Gonna go look for Liberty Caps for the first time this fall. Have you btards taken them before? Protips for finding them?
Gonna go look for Liberty Caps for the first time this fall. Have you btards taken them before...
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no, i dont searched for them yet. But i can give you tips for eating them ;-)
>Liberty Caps
I just know, go searching for them where cows eat their grass, they grow there popular.
Sure go ahead! Give tips!
Liberty caps are not in my area therefore I do not know much around them cept they grow in grass.
I'm assuming they would bruise blue when handled due to the psilocybin reacting to oxygen in the air.
But I'm only assuming. But I'm only assuming
Best bet is in cow fields.
Here in the UK best time to go find them is before the first frost of the autumn/winter happens (usually October)... always go first thing in the morning.
Well if ur searching in a cow field u would find cubensis I don't know about liberty caps
Yeah, I heard cowfields are a safe bet. I also heard that they are often present after a period of rain.
in the meantime, why is coke so expensive in aus and why won't anyone sell me some.
First, empty stomach. Its important, if your body reacts not nomral to the shrooms and it prevends vomiting.
Second, be in a good pychical well-beeing. Also be rested. This two points are very important if you dont want a horror trip, and believe me, you dont want one.
And at last, did you tried any other drugs before? Shrooms and psychos in general, are a really hard drug. Maybe you should try something else before, i wouldnt recommend shrooms to somebody, who didnt tried any other drug before because psychos are a drug for itself. Sorry if my english was tooo bad :)
2/2 .... and for your own security, start with a amateaur dose of 1 gram dried shrroms (or 10gram wet shrooms).
not in moderate climate
What color is the spore print of liberty cap And does it bruise blue.
What are sure ways to identify the liberty cap
>bruise blue
The blue dots are a sign that the pill psylocebin oxidizes -> shroom got psylocebin and makes high
without that "pill"... sorry
I never tried any other drug before, no. Only alcohol. Gonna try weed-brownies this summer tho. I guess doing the shrooms with a trusted friend is an advice I heard somewhere before. Your english is fine brother!
I cant seem to find any good pictures of spore prints for the liberty caps online. All the pics I find are from people wondering if what they've found is a liberty cap. Do you have a good picture to resemble what it should look like? Also how to you do a spore print?
If it Bruises blue
Ok hmmmm A tip from me: try something different in this order: Mariuhana (thc), extacy (mdma) and then mushrooms (psylocebin). You will be amazed how powerful such a psychological trip can be, even with a low dose. If you have hardly any drug experience can be so much harder. Of course, I know you and your psyche not, so that was generally said. Really important is the set and setting what I just described. People with whom you will do that, the place where you will do it (the best is the nature!) And lastly your own well-being. I speak from experience I would have liked you would give me such tips at the beginning ;-) A picture I have unfortunately not I know only the cubensis (bald head in my language)
search on a cow field (the cows needed to be there the year bevore) and they need a lot of light.
collected 200g last year
you also can eat fly agarics
The reason for why I wanted to try Liberty Caps is because they would be easy for me to find in my area, and at no cost. I will not be able to get my hands on extacy. I will only be able to get weed through a friend. Gonna do it together with his friends later this summer as I said, before the libert cap season starts. Thank you for the advice man, really appreciate it!
weed brownies are super nice, but better imo if you're alone. 3X better than smoking at least
this website is great for educating yourself on pretty much all types of psychoactive fungi. Here I even found the page for liberty bells for you - shroomery.org
Site also helped me out when I made my first attempt to grow shrooms.
liberty caps*
any other tips user? I'm living in a mostly rural area till I go back to uni, plenty of fields and woods nearby
Is there any chance of finding them in September?
The shroomery is nothing but a circle jerk now. It use to be a good site but now it's just mush cult hotpockets jacking each other off and faggots that are too dumb to grow a cake
I always make sure im not hungry. Eat them with peanut butter
Well, thank you everyone for giving tips! I read up on all sorts of sites while you guys posted, and am looking forward to fall going mushroom hunting. You guys are awesome. Probably gonna try my luck around the month shifts august/september/oktober. I'm from Norway btw.
Google lemon tek and do it and have OJ ready to drink for during the trip,
Yeahn I saw the lemon tek thing! Sounds really nice
Anyone have any locations near Melbourne in Aus?
What are they?