Yo guys, I met this girl at a party and she wants to hang with me

Yo guys, I met this girl at a party and she wants to hang with me.

Should I do it or nah?

pic related

Are you blind? She looks like an insane evil dwarf and probably has a dick.

Is that a fucking man

She looks like juggalo psychopath.

i thought she looked okay.
like a 7/10

It's a trap!

Your joking right?

I say go for it. Doesn't seem like a trap, just an average girl.


I think your better off dating a moose than that dysletic fuck

7? a fucking 7 are you fucking blind? Maybe .7/10.0 keep your pecker in your pants, don't need the clap that bad.

Do it. Get your dick wet, user.


heres another pic at a different angle.

cmon guys, shes not that bad looking

She is, bud

ur better off masturbating my friend

Bump because OP is desperate

Just do it you you fuckin pussy. Why the fuck would you ask half a bunch of autistic retards whether to fuck a girl or not ? Just go put your dick in there ffs.

How do you look then? For comparison.

Nah man, she'll probably say you raped her. She looks crazy.

Nah, she's not hot but she's fuckable. Go for it user.

jesus christ did she tattoo her lips?

old german saying
>lieber wiederlich
>als wieder nich

>better ugly
>than not at all

here you go
>inb4 fuck off nigger

If youre prepared to stick your dick in some serious fucking crazy, go for it.

Yeah, she's fucking ugly.

this is why the germans lost. if hitler paid attention instead of banging that ugly chick he would've beaten russia into submission

dont pose like that, makes you look like a monkey for real lol

I didnt know we were gonna get an action film sequel to Timon And Pumbaa

beware of his feminine penis, bro

Fuck and GTFO

Without the goofy costume shes probably a decent fuck. Props user

You can cut the virginity in here with a knife. Youd think you all looked like Jake gyllenhaal or bradley cooper with these comments.
But we know the truth.

Go for it no one in this thread is getting pussy, why take their advice

found the real virgin. she may look okay with normal looking clothes and makeup but that picture alone makes her look like shit

>You can cut the virginity in here with a knife
implying you're not

don't cut yourself man it's not good for you

found a pic of here with normal clothing

see, shes not that bad looking

>13 KB, 206x296
the fuck man?

my fault, im a phone poster


You know I thought she was bangable after the first pic. But the second one made me positive she's a dude lmao

uh, this girl doesn't have autism right?

Does that bitch have a line-up?!

go for it

holy shit, she actually looks better as an insane juggalo rapist

Her forehead is fucking humongous!! But the hell with it, if I was your age I'd give her my scadiddly. Do what you must user! Hopefully shes shaved!


Okay, whoever thinks this girl is good looking must be okay with fucking a chimpanze because this bitch looks fucking nasty. Find a bitch that actually looks like a bitch and not a tranny on acid