YLYL Bread
YLYL Bread
original to be continued meme
I dare you to not laugh at this shit:
these threads get more cancerous everyday.
keep your shit tier 9gag memes, OP. you're embarrassing yourself.
fucking lost
>I learned farting makes noise at 20
No you didn't, you learned that much earlier. Unfunny fuck
Pigeons do the same when a lone sparrow steals the bread like 10 of them was munching on.
is that h3h3
How did she explain it? with sign language? if that was so, then the waiter being there would be irrelevent.
Fake and gay.
Yep, that's about right
love these dudes man.
Why she do that to him?
do it for the meme
Why was she even following that guy in the first place?
those born deaf or who go deaf early in life generally pick up the ability to read lips well enough that they can communicate with people who don't know sign language
there's another greentext story about a guy who thinks this chick is kinda retarded because she talks funny and it turns out she's just deaf
This is just pitiful.
Who are they?
I fucking love Norks
Black user here. Can confirm that niggers do this.
Ain't this the chick that did that photoset of her getting gang banged by some lawn gnomes?
>how dare you document my baby daddy's niggardly behavior
Game of thrones actors. In the show the brown hair guy is a psycho lord who tortures the other guy. Cuts his dick off, makes him watch as he rapes his sister....some pretty fucked up shit
Better hope the US doesn't fight with guns.
That is the average American woman over 40.
something about that kid burning a patch or some shit
Is she like schizophrenic or some shit what the fuck's going on
Airsoft turds take teams very seriously. Kid that got shot had posted a video of himself burning a team patch of the shooter and doing gang signs and shit. Shooter retaliated by making a video of himself unloading on full auto on the kid from like 5 feet away which hurts like hell. Shooter got banned from weird airsoft park and probably the local Chili's as well which is considered to be fancy dining in the parts of the country where people take these things seriously.
Is it sad that I know the Runescape map better than my home village?