Hi. I'm Paige VanZant, and I'm the sexiest bitch on this planet...

Hi. I'm Paige VanZant, and I'm the sexiest bitch on this planet. I'll suck what dick I want and get my pussy ate by who I want. If any bitch gets in my way, I will fuck her world up. This is how I live my life. What I want, when I want. Get with the program.

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sexiest women on the planet when pic related exists?


nope, its cat zingano

yeah, she's great too

who else is there from ufc?

Pearl Gonzalez, Miesha Tate, Tecia Torres, Karolina Kowalkiewicz, Claudia Gadelha, Joanna fucking Champion

Amanda Cooper, Kailan Curran, Alexa Grasso, Jessica Penne, Michelle Waterson, Ashley Yoder

joanna is not! joanne maybe, she got the sexiest voice in the world

Jessica Eye, Lina Lansberg, Julianna Pena, VERONICA MACEDO (how'd I forget her)

And Joanna is sexy as hell. Joanne ONLY has the voice


Those bitchs can try me

Megan Anderson too

why you keep losing?


Because it's no use in me trying to reach my full potential, knowing I'd have to face the GOAT Joanna Champ


No woman in the mma is all that attractive.


Tits / gtfo

Get on my level

lol she's not even on ronda's level




at least post good pics of this beauty


Women cant fight. Average sized man could smash every woman mentioned in this thread and not break a sweat.

Wish the UFC would dump this card diluting trash.

Which is why women fight women, and men fight men.

You're not saying anything new.

Correction, women can't brawl. Fights have nothing to do with physical strength and 90% of the time are over before they start in favor of the aggressor.

No, Correction needed. Women cant fight. They are weak, slow and their technical ability is lagging about 20 years behind the development of men.

Kek, is this a ylyl thread?

I like this.

Get with the program.

Thats what needs to be sand sometimes. Its called get with the program, its new.


What? got a problem? this bitch could probably kick your ass. Better have the tits or balls to do it.

AKA Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry NC is the man that all of you should strive to be.

I'm the alpha in the UFC. Bitchs just don't understand yet. This isn't even my final form.



All her fights have been amazing. Definitely more exciting than many fights I have seen in recent memory.







Yes! I love her. Imo she should stay away from the UFC. My waifu Joanna would embarrass her

She is really young and her ground is amazing. She fights at atomweight so she is tiny. In a couple years time she should be ready for UFC.

I'd like to seek pvz and rr fight now that rr has slipped to the depths and pvz is considered one of the best female fighters in the world

>Fights have nothing to do with physical strength and 90% of the time are over before they start in favor of the aggressor.
Retard alert.