How do you make yourself let go and make the pain stop?

How do you make yourself let go and make the pain stop?

We had a date planned today, and she texted me this morning
>I can't go today
:( ...okay
>idk if I can hang out with you anymore
What happened?

And then the rest is in the picture...

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Just move on dude, there's nothing that this chick can give you that any of the other millions of women on the planet can't

Give it a day or two. This looks like general moodiness.

How long was she your girlfriend for?

I usually just shoot somebody, it makes my day so much better when i know i just completely fucked up someone else's day.

Oh geez you did that beta thing where you use her name in texts to her? Who the fuck else would you be talking to?

Almost a year

Stop fucking engaging her dramatic bullshit. She's either 1) too high maintenance or 2) not interested and you're coming off as beta by texting her so much. Should have just said 'ok'

Don't give in to the narcissism, if you don't feed that bullshit they give up or give in.

By what was posted she wasn't. He wants her but she is not interested in him but instead of just saying it she pushes him away so she can come back for that ego boost if she is feeling down.

I disagree, don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself for a few days, you'll just get more moody and depressed, get of the computer and go out and meet other people right now

She has a new guy, move on. You're welcome

She's trying to be nice and break up with you gently. Just take the hint and head on down to Arby's and melt your sadness away with a Beef N Cheddar!

Great, she just texted me now after 3 hours.

OP, read this. Find yourself a Decker and move on. We all love Decker. We all love you.

Ignore her!!
Don't send anything back to her

And you still try manipulating her like this? Grow the fuck up dude.

Don't reply just walk away. Make her beg before you say anything.

She's already fucking someone else and using this bullshit as a cover to break up with you

If you ignore the love in that picture OP, this will be your alternative.

Accept it and never look back.

Why? That's a total chick mentality. This girl has a pussy, she doesn't want to date one.

That bitch is playing games. Shes no longer interested but doesn't have the brass monkeys or heart to tell you. Shes being passive. Using self pitty to ease the fact shes being a shit head to you. Accept theres a line in the sand with you two mentally and say "fine im done, its about time i moved on anyway. I need someone whos on my level and who can support me like i support them, this doesnt give me that"

Dude stop begging....beta fag

Don't say anything period. She doesn't deserve shit unless she actually proves herself.

I repeat OP, read this.

Because she is fishing for attention. She is not interested in you so why keep pursuing her. She will ignore you when ever she wants knowing that is she is bored or lonely she can message you and you will jump at the chance to talk to her because you still have feelings. Don't give into what she wants. If you feel that you have to reply wait a few hours and say something sort of dismissive.

Not giving her the attention she craves with drive her crazy and actually make her more interested because it makes you seem more interesting. It sounds fucking crazy but that is how women think.

Best advice I can give is from the MGTOW community, don't be a cuck, don't beg. Eventually she'll come back to you and beg you back

Nah this is how virgin males think

Absolutely pathetic display.

OP this please, ignore this girl and make her cave. Make her want you. And if she doesnt then that means its her loss, like many said before there are millions, MILLIONS! Of females out there find some more to take your mind of this one. Even if you dont plan on dating find some cute girl and say fuck it and flirt with her.

Don't reply, go out have some fun with friends, meet new girls. Drop her don't be a betafag dont waste your "absurd amount of patience" on this bitch

So you've never even been on a date with her?

Ignoring a slut is the worst thing you could ever do to them. Worse than rape

If she needs some time to herself, give it to her. Pretend like you have your shit together for a second and be fine with being alone. Tell her if she wants to talk or get out of the house you two can go for a walk or something. That is, if she's the moody depressed type; if she's not and she just doesn't know how to let you down gently, move on.

Fuck that shit man there's plenty of fish and all that. She doesn't deserve you and all other cliches. But in truth she can fuck right off and you'll be more or less the same. Take what you've learned from your relationship with her and use it to pick your next gf one that's not a fucking retard with stupid excuses

It is not hard to figure out how people think if you intend to manipulate them. Do all women think that way? No but it is true for the vast majority especially when they are younger and immature.

You guys think women think this much about you. In that 3 hours between texts, she moved on.

Shut up u a stupid

ITT: OP is too beta and autistic to take any advice in here that he gets and will continue being a pathetic, weak excuse for a human being. His posts here will just be further evidence.

Rinse and repeat this thread with some new faggot. Every. Fucking. Day.

This thread is cancer.

No women move on way quicker than guys.

Just not a virgin pal.

Just don't reply. Move on OP. Don't make someone a priority if all you are to them is an option.

>if you feel that you have to reply wait a few hours and say something dismissive
Dismissive how?

This is transparent as fuck and wouldn't trick a retarded girl.

That is the point we are trying to give to OP. She doesn't think of him at all unless she is wanting attention. So don't give it to her. Ignore and go do something he enjoys doing. Don't jump at the first text she sends you like you were waiting on it. Even though by what OP has posted it seems like he was.


She has already moved on but since OP keeps going after her then she can use him as someone she can go back to for a confidence boost if she needs it.

So what do you advise him to do?

Seriously just never initiate contact with her again. When she finally does contact you, keep the chit-chat to a minimum and abruptly cut her off with "I gotta go". I know it doesn't seem like it, but there are a billion women out there. The more you interact with women, the more of a chance you will find the ones that will make your life worth while. In your angst years, any girl that gives you attention could make you forgot about the one you "love".

I don't know how you guys managed to manifest all of my inner thoughts throughout this, but it's really quite impressive.

This is exactly it too. Anybody who can't see this has little to no experience with women. Or even worse they keep getting played by women over and over and always wondering why.

Where are you from op? Maybe we can go out and smash some pussy. Whenever I feel down I go out a bang a few sluts.

Understand that girls like that aren't made for healthy relationships. Get over her face, seriously.

The truest song ever written -

I'm really not the hook up type

>qft my man

op listen to this guy

Go for a good beer. Fuck her. She doesnt care about you. So should you. Cheers