Why do Mexicans in LA all look like this


It just sickens me to see so many of these shit "people" all over the place speaking shit spanish.



You mean fat? They eat copious amounts of carbs and calories in the form of beans, rice, tortillas, and lard. This diet was well suited to busting your ass in a field all day. As their lifestyle becomes more sedentary, their diet has not changed and now causes them to gain weight.

Ok but why are they so short

The better question is why are we so tall? If you consume a high protein diet when you are growing up, you will be taller. While Mexican restaurants in America serve vast plates of beef, pork, and chicken, Mexicans don't eat that much meat. Asians tend to be short for similar reasons.

Deal with it pussy

i wonder if you just didn't count any mexicans/latinos/whatever you want to call them in obesity stats. how much would that lower America's ranking?

Fuck off Mexicans are a slave race like niggers.

Surprised they didn't sink into the sand.

These are creepshot photos. Also it is because of their health ethics.

They literally ruined LA man. LA used to be half decent. Now go look at places like Muscle Beach and it's filled with crazy, drugged up minorities.

Fuck Mexicans

Because Spanish conquestidors never made it to their village to rape the women

I bet if you put a chart of spic migration and obesity next to each other it would go up at the same rate.

A lot of Mexicans don't really know how to cook.

When primitives from the third world invade white countries they bring the third world with them.

Also, a lot still eat with tortillas So say you eat 5, thats 750 extra calories.

At least she's trying to assimilate. She weighs roughly 300lbs and is clapping. It doesn't get much more american than that boys.

Mexicans used to have to eat high calorie food because they worked very strenuous jobs.

Once NAFTA happened and they were industrialized or they came to America, they kept eating the same thing but stopped doing such hard work.

So they blew up like balloons.

Whites have better access to healthier food because Hispanics only make 54 cents to the dollar than a white person makes.

Man they sure are in need of more foodstamps.

They're more indigenous. The more European Mexicans assimilate into the suburbs.

If spics can't find healthy food how the fuck are they all on the roads selling fruit and shit.
Fuck outta here.

>healthy food meme
Read the fucking sticky lad.