I'm a real catholic priest.
I'm hear to offer you an opportunity to confess your sins. You might be surprised how good it feels.
I'm a real catholic priest.
I'm hear to offer you an opportunity to confess your sins. You might be surprised how good it feels.
you're just here to molest little boys aren't you?
No CP for you.
A real Catholic priest wouldn't offer a sacrament online, knowing what the church itself teaches, "There are no sacraments on the Internet.”
I've been sinful father, today I fapped to interracial sissy porn. what should be my punishment?
How many little boys lives have you ruined, you scum bag piece of shit.
Being this mad.
Not knowing that priest molestation rates are no higher than any other population.
I've fucked plenty of you guys. It's not even worth getting in the booths anymore.
Hello my father, welcome on b/oard
I must confess, I've probably had sex with nearly as many dudes as you have
Granted, all the ones I did were of age, I dunno, is that more or less of a sin?
Deus vult
Fuck you dude, I confess my sins to GOD, not some potential pedo douchebag in a suit.
God doesn't need a secretary to take a memo of sins, catholic religion is almost as bad as Islam.
>priest molestation rates are no higher than any other population
One in 50 priests is a paedo. Last time I checked that wasn't true for most humans.
You confess your sins to yourself
evangelical retard
Do you even know what that means? I really don't think you do. 0/10 try again kid.
T.polish catholic
>raised catholic
>be about 7 or 8
>involved with my local church
>go to my first confession
>take it seriously (because God is watching)
>confess all the naughty stuff I did (cos I was an 8 year old kid)
>none of it serious, kids being kids
>priest tells my ma
>I get in the worst trouble I remember being in when I was a kid
>never trusted the church since
I have zero regard for bible mythology. Try to embrace infinite spirit, ever present with loving intelligence. Read better stuff
bless you father. go in peace.
snake handler detected
that wasn't a confessional. you were just talking to someone at the bus stop you moron.
>I'm hear
>I'm hear
>I'm hear
>I'm hear
>I'm hear
>I'm hear
i confess my sins to the devils, because they are the only race that know truth.
I've never understood why sport's people pray.
If one guy prays to score, and another one prays that he doesn't score, then what happens? Is it the one who prays hardest wins?
then angels do too. cause same.
Here I'll give you this, go sit in the corner and play. Let the adults talk.
they give thanks to the Lord for being endowed with talent.
Ah, ok. That I understand.