honest thoughts...?
Honest thoughts...?
Kinda hard to look at
I'm a-okay with bush but the pit hair is a bit much.
Close up of that hairy muff before I rate
Also timestamp or gtfo
Ok.. not hot at all
Would fuck most brutally. Could do with a diet and some time on the treadmill.
Ick. Shave that shit up some.
Man the harpoons! The hairy whale is a-comin!
This is one of those you don't fuck even if you are a desperate virgin
Perfectly fine. Would nail.
throwing up rn
Can't know for sure without seeing the face
Fucking gorgeous. Keep going
Snap chat?
theres allways that one guy that tries to make em feel good isnt there?
I'd grab her fat ass and take her doggystyle right there on the stairs. More? She's sexy as fuck
rate? what do you like/dislike?
more please
fapping? thats all i got
Your face is probably fucked up beyond all repair, so no. But if you had a qt face, and wash youself everyday i would eat that pussy
i love it, actually my perferred body shape, and i love hairy girls
I love her fat ass, big boobs, and especially her jiggly belly
damn you hit the jackpot
Is that you?
Anyway, shaving pits just looks nicer and carries less scent, use a decent blade or electric shaver to avoid discomfort
Can loose weight by doing keto type diet without too much discomfort after first week. some sunbathing will do wonders for sex drive and slight tan would look good.
bit thick, awesome tits, awesome nipples, needs to shave the pussy hair.
can we see face? honestly, she is/you are a 10. i love all the body hair, and body shape is sexy.
I couldnt get a boner with that fat bastard
That me being honest
but I've fucked some bad looking girls they just tend to be slim ones
Fattys just do nothing for me sexually, it's the same with men.
I know if they both did I'd be fucking none stop, I just can't help it
I was meant to be a straight male who likes thin women not fat hairy beasts
Need face to confirm rating
nooooooooo :(
Idk if the faggots that like this are sexually deprived or just retarded. Stop giving this landwhale attention and let the thread die
>with bush no deal
>no bush i would say yass deal
i mean, its honestly what im attracted to. my previous gfs looked like her.
Me being a low life who will stick his dick in almost any woman I would fuck her.
And I would even creampie that pussy.
Pound town.
Thoughts and would u enter either hole
it's true?
Watches at $ 0?
Would fuck. Love the hair and nice tits. A little thick so you can slam that pig harder. She would make a great fuck buddy.
not hairy enough
could lose a bit of weight but that's it. i like the bush, tits are nice too.
Needs to shave her pits and pussy at a minimum, but possibly not bad.
I'd be happy with that in m bed
I'd have to restrain her, but im going to spread that fat ass and see what i could fit inside.