I have some bat time Sup Forums. Im 20 and i never kissed a girl. Last night i fapped with the daugter of my mother's friend. she is 9 and she is already hot. I was Horny enough to make very hardcore fapping scenarios. But after i came up i immediately said . Omg what did i just do ?. I Think im a pedo any advice ? im thinking to visit a psychologist. Please help me.
I have some bat time Sup Forums. Im 20 and i never kissed a girl...
OP Here pic unrelated
how did she react?
who initiated?
You need help. She's much too old.
sorry im so shocked i cant even speak proper english i fapped for her. with the thought of her in my mind.
Op here Come on serious answers i think im losing it .
You are so fucked.
Well done at 20 and your life is over. The kid will tell and your done.
lol well done moron all you had to do was not be fat and go outside and you could have had a girl your own age.
I'm not sure what's more pathetic...the fact that you may really be a pedophile or that you're so desperate you had to do some nasty shit like that, Either way you deserve death.
she asked you to fap for her because she couldn't do it herself?
fuck that's hot
has she always been that horny?
How do you know im fat ? and i didnt touch her. I fapped alone thinking of her.
Not at all she wasn't there i fapped alone thinking of her.
>But after i came up i immediately said . Omg what did i just do ?
What did she reply? Come on man, don't leave us hanging here.
Oh well you're all good then.
Fuck off!!! i asked for help. I KNOW THAT STUPID CUNT!.
wtf bro
you just said you fapped with and for her
1/10 fucking troll thread
dude you are lonley, and to you that was a way of female company, i agree she is too young, call that shit off in your mind that is festering, go to an escort (no shame in that) and just enjoy.
Read comments i fapped solo. Thinking of her.
You fucking retards he clearly means he fapped thinking about her, not with her.
i already did. But i was so nervous that i couldnt be hard and i couldn't cum.
OP here ty. That's the case.
Well I've given it some thought, and I don't see any alternative to killing the girl. No sense in dilly-dallying. Best to get it over with.
Kill. The. Girl.
At least she was hot and not a whale-in-training. That would be life-ending OP.
so you simply fapped at your house thinking about a young girl? and the problem is?
>Last night i fapped with the daugter of my mother's friend.
not my definition of clearly
there is nuffin wrong with being a pedo tbh
She is young and I Think im a pedo.
Well did you imagine her doing sexual things?
everybody's a fucking pedo in their head
now go outside and kick a ball or something
It's illegal, it's wrong, and I Wouldn't want that for my own daugter (If i had) so yeah it is.
Terrible things yeah. Op here.
when did he say he did it for her you fucking retard
be more detailed. for the scientific part
Im speaking fag. answering to every comment. Why is that bait since im annonymous kys.
Pft a psychologist won't help you get dat pussy.
Start with 8ch then when you're ready make your way into deeper waters. Don't worry fam, you'll be finger-deep in nubile tight pussy in no time.
who got hurt by you thinking of someone while touching yourself? no one.
just don't act on your urges (as in don't actually touch little kids) and no big deal.
jerk off to whatever the fuck you want to. it's between you and your dick.
Because generally speaking fat people are just shit people. If you had being in shape and you were socially healthy, you would never have considered shaking up with a 9 year old.
> Last night i fapped with the daugter of my mother's friend.
Read it aloud and proud user, what doe's that sentence normally mean?
>Pedo's getting mad af
alright i was wrong and i retract my statement, you have my sincerest apologies.
I Immagined playing and then asking her if she wants to see something . She sais yes. Then i asked her to feel how hard it is and kiss it. But do not tell anyone.
>the internet
Post a picture (cropped to avoid reverse search) so we know what you mean by "hot". That's a major factor here.
can you read?
>i fapped for her
No harm no foul good sir. Have a wonderful day on this marvellous place we humbly know as the internet.
I dont have one dude she is 9 are you nuts ?
did a morbidly obese clown touch you when you were a child? It must be difficult finding fat clowns to fuck now that you're old enough to chase after what once traumatized you, but don't worry we're here for you!
That's not true you dont know me nor How and why i got fat. So stfu. Dont judge by appearance only.
uh...No that did not happen at all.
Hey he's not the one who fapped to a 9 year old
Anyway op here i have to go, i will continue another time. Thank everyone for support and cancer to other pigs.
Nah, but you just did offer up the trope of a fat person being a molester of kids again...
Yeah speaks volumes, fat people are child molesters. Between constantly stuffing your own mouths, the next thoughts are usually 'wish i had a gf' and 'I bet that 9 y/o wants some of my pie'
Every fat person ever, just shitty autistic people.
It's nothing then. Unless you believe you're going to act on those urges. Then you're probably just better off putting a gun to your head because 20 mins of the some the hottest sex you will probably ever have isn't worth being gutted in a prison shower.
There is no known cure of pedophilia. Best you can do is limit your exposure to little girls and don't act on your urges.
You must do if you know her. Check your mom's friend's Facebook.
OP, I'm going to do you a huge favor and be completely honest with you. Don't go to a therapist, in fact, don't tell ANYONE at all. They could put you away just for that because they assume you have 'intent'. So, whatever anyone says, keep it to yourself. It is the same with if you had an urge to kill, or if you were suicidal. Just keep it to yourself and everything will be fine. As for the 20yo virgin, just get a bloody escort or go to the bar and pick up a girl.
i will not tell not a single soul. All stays between us.
That's really just for the sake of checking how we can cure your shattered mind and save your soul and future.
Please go on, for the said propose of preventing harm.
This happens ALL the time, clearly don't make it known and enjoy your self.
this. better stay a closed creep and hunt you some prey every decade or so. Meanwhile keep the facade of a nice guy and be a family man.
And some argue there's nothing wrong with having compulsive murder fantasies too...what a strange world we live in.
I have to agree on that. Shit would probably end up fucking you over, even if you don't plan to act on it.
I thought I was weird for fapping to the thought of a 14 year old. Damn dude. What you need is a hooker/escort.
That's fine, I think it's quite common for hopeless virgins. I fapped multiple times while spying my neighbor's daughter (she was 8-10) at the pool next to my house... What you shouldn't do is starting to get curious about cp, because that's where troubles start.
not same thing
hi everybody! I am also a pedo! reply with how fucked I am
Hot I got a thing for pedos
Post your dick cutie
Both are still inherently destructive in nature..one moreso than the other but still.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed?
you're fucking done lol, might as well just go kill yourself
I once masturbated to the smell of my aunt's pumps. That's 8 years a go and I still never raped a shoe.
All you know by no is, that you can masturbate for a sex fantasy with a child. Since she was just in your head you did not, for lake of real life experince, masturbate to child, just to fantasy including a child who shows sings of puberty. As you said: "she is already hot" imlying, you are focussing on her developing parts and not "the child"
That's a big difference to actual pedos who really are directly attracted by children.
I think you are pretty normal BUT this implies you need to understand that there is no excuse for you to break law.
You have no "Bo-ho I am a pedo by nature" excuse.
The risk remains, if you allow yourself to fantasize too much about her, that you train yourself to be attracted to children and hence you may THINK you were a pedo.
Just pay a chubby milf hooker for sucking your dick empty once in a while and you will boner whenever a fatass milf is passing your way.
She definitely wasn't old enough.
But that not the point. Porn gets old quickly, you don't know how frustrating is to be an old kissless virgin. Fapping to a little girl is exciting because considered a taboo... I'm not even sure I'm a pedo to be honest.
sorry about my bad english, I am from russia
nope pedophilia can be beneficial
Oh fucking how
to pedos who don't get caught?
OP your english sucks
OP i fap to my dogs fucking me in the ass and i still haven't let my dogs fuck me in the ass
You dont need help OP
maybe in denial, but I get your point.
There's no denial. I know exactly what he's talking about. It's like drugs. To get the same high as before you have to resort to using increasingly harder stuff.
I do the same thinking about my nephews and nieces. Never did something with them, is just in my mind.
You must know how to separate imagination and reality. Then you can think whatever you want. It's not as easy as it sounds.