I need some advice Sup Forums.
Has anyone of you a dental implant?
What should I know and how does it make you feel? How long do you have it?
I need some advice Sup Forums.
Has anyone of you a dental implant?
What should I know and how does it make you feel? How long do you have it?
I have one, about two years now. Will you be onder narcotica?
Have one since 3 months. Result is excellent. The installing of the anchor is not so nice. The dentist will make some kind of plumber job in your mouth
They basically rape you in the mouth and you'll have to take antibiotica after which let me tell you sickened me to the bone. Stuff was pretty potent.
I still don't know. My dentist said that he discovered a problem with my root canal. If the problem doesn't go away, I may have to get one. I feel ashamed for even needing a dental implant at my age.
Can you still eat normal food, like pizza?
I got a dentist that is saving most of my teeth but I almost had to get one.. I'm down to like 2 teeth for grinding on the right and a few in the front for biting.. I wish I had brushed a little more I guess
lol why
it's not like you need viagra
if I was rich enough I'd get all my teeth replaced and get that hollywood smile
I had mononucleosis and strep at the same time, most of my teeth are either already gone or decaying from underneath, I forsee my future being a mouth full of these things
yes sure
Thanks for making me feel a little bit better.
Ya, 2 about 10 years. It was really weird getting them in. You can feel the pressure of the drill, you can hear it and you know whats happening but you cant feel any pain. If you eat lots of sticky candy you'll pull the crown off but its easy to get back one once you have the screws in your jaws. Also, just cause its fake doesnt mean you can stop brushing your teeth.
I had two baby teeth that never came out. There were no permanent teeth below. They said I needed to get them pulled and get implants. That was going to be $20k+. I got them pulled and got braces to move my teeth around, which worked out way better. Only $5k and healthier teeth and mouth
iv had some done. Does not hurt. Gets done in a couple stages but its not a bad experience. You have to take care of them really well.And they last longer then crowns.
>just cause its fake doesnt mean you can stop brushing your teeth.
then whats the fucking point ?
>Also, just cause its fake doesnt mean you can stop brushing your teeth.
I know, but thank you for answering my question.
dude, those are titanium implants, you can fucking chew rocks
I'll be getting one in a few months, I believe 9. From what i have heard they feel unusual first, but it will feel natural after about a week or 2.
>You have to take care of them really well.
What should I keep in my mind, when I take care of them?
I was missing 8 teeth (including all 4 wisdom so its not all bad) already had braces and didnt want ~3 more years of that in last year of HS and first years of college
>dude, those are titanium implants, you can fucking chew rocks
fucking badass
Good luck user.
Another question:
How young were you when you got your first implant?
I'm probably going to get one on my upper left side. Had one tooth pulled because a shitty free filling I got from the dental school fell out and it got infected, so they had to pull that one. Then my Wisdom tooth grew in on the same row, and cracked the back molar. Got the root canal, but never got the crown because I didn't have insurance and I couldn't afford it. Fast forward 3 years later, the temporary filling in the root canal came out, and the tooth has since cracked in half, leaving me with basically a shard of a molar. There's no pain, because they scooped the nerves out already, but it's an open access to the outside, which could lead to major issues if I don't get it taken care of. The dentist who did the root canal was worried it would throw off my bite, and put excess strain on my jaw. I'm not looking forward to the overall cost, since I need braces still as well, but I want to be able to chew on both sides instead of just the one. Just bite the bullet and you'll be much happier not having issues like me. Best of luck, user.
I am sorry to hear that. I hope it will get better for you. But thank you for telling your story and wishing me luck. Good luck to you too
but only CHEESE pizza...heh heh heh
>and the tooth has since cracked in half, all the way to the gumline, leaving me with basically a shard of a molar
This is what I had. Went to the dentist, they wanted $5000 just to TRY to prep it. There was a lot more costs involved around $10,000. So I googled dentist in Tijuana (I am white) and the Oral Surgeon who pulled the tooth for a couple of hundred dollars. It was within walking distance of the US/San Diego border, walk past the taxi line, don't need it. He put in a bone graft (which is common) so that the implant has something to hold onto.
I got one as a replacement for an incisor and it felt like a molar and I couldn't get used to it at all