who is this / sauce been searching couldn't find
Mandy morbid
ty, she looks like a fucked up version of one of my exes
>helping stupid people
You're why the world is going to shit.
bump, post moar
The perfect woman doesn't exi-
Her areolas look like blisters. Other than that nice tits.
>men who have to settle for fat girls
You're basically a nigger.
>not enjoying puffy ghost nips
Truly plebian
>implying she's even slightly fat
Don't bother replying to him senpai
>implying you don't have warped personal standards from a lifetime of having to subconsciously pretend you wanted the rotten low-hanging fruit all along
>being a passive aggressive bitch because single mommy raised you that way
Seek help
Seek arguments.
This much b8 in a single most
What for?
Nah. Only gay people start arguments over tits
Look at all the gay niggers playing pile-on because daddy wasn't around to explain that's gay. kek They're incapable of even pretending to be straight.
> when you're being a newfag and nobody can stop you
>when you thin reddit spacing is acceptable on Sup Forums Sup Forums
When did "reddit spacing" become a meme?
Putting a space after a post reference has been common for a decade. Fucking newfags.
>being this triggered over tits
You have only yourself to blame.
>reddit pretending the hing he and his reddit friends do was always a thing
Take you historical revisionism and fuck off back to your home site, tourist. You literally have to go out of your way to fuck up formatting on this site.
>only being able to call someone triggered when they validly point out you love your life like a woman
Right. You're just parroting something you read and you're retarded. Got it.
>he found me out
>better defelect and claim he's just repeating something as if it would matter even if he was
I thought you redditors were supposed to be good at arguing. Go home.
>the person with the nigger fetish uses ellipses like a learning disabled person
Really jogs the nog...
Do you really only sit on Sup Forums? Is that what newfags do? Pick one site and then pretend their choice is of consequence?
I've been on dozens of forums, mailing lists, irc channels, etc since the late 90s. No one site is sufficient for all the good info or porn.
Branch out kiddo.
> reddit was the shit for porn before they doxed violentacrez. now it's just shit. good for following news on specific topics still
> Sup Forums is okay, but tech shit on reddit is often better
>admits to being a redditor
Great. You can leave now since you'll NEVER be a member of this community.
Oh no! The kid found me out. Now I'll never be able to haunt loli threads or post memes again.
> believing your opinion matters
Why is it that kids born after 1995 think it's acceptable to go into a stranger's house and rearrange the furniture?
I was a freshman in high school in '95.
Nice meme. Kids do that on /r/tf2, too.
>I was a freshman in high school in '95.
Then why do you act like an entitled child with no manners? Were you raised poor or something?
> derail tittie thread calling postfags gay
> get called newfag
> cry alot
> "entitled child with no manners"
Were you intending to be coherent here?
Do you need to talk about it?
>implying it's possible to derail something on a containment board
>gets called newfag by someone who shouldn't be here to begin with
>get accused of crying by people who lose arguments
>no argument because you now realize that's how you act
Were you intending to not make any points? Do you need to go home and take a time out until you figure out how to not rearrange other people's furniture? Start by learning how to greentext, dunce.
>rearrange other people's furniture
> when you only know three metaphors and by god you're gonna use them
>please stop repeating your apt metaphor i refuse to acknowledge because it fits me perfectly
>rearranging furniture is an apt metaphor for when people format how I don't like and I cry about it
Are you two done making out yet?
Almost, I've been edging for some time now.
why is there all this autism over something that's existed here since before Reddit
Has sauce of her been located?
i got some sauce i can locate for her
Hand churned mayonnaise?