How do you know if you are handsome/hot? Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often? Do you go out a lot? Are you confident? Do you have a lot female friends?
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How do you know if you are handsome/hot? Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often? Do you go out a lot...
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If you often think 'Damn I'm hot' when you look in the mirror, you probably are. Source: am handsome guy
Ya, but you didnt really answer any of my questions...
handsome guys don't follow rules
I walk into a room full of girls : 0 fuck given.
My brother walks into the room : they're all over him.
This is the story of my life...
More in-depth then
>How do you know if you are handsome/hot?
See >Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often?
Not very often in public, but girls I know often compliment my appearance. Nope, not my mom.
>Do you go out a lot?
I'd say twice a month. Used to be more but have GF now.
>Are you confident?
>Do you have a lot female friends?
Nooo my GF doesn't want that and friends keep their GFs away from me also.
No, I'm a ugly skinny manlet.
I get approached by some girls because I like to buy drinks to people.
I go to an at pretty much everyday.
Not a lot of female friends, only a few.
>not very ofteb in public
That means sometimes thet approach you?
Also are How tall?
Wouldn't call myself fit per se, but do daily excercises and go outside a lot for walks, bicycle rides random things.
Not too tall or short, haven't measured in ages but would guess around 185-190cm.
I'd say the biggest chance I get to have girls come to me is at dance clubs, but I'm more of a rocker so I don't often go to these places.
It might be because you're a brainlet, too
I never go to these places at all or anywhere where i could find girls. I only hang out with my male friends sometimes. Also i go to gym. Sometimes i see how girls look at other guys, sometimes at me. But idk probably im just being paranoic or autistic.
Apparently I am even though I don't think so, I've got scars all over me including my face. I get approached and actually catcalled. No I'm not confident at all and normally fuck shit up because of that.
pic of you?
Have you tried just going on a walk every so often? If you do, make sure not to have your eyes on the ground most of the time. Look around, just a slight bit up from your eye height. See someone? Make short eye contact, give a quick nod and walk on like nothing happened. It can actually be forced, and after a while it will be natural. After that, everything gets easier.
Sorry Sup Forumsro, as much as I respect your request for proof, I like my anonimity better.
If you are whatever age you've unfortunately made it to and you don't know you are good looking, then you aren't. This isn't rocket science. People go out of their way to tell good looking people that they look good.
I'm not sure what I have going on for me but the girls who like me are waaaaay above my league or the crazy ones. It's been like this ever since middle school.
>be me
>quiet, chubby, fat ass (made fun of by the other boys), awkward
then i'd get 'em like
>8/10 to 9/10, amazing bod, cute face, smiles a lot and great personality
>5/10 to 7/10, petite, cute face, quiet, and stare a lot
I have BPD so I can't really scale how I look like because to me, I'm always ugly.
Acne scars? You get approuched by girls. Are they intimidated by you?
Don't be fooled and convince yourself that you're ugly because you don't get approached. I used to think I was ugly. It was mostly because I walked with slumped shoulders, head down, sad saggy face, hands in my pockets, never talked to anyone or seemed interesting or fun or appealing as a friend. I also never shaved or showered. No fucking wonder! Then I changed all that. The other thing is your location and the demographic of the places you go to. I never got laid at scummy frat houses because most chicks there aren't into my type. I got laid going to my friends house parties once I made some fucking friends (not having friends kills your game, unfortunately).
Now I notice girls looking at me and smiling at me and random girls ask me about my beard and it's pretty cool. Just depends where you are and how you present yourself. Even sperglord fattys can find a place to pic up chicks if they're smart and determined.
The guy didn't ask whether he was handsome, he asked how handsome people know they are. Why do you have to be a dick?
I am not what I would consider attractive...
5'10" barrel chested Apache guy... while before I used to be wayyyy fatter I've spent the last 7 months in the gym and dropped around 70lbs and overall look wayy better..
What I've noticed since then:
>More women tend to look at me
>More women tend to see me as a threat
>I am still talking to very few women
Beforehand I miraculously ended up dating women that would typically be outside my league... but I will attribute that mostly due to the fact that I own a company so money and that I am a genuinely personable person. (people tend to feel comfortable around me and I make them laugh)
Since getting in better shape I've also noticed that people in general think I look less approachable. Hope this helps in some way
This guy's onto something. Don't have a great face or jawline? Grow a beard that compliments it. it's not every girl's style, but at least you'll get some attention.
Not acne scars. I was in an accident. Some girls seem intimidated but most say my scars are hot.
Im afraid i would get laughted at for acting like this. I mean its not stupid idea. But people in my country are different. I m eastern european. I was in holland for couple months and maniers betwen holland ppl and my country ppl are unbelievable. In holland random people from the streets greets you or smiles at you for no reason, probably just being nice. In my country you would get knocked out if you stare at someone for too long. Thats why they call eastern europeans a white niggers.
I'll admit I'm not familiar with eastern EU culture as I am from the Netherlands myself, but isn't there any way to act friendly with people outside of clubs? You need to learn to swim before you can dive off the high board, friend.
Also dressing a little more cleaning and fashionable can help a tiny bit (nothing expensive, but stop wearing only jeans and graphic tees for starters). Be sure to have a job or some kind of career idea or plan or project or SOMETHING to say because being a lazy broke loser is a turn off, even if they are just looking to fuck. IT's ok to be a lazy broke loser, you just have to hide that really well (but don't lie or be stupid and obvious)
Well, whole my life i was very skinny with acne all over my face. Now im fit with zero acne. Classmates from middle/high school doest recognize me. Yet im still very introvertic and shy as i was in childhood even if i chaged my appearance a lot.
>How do you know if you are handsome/hot?
Being called hot/handsome by other people.
>Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often
Girls rarely approach, but I do get flirted with/hit on a lot.
>Do you go out a lot? Are you confident? Do you have a lot female friends?
Not anymore than anyone else. Yes, and yes.
What's amazing is how shameless some girls get with flirting- if my girl goes to the bathroom or something any girl that's been a little flirty will be touching me casually and telling me how lucky my girl is.
I've been catcalled by women.
whos dis
>Nooo my GF doesn't want that and friends keep their GFs away from me also.
So you are hot handsome beta
A big plus for the fashion thing. Wear button-down shirts every so often and have at least one really nice one.
Also, having any type of beard doesn't mean you don't have to shave. There's always rooom for improvement with beards.
Yeah sure I'm a beta because I agree with my GF on some points after having a history of cheating when I was with my ex.
Picking up girls doesn't require you to be all that good looking or in shape, just confidence in yourself. I'm a good looking guy in the face, over the years I've been chubby and skinny, still get the same amount of attention from girls. What is hard to understand for guys that dont get a lot of female attention to understand is that your looks, money, friends are no as important as the way you carry yourself and converse. Someone mentioned above about holding your head high and making eye contact is extremely important. If you're talking to a girl and you stutter, mumble, make no eye contact and have nothing interesting to say, doesn't matter how good looking you are. I have a few friends who are nothing special but get laid whenever they want because they have those qualities. Dont let shit like looks get in your head or you'll fail for sure
far as im concerned you're a chubby, spotty manlet role-playing his dream to be accepted here then
Trips can't lie, I guess you caught me. it's the beauty of anonimity. I may either be a fat neckbeard troll, a young Clooney or a Yeti and you would never know for sure. I've said too much here to show my face though, so that's off-limits.
>Do you have a lot female friends?
>Nooo my GF doesn't want that and friends keep their GFs away from me also.
So you gf's relationship standards are keeping you from being friends with people who have different genitals...but you still think you are in control.
Be careful dude it all starts like that, next thing you know you are ending friendships because she thinks "they are a bad influence", you start sacrificing personal time for her and you will be deluded thinking "that's just our relationship getting serious"'ll become her beautiful marionette.
Still handsome tho
Random girls.flirt with you or girls you know? Can post pic of ur self?
Girls tell you. Seriously, that's it.
The world treats you better, but that's not a way to know you're hot since you have no reference point. Assuming you've always looked the same-ish.
To answer your questions:
Not really, they still expect you to make the move. Maybe more so sinc there's an increased fear of rejection.
I don't think going out has anything to do with how hot you are. Why would it?
I generally loathe people, but yes as many female friends as male friends.
Thing is, I really do want to fuck every hot girl I ever meet. I probably could, too. I don't need that shit though, guys are much better friends anyway.
This is a lie. I personally know 3 or 4 hot girls who date guys that are complete losers in every way possible. These type of girls want a challenge, a guy who needs work and they think they'll be the one to change them. Of course this never happens but its a fools paradise. Just depends on the girl, the girls who are worth keeping want a guy with a future but there's plenty of girls who dont give a fuck what you are, but generally these guys are good looking and confident which seems to balance out the loser aspect
It still doesn't excuse her controlling you. We are men, we have dicks, dicks that whisper into our ear to fuck every tight pussy we can see, but if you are a well respected man then you know how to limit yourself and have standards, not only beauty standards.
As Bill said a guy who isn't getting pussy doesn't mean he's selective, he might simply be a poor shmuck working at Home Depot and the thing limiting him is status. Your gf's "relationship standards" are your Home Depot dude. I also agree bros are better than hoes.
Girls tell you? I agree but first of all you need to have female friends. Cus i doubt that random girls come to you ant tell how hot are you. But yeah i got your point
I never have looked at myself in the mirror and said; "Damn I am attractive/hot." I've never been conceited. But I have been told I am very handsome and good looking, but this is other people's opinions. I have gotten approached in the past, but I don't go out so much, but I have been approached in the past by woman and men. I would say though, that I am confident in myself. I have never been lacking the nerve to approach women or any situation unless I know it is 100% out of my league. I do have a lot of female friends, but I am engaged, so it has been with limited contact with them never one on one socially.
I have been told I am a solid 8/10 or 7.5/10...
you are very handsome and good looking
when u are comfortable enough to not be insecure about it
Thank you :)
See what did I tell you OP it is easy...
You're right. I definitely do not mean to say that random girls tell you you're hot. I think they specifically don't do that.
But once you've got them, and they make that easier for you I suppose, they definitely tell you. I have several vids of me fucking gilrs and they just keep repeating, "you're so hot, you're so hot". Lol. Fwiw, the best overall girls do not gush like that...
Are you Danish?
Chicks tell me I'm a good looking guys often. I don't have any female friends though because I cannot befriend someone I got no respect for.
Grills sometimes remark that I'm good looking, but I'm also handicapped (born with one hand) and can be a sperg sometimes. So not sure. I'd rate myself a 6 I guess. Lucky enough women care more about your attitude than they do about your appearance. That said I'm envious of men who don't have to make efforts to get women to flock to them. But then again many handsome guys are still bluepilled and beta as fuck so at least I have that going for me.
A bit to the south from there
I never said she tells me not to, she doesn't. She gets insecure when I hang out 1 on 1 with girls and I get that since I have a history of cheating when I was with my ex. So I choose to limit my contact with girls to just work and groups.
I also used to break contact with girls whenever I had a GF. Nowadays I don't anymore, because I don't expect them to do the same.
Reminds me of a friend I was seeing the other day. While he was visiting me, his gf was going out with a "male friend". He tried to explain it should be acceptable, but the pain I saw in his eyes said it all.
I hope she doesn't have a "friend from forever" type of guy.
check this to get some laughs and giggles, call starts at 2:35.
She used to have this one male friend in her group who was gay(probably still is), but now she just hangs out with the girl next door and some colleagues mostly female.
Don't do that to each other bro.
Haha, that's a classic one. Also for any lurkers, check out Tom leykis on youtube if you want to know the truth about women and dating in the West.
I've been told I'm cute but never by a stranger I've also never been approached with a girl commenting o my looks but I have had girls initiate conversation with me where the exchange of numbers was the goal. It's w.e especially since I'm so fucking oblivious I might as well be a slow bro
>Cute but not hot, handsome or sexy
I've got some bad news for you. You might be an asexual eunuch in the eyes of most wimminz.
former college swimmer. 5'10, 165. A little short to be swimming Division 1, but yes I am very fit and very strong. I also have very broad shoulders so women take a liking to my body. And my face is a 7/10 I'd say, so I'd say I'm pretty handsome.
I make eye contact a LOT with women in the streets. I used to make eye contact with people during high school when I was ugly but it isn't the same sort of interaction I get now with women. Also whenever I'm at a bar, girls laugh at everything I say. I've always been the one with a sense of humor out of my friends, but girls are always smiling around me and are touchy with me.
Also, I'm slightly socially awkward, but girls label my shyness and awkwardness as "cute" or "adorable." They can never pinpoint anything bad about me. Keep in mind these are 9/10s+ and they all want my dick.
Post a photo of your brother.
Hot guys have the same issue as hot girls; normal people, even attractive ones, don't approach because they think we're arrogant or already taken.
What matters most? Confidence and approach. If you talk to a girl, and don't sound like a shithead, and you're even moderately attractive you've likely won already. Hot girls are lonely, they don't get approached often by anyone of substance. They get catcalls and chads and are sick of that shit so when a decent looking guy comes up to her and has a real conversation, she's blown away.
Can't tell you the number of women who came up to me and said "wow I wish you would've asked me out when you were single, I'd've banged you!" As much as I got I missed just as much.
>How do you know if you are handsome/hot?
cuz women tell me so....they cant all be wrong.
Lol not that kind of cute, handsome I get told I'm handsome splitting hair ass
Lmao it's a bit hard to be a eunuch being a 6'2 mexican
Do what though? We've been together five years, live together, play vidya together and have common friends we often play cards with. She's got a couple she-friends and no matter how I try to convince her won't go out to meet new people. All my friends are her friends now as well as we often hang out at our place, but I still go places without her often enough.
I'm mexican and I dated an american girl once, ONCE...and let me tell you, we might have a shitty country, corrupt government, sky high levels of violence...but overall middle/high class girls here are better; not that I would date now eitherway tho I feel tired.
Your mom doesn't count
This is a good comment.
You must inquire into your own demographic and embed yourself where you fit most naturally. Also, not being approached does not logically conclude you to be unattractive. Girls, albeit treated with an attitude than their male counterparts, often feel the same feelings of reserve that us guys do. You may be cute but never capitalize on it due to your own insecurities, and inability to initiate conversation. This isn't a call to adopt a self-help dating guru type persona, conversely, it's a call to merely adopt a confidence large enough enable you to say hi, or ask questions relating to a class you share with a girl you find attractive. These things aren't awkward, and you won't come off as a douche.
o' rly?
Must be true if user number 736420683 says it
"women" indicates in more than one. I only have one mom...but thanks for playing.
He could have also been referring to other female family members like your aunts or grandma, you accoustic sperg.
You never know, in this modern society you may have two or three moms I don't judge... openly
If you're not an alpha, nothing will ever give you the confidence to get laid
I have tried to instill my logical dating approach and confidence to betas, but their mind fucks it up
Change your thinking and you will change outwardly and nothing can stop you from getting pussy
I'm 6'1"/185cm
Beefy build, muscular
Someone once said I look Columbian
And I think any woman would love to date me/fuck me
And I have 6 female friends, I only want to fuck one
The rest I have no interest in, because I'm weird and healthy and I don't need their energy fucking up my energy
You must be ONE HANDsome guy, user
Dubs of truth
no. he referred to one specific female. Trying reading for comprehension you goddamned idiot.
post stump or gtfo
nigga im 3 years old
Well I have a very bony and defined face, I'm not fat, I have a gf, I take care of my skin, I shave often, and according to my friends in high school (I'm in freshman year of college) a lot of girls wanted fuck me but they didn't know how to reach me. Additionally some girls at a club I went to recently were checking me out but too shy to approach. So I suppose I'm a mildly handsome fellow but I don't think I'm all that.
I know I am ugly (or at least below avg).
I feel invisible to women when I am in public.
I have had gfs and an ex wife. so maybe 0.01% of women find me handsome.
The trick is to find that 0.01%
I've noticed girls checking me out, only had one actively pick me up. I hardly ever go out, I tend to notice them when running dumb errands like grocery shopping. I'm confident enough, but setting makes a difference for me, and I only have one female friend plus a gf. I am not particularly fit, just good facial features and I'm a mechanic so I do have some muscle. They love callused hands too
Oh yeah, I have several female friends but I don't see them often.
Actually if there's one thing I think people should take out of my post it's that women love calluses. Not as well known as it should be, they really do though. I'm not sure if they even know it
Sauce? Gawd damn
>How do you know if you are handsome/hot?
I take care of myself
>Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often?
Yes, but just becouse I'm a funny guy and most people know me.
>Do you go out a lot?
With my friends I don't care if they are guys or girls , they enjoy my presence.
>Are you confident?
>Do you have a lot female friends?
40% of all my friends are girls
I think this but I'm ugly in pictures.
I think I'm good looking. I've known 4 girls that have had a crush on me. Sadly I have no confidence so nothing came of it.
was always probably just a little better than average looking. then started lifting. became very fit, 6'2". have been getting approached by random girls when i do go out, which is often (college). never have had a lot of confidence but it increases every time it happens. do not have a lot of female friends simply because i think many are too dramatic. can tell if handsome by being able to lay chicks easily.
I'm ugly as fuck and I still managed to get laid. Not sure if I'm universally considered handsome but have terrible self esteem or if me not giving a fuck what others think and doing what I want is an attractive enough personality trait that helps get me laid.
I guess it's all about how you see yourself. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know that sounds corny and stupid, but trust me. It's true. Bradley Cooper is considered by many to be among the sexiest men alive, despite that, my mom and sisters think he looks ugly like a wet dog. Not everyone will think youre good looking no matter what you look like. But the good part is not everyone will think youre ugly either.
>How do you know if you are handsome/hot?
mirror. not that hot though, just OK, the hair probably ruins my appearance the most, since i got GF i just stopped caring so its long and tangled and weird. bodywise, quite in good shape
>Do you get approached by RANDOM girls often?
not really
>Do you go out a lot?
also not really, might be reason for above
>Are you confident?
>Do you have a lot female friends?
perhaps more than male
I was a complete beta nobody, but now I grew older started lifting.. people literally say I am very handsome and girls who are not in a relationship are painfully easy.
Also be talkative and open.
If you think you are ugly, here are few steps I'd take before judging one-self
>start going to gym 3-4 times a week for 2 hours. Does wonders!!! eat a lot of healthy foods, avoid sweets and alco, and work out with all your might. Stick to basics - read Sup Forums fit basic lifting.
> buy a good dark suit AND buy stylish clothes. Don't be affraid to suddenly stand out. You'll get used to it, but if you don't do it now, you will never learn! Pic related
> cut your hair. Pick a masculine short cut you can see businessmen or sportsmen wear.
If you have msculine face like idk.. Zyzz, a more boy0ish haircut will look better
Remember, beauty usually is mistaken for attractiveness. most celebrities are butt ugly, but we idealize them because of their immense presence and wits - like Schwarzenegger, T Cruise, Atkinson etc. Even Brad Pitt's face looks like a deformed cancer patient close up
>if you are blonde - grow a stubble.
> don't be under influence often, it ruins your mind heavily, and you wont even notice
> drink a lot of water to keep you skin in great condition. Use face cleaners (and hand cremes if you suffer from shitty skin). Trust me, that shit seems a lot, but actually it should be your habit to clean yourself fully 2x a week
> ever heard of beauty sleep? Sleep 8-9 hours. Yes, cut out some wasted time and you will suddenly see extreme health changes that will heal all your pimples and depressions
>don't stink. Use deodorant, change clothes and bedsheets often (I am starting to feel like a mom now, but ok, I assume at least someone here has not had these valuable lessons)
>smile and have your teeth fixed
>get a tan (just dont too often). look good, cures pimples.
>if you can afford - have massive shiny wristwatch, a car and a dog. have a dream.
good luck ranger
Sometimes I look and see a weird looking dude
but when I have slept well and my depressions and worries are gone I look at myself and think - damn, I look hot as fuck and could fuck myself
me too, and it makes me insecure
btw this is not "how to get girls" scheme.
These are basic things everyone should do and they will look and feel much, much better.
I think I look pretty good like a 7/10 or 8/10, but I think women judgement is 7/10 = 2/10 and 8/10 = 7/10. So to them I'm somewhere between a 2 and a 7
I hate women, stupid inferior bitches.
I can get a girl whenever i want
Brain tends to see yourself as better linking than you actually are to boost your self esteem