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So you like good music?

Its "My mother was a tailor"
You fuck

Dumbass, "My Mother was tailor"

The Animals rock!

Misunderstood is another good jam dude.

You deaf fucking plebs, the line is clearly "My sister was a tailor"

summerfags gtfo

Its actually "my significant other was a sailor"

Its actually my Father was a tailor

How the fuck can you decide to make this shitpost and then emphasise the wrong vowel in "Brother"?

It's very clearly Broooooooother you spastic.

That was the first guitar tune I ever leanrt to play. Years later, I did a residency gig in Newcastle and (Animals guitarist) Hilton Valentine was in the audience every week. He used to get the table right at my side of the stage so he could watch me playing guitar. That felt really fucking weird, the guy I originally learnt from coming to pick up guitar tips from me.

>cool story bro

Also my girlfriend is a model for playboy and my cock is 12 inches flaccid.

Back in like the 60's the Animals played in my city and they went to one of the high schools here for an appearance at a homecoming and he called the homecoming queen on stage and licked her neck.

Got to see "the new animals" with Eric Burdon at a free concert the city used to put on, they were good

Eric Burdon licked the homecoming queen's neck I mean

No it's "my cousin was a mailer. "

classic piece. good taste user

No, faggot, its "My plumber was a jailor"

You're a fucking joke. It's "My Auntie has a bradnailer."


Eat shit, queer, its "My bubba was a chainer"

Not a chance, turdburglar. Look it up, so you can see how wrong you are. I bet you cited Wikipedia on high-school papers.

I have the fucking lyrics memorized, you peter gazer, he clearly says "My lover was a trailer"