me while I invent democracy and slaughter Anatolians.

Roman, Mexican.

Fits it since I'm half serb

Well you know I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm an American who has an anglo saxon name, that happens to be into Christian arabian/mediterranean womem.

Is this Roman or Kike?