Hey Sup Forums, my friends and me are into weed and we'd like to try edibles, we have never done it, what cheap recipe can you recommend? How much weed do we need for the 3 of us? We have 5g atm
Hey Sup Forums, my friends and me are into weed and we'd like to try edibles, we have never done it...
just make cannabutter. then just substitute the cannabutter for the real butter in any recipe that uses butter
5g will be enough?
5g is not enough if you're making it for the first time imo, you're gonna fuck up
whatever you do, don't google it and look at any one of the thousands of results
*Extract wax from weed or buy wax for better results*
1. Melt chocolate
2. Mix coconut oil and wax
3. Stir and let cool
4. Chocolate edibles
Ps. White chocolate Oreo recipe is best
Step by step, get box of brownies that needs about 1/2 cup of oil and use milk instead of water.
To make cannaoil, first grind up an ounce of cheap bud. Then put it in a baking dish evenly distributed, then bake it at 250 for about 30 minutes mixing halfway through. Remove. Now for the next part it's best to use an electric griddle so you can control the temperature and heat it up to between 190° and 215°f and simmer the bud in the oil for about 2 hours. The longer the better. Then just use the oil in the brownies
About 5g's? What are you a fucking pleb? Listen here op even though you've presented yourself as a lowballing bitch I've got a quick recipe I use to use when making cheap edibles. Greentxt mode
>obtain toaster oven
>obtain more than the petty amount of maragantis you currently have
>obtain bleach
>drink bleach
>fuck you op
Stop caring about yourself.
Genuinely give up I genuinely give 0 fucks about everything. I gota wife with a fat ass good job good pals all because I dont give a fuck. Stop giving a shit. Stop trying. Just dont.
You need like a zip to make quality edibles.
9955 here. I fully agree. Op should overdose on dogshit
With 5g... Hmmm.
Grind your weed, spread it evenly on a cookie sheet and decarb it.
Take 2 graham crackers, spread each side with nutella or peanut butter or both. Sprinkle your decarbed weed evenly ontop of one side. Sandwich and enjoy. Or you can do it open faced.
You need like 14 grams of cheap weed
wrong thread friend
Depends of the potency of your weed
But if its good stuff 2-3 gram should do it.
You also need to grind your weed really good, and then mix it with the butter in a bowl. Put the bowl over a pot of water on your cooker. Then the butter and weed need up to 2-3 hours on the cooker. Then you can use the butter with some cheap pre-made muffin mixture i dunno
if you plan on making edibles and all you have is 5g. youre shit out of luck.
unless you make some firecrackers. but even then you might only get a slight buzz.
if it's high quality it could be enough, just grind it up real fine and put it in a preheated oven of like 100-120°C (convert if you're an amerifag) for 30-60 minutes, just make sure the temperature is right and it isn't burning. You'll notice that after the hour the color has changed quite a bit and it'll be really dry. Now you can just add this to whatever you're making and make sure it doesn't all get together in like one corner, but make sure it gets spread out over the dough. Then just make whatever you're making and make three pieces. It's best on an empty stomach, and it will kick in in like 60-150 minutes depending on what you've eaten and how your metabolism is running. Don't redose before two hours have passed or you might end up in the ER thinking you're having a heart attack (but it's just a panic attack, it always is).
There are alot of ways to make edibles.
The best method with butter goes as following.
Get Non salted butter
Put butter in class container, put into microwave till its all melted (usually use a big container for a couple sticks or so)
Place into fridge with saran wrap over top of container for 24 hours
Take the butter out
You will notice two layer a solid and liquid layer.
Remove the solid layer as it wouldn't bind with cannabinoids
Use the liquid butter, water, and cannabis into either a crock pot or a pot in general
If in crock pot (easiest) just set it to medium for 2 hours and low for 22 hours.
If in pot just set it on low heat (2 or 3 if your using a stove with numbers)
Set for 22 hours
Take the pot and pour it into another pot with cheesecloth over the top to strain out bud (double layer the cloth)
Set into fridge for 24 hours with saran wrap over new pot
Take it out and you will se a layer of butter at the top.
Its very easy to make user.
Heat oil in pan. Low temp. Put finely ground weed in. Wait until oil is green. At least 45 mins. Strain the weed bits and bin them. All your thc is in the oil. From here you can use a brownie mix or really anything that is cooked with oil (not frying shit in it ofc)
For an easier method you could always decarboxylate bho by heating it up at like 220°f for 20 mins (turning THCa-THC)
Then getting a chocolate melting machine (amazon for like $70)
Put in chocolate of choice (i prefer hershys cookies and cream) and mix BHO (which should be blacker now)
Inti the choclate, stir, pour into molds, and enjoy once it cools.