If you don't want a cold pizza covered in snot, I suggest you tip and tip well. We keep track of these things

If you don't want a cold pizza covered in snot, I suggest you tip and tip well. We keep track of these things.

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if you want to keep your job you shouldn't do shit like that. Enjoy your welfare

we keep track of these things...

we also know where you work so.... yea dont end up getting yourself killed over 5$ kiddo

>killing someone
>over snot covered pizza

Yeah. No. You don't want to end up getting raped in jail over a 10 dollar pie.

>>still so unqualified that you have to live on tip-supported jobs
srsly, the only excuse is that its a job that gets you through education. if not, kill yourself now, because life will not improve for you.

If you're in the states, go ahead and fuck with people's food. Which is a federal offense now. Going to federal prison for spitting in food. Greaaaat idea. Just like that lunatic who worked at a Subway, he put a shit filled condom in a meatball sub, and now he's in fed prison.

i would bet anything that youve never even been in a fight faggot

rofl as if people haven't been killed over smaller ideas and concepts get real... I've seen people beaten to death over someone stealing their last chicken nugget

ive seen fathers kill their own sons over the last cup of orange juice... you think you are safe? stfu

who would be dumb enough to fight me? because im the guy smashing your skull open after youre out cold

Ok, and that makes it alright or a good idea or you won't face consequences?

I never said it doesn't happen. But most sensible people won't be going to rape-you-in-the-ass prison over a goddamn pizza.

Carrying on the family tradition, I see.

Don't forget to pick up some smokes for your mom after your shift ends.

You can make a better wage waiting on people in a high-end restaraunt than you would as a teacher.

How can you spit on the pizza if they tip you after getting it

> living in a country where the workers aren't paid properly, so they have to rely on nagging their costumers for "tips"

What an absolute shithole country Murica is....

I know this dude that constantly brags about how he makes like $300 a night from tips. But every once in a while he must get stiffed on a tip and makes a long dramatic Facebook post about how people survive on tips and that you shouldn't eat out if you can't afford to tip.
Shit is so fucking annoying. The only people that complain about tipping are shitty servers who don't get tipped.

i used to deliver pizza. i only ever spat in one pizza. it was usually too much of a hassle to bother doing, even for niggers that don't tip.
>be me
>deliver perfectly good pizza to a bunch of paramedics
>store gets a call from them talking about how the pizza looked like complete shit
>they say that if they did such a shit job at saving my life then i would die
>they demand another pizza
>manager tells them not to eat the first pizza and we'll exchange it free of charge
>i deliver that order too
>stop off @ my friend's house
>open box and lick every slice
>spit on it and rub it around with my hand
>leave and continue to paramedics
>get there, go inside
>no one there
>1st pizza box is on the counter
>it's been completely eaten and they left the ring of crust inside the box
>leave new pizza

Only a very very small part of the American workforce depends on tips. It's just courtesy for good service.

if i refused the pizza will it come out of his pay?

>mfw i live in a country where the minimum wage is high enough for tip culture to be nonexistent

How much of your income is taxed tho?

Precisely why I pick up my pizza instead of having it delivered, Fuck you.

Maybe get a real job you worthless scum

You think you deserve a fucking tip for driving a car?

For working at some dead end unskilled job that anyone could do?

Fuck you and your life choices user.

You deserve nothing

heck i gave my baby brother a light pat on his cheeks when he tried to take my milk.
he's still shaken about it to this day.

Probably not.

He would just take it back, then it wis become a crew pie.

If you took it from him, or destroyed it where he couldn't bring it back to the shop, he may have to pay for it.

i see threads like this it makes me think you are all cunts. not giving out tips for a while after seeing this

>replying to op as if it's actually the pizza guy demanding tips

Jesus Christ dude. Your life must be one to envy.

Right. Because this is an accurate representation of the average food handler. I just think it's funny how stingy people are with their money. You'd pay 30 dollars for a steak but can't spare the 5 for the waiter?

no, you don't, and i have a camera at my front door so pull some shit kiddo i'll make sure to get your bitch ass fired AND get free pizza because of your asshole attitude

suck my dick jew you called me stingy for not giving you free money. Posts like this make me not give tips you don't know if i tip or not.

not an amerifag so I don't have to tip and no one expects me to either

>We keep track of these things
I bet the local shit-kicker pizzeria has an underground war room with maps and spreadsheets on the walls keeping track of who tips poorly and what you're gonna do next time the bastard orders a pizza. Dr. Strangelove working on a doomsday loogie to tip the scales against the penny-pinching Juden.

I just buy frozen pizzas from Walmart anyway.

who do you think delivered those pizzas to walmart

Red Baron duh

Americunts and their sad tipping shit
Enjiy your "freedom"

Exactly, and Snoopy would not spit on my pizza. He just wouldn't do that.

Yes because tipping contradicts freedom.

I don't tip.

No we don't. There's a few people who never tip but the only people who get their food touched are people who order right before close

>poorfag detected.

Joke on you. In my country, no one EVER tip anybody, both in restaurant, pizza, or anything in the like.

Individual drivers keep track, not the company or franchise.
Basically you get your pizza late and cold if I have absolutely any other orders who I know will tip.

i dont tip most of the time for a good reason

you gotta pay the guy who comes to your house to deliver a salty snack

>just courtesy
except its not, its almost mandatory because of all the shaming both the employees and employers give over it

You sound very tough, posting anonymously over the internet

No, it is illegal yo garnish ages from your employees for damaged for stolen goods, a pizza being refused would count as damaged.

You can't be refused service for not tipping, and you don't have to have a job that relies on tips for a decent pay. Therefore not mandatory.

well what if i actually wanted you to straight bust a nut on my pizza is there a way i can make it clear im not gonna tip u? lol


It's not our fault that your boss doesn't pay you.
This doesn't mean you should be a massive cunt to everyone else.

I may not fuck with your food, But I will come back and egg your house or shit on your doorstep. Don't be fucking cheap.If you cant afford a tip, dont order you poorfag.

>not personally picking up ur own pizza
stay strong amerilards

Which is why I always pick up my own pizza from the restaurant where it is made. Be respectful to those who make your food... you never know what they will do to it if you piss them off.

But also, because I'm too cheap to tip.