What race does the guy with the beanie on look like to you?

what race does the guy with the beanie on look like to you?

like a nigger lover

probably from some shitty south american country or spain or italy

might be brazillian

looks like a faggot

homeless virgin

he loooks like he smokes the marijuana

he looks like a faggot it's probably op

what's the point of this shitty thread

did you suck his dick op

what a weird looking group of niggers and faggots

nigger faggots

so where's he from OP you have us all wondering now

OP dead


looks like a white dude

let me guess: that's you, a mexican, arab, or similar trying to validate yourself as belonging to a superior race by asking people around if you look white enough.

he looks more argentinian



wrong bitch, I didn't post all of them

here's the proof nigger

the fuck is wrong with you man

what do you mean

this nigga


this thread gave me cancer.
also OP is colossal faggot. sage.

you gave this cancer a thread you samefag

some kinda sand nigger

either a Jew or a Mediterranean Arab from Syria/Lebanon

In what fucking world does he look white?

instead of saging this thread (which does nothing) you actually bumped it by post a pic you dumb fuck newfag


not even close buddy

summer time when the weather is fine, and the summer fags come out to remind, that its summer time no faggot bigger then you come to mind~

what's that


Fucking bigoted assholes.


nigger detected


What a pussy looking group. They look like the editorial staff of a sjw blogsite. What did they order, one of everything? Did they split the bill by oppression points?

Could ne anything from middle eastern to South American or Spaniard

Do you Americans learn anything in schools or you just get brainwashed to not see niggers

It's the junior UN of Applebees.

>What did they order, one of everything?

>middle eastern
Pick one faggot

>nigger detected

Only if you consider that to be white German ancestry.

All you kiddies need to get a life.

I bite, sandniggers may be sandniggers that is a fact, but in terms of race there are Caucasians in the middle east, Caucasians are not only blond with blue eyes, Caucasians are the whole white people spectrum from the East to Europe.

Like I say Americans only learn to fuck niggers in schools

he looks mexican to me

Looks like a friend who is 50% mexican, 25% norwegian and 25% albanian.

maybe Greek or Iranian

I don't give a fuck about your race. What I do give a fuck about, is that you look like a hipster.

Nationality is not a race you Niggers

hey fuck you guy

did anyone ask you, you fucking faggot retard

well there's my dose of male estrogen for the year.

you don't have to be black to be a nigger slappy. It's about behavior.

>uses "get a life"

kys SJW faggot.

what about OP you retard

faggot detected

OP never asked if nationality is a race you cunt

well crafted

Jfc it's a Muslim

thanks buddy

autist detected


that's funny guy

Akmeed: "Why you waste my soda?!"


it is beaner

hes fucking autistic holy shit

First guess would be mediterranean.

>you don't have to be black to be a nigger slappy. It's about behavior.
Yes, the behavior you all are demonstrating.

Italian/persian mix

lookin for a pic similar to OPs with a bunch of cute girls at a party or something lookin into cam would appreciate if anyone has

Yet you cuck in the face of your ancestors defending literal retards on average.

Cock-blower detected

you're autistic for not being able to realize what's happening

That nigger is caucasian

Only if he shoots somebody.

Any other time he's an underrepresented minority of your choice.

Looks like some Israeli scum bag

Dis ^

Hindi,paki argentina shit blend.

he's white but appropriating black culture