Logposter here, ask me anything
Logposter here, ask me anything
You have flies in your eyes.
Why are Andys logs so creamy?
why do you do these things, this is the most forced meme i've ever seen
Great question. The touring diet, paired with sporadic drug use and severe IBS results in makings that are more solid than diarrhea yet softer than normal stool. This unique texture is often described as sharing the creamy qualities of a soft cheese or mousse
If I'm being honest for a second I actually ask myself that very same question from time to time. Ever since I started obsessing over Andy Sixx and the log I've become a recluse, I've nearly lost my job due to 2-3 day long benders of logposting and creating log memes. I've had to tell my friends and my bosses that I'm working a second job, but really it's all log-related shit.
How many logs can Andy produce in one day? Does he ever have diarrhea issues from drinking?
Why do you only shave your left goose egg?
Exact figures are unknown, but it is widely accepted as fact that his rate of log production is exponentially greater than that of the average human.
Alcohol intake, in concert with an ever changing variety of narcotics, have been found to influence the consistency of Sixx's bowel movements; however, his logs are usually a semi-soft, creamy texture regardless of what he consumes.
nice dubs
Has Andy ever had a bad experience with a rabid fan hungry for his logs, or a shit stalker?
Andy is so generous with, and such a prolific producer of, the logs that there is usually, Log willing, enough logs to go around.
As far as stalking, I would say no. You wouldn't accuse a devout Christian of stalking Christ, yet the former is undoubtedly devoted to the latter entirely. The same principle applies to shitsuckers.
Why did you choose Andy Sixx for this meme?
why do you post this all the time?
I didn't. I've been lurking since about 2006, kept seeing andy sixx log posts now and again and they just resonated with me I guess. Discovered a new passion, as well as a severe vice
I don't, I just post it when the spirit moves me to do so. And that just happens to be often. Contrary to shill propoganda it's actually fueled more by several other logposters than it is by me
is that guy aware of this?
My 16 year old sister listens to Andy Sixx. Should I be concerened? What are the chances shes a logposter?
Not likely. Logposters tend to be middle-aged most of the time. 16 is way to young to even begin to comprehend what it means to worship the log.
To illustrate my point, I ask: When you were 16, how well did you understand your place in the world? Compared to your perspective now?
What was the first time anyone ever received a log from Andy? Who's idea was it, who initiated the slidding?
donut log out now we're decorating!!!
In spite of numerous attempts to convince Sixx to delineate the details of that fateful night, none have succeeded thus far. It is believed that a roadie for BVB was the first to indulge, but of course it is near impossible to corroborate this story. So the mystery lives on.
How does Andy incorporate his shit logs for fans on stage? Or is it purely a behind closed doors kind of thing?
at first I was very annoyed by this forced meme, but I have to admit the amount of work and original content is surprising. I can really imagine a lonely and obsessive creature photoshoping and doing log research, compose log poetry etc. it puts a smile on my face.
But you need to find a better log picture. you always described andy's log as creamy, semi-soft but the lmage used is always this dry-hard fake log. I breaks the narrative. you need a better, creamier log.
again, I'm beginning to be a fan, but I hope I will never have to do this myself
You have answered your own question. If you think that you can do better, then do so. Andy Sixx will reward you handsomely for your service.
grow the fuck up, faggot
Millhouse here. Can I suck a fat log out of your asshole
The cream...
what in the fuck are you talking about you fucking sperg asshole
So steamy,
Soo Dreamy.
He's right though. Those logs don't look very creamy.
I do admire your candidness. But could you not say the same of a gallon of milk, or a tray of macaroni and cheese?
My point being that you cannot judge the creaminess of a log on it's appearance alone anymore than you can determine the seafaring qualities of a newly cast ship knowing only the name. We shall see which log floats/
Grow up
Did any learn the ways of the log from Nikki?