Looking for a way to kill self. Ideas?
-easy to access (no guns or morphine)
-clean (don't want to bother someone with my pizza sauce of a body)
Looking for a way to kill self. Ideas?
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Why kill yourself? Try to enjoy life bro.
50 faps
Guns arent easy access in your hood?
exit bag method.
google it.
Enjoy the trip.
Looks good. On amazon right now
Not attention seeking. Just looking for a way out. And I've found it. I will no longer be shit posting in this god awful site
dude cmon man. there are other ways then straight up killing yourself. Insanly unnessary. think of your parents you weak fag
Charcoal suicide method
The same but more expensive buy a gas stove
Fire them up, go to sleep, never awake again, many piss poor people die this way in third world countries trying to get warm in winter
One fag less
Take the hint and follow him.
If i had to go,would sling my pain all over the place,killing
And destruction then cut down in a hail of police gunfire.seems too boring curling up in a corner somewhere.
don't worry, your puberty will be over soon, too.
Gas yourself. Do the bleach crystal thing with ammonia and pennies. Inexpensive supplies
Hope so,should've happened 13 years ago.
why not getting gassed while dancing though?
>go to nearest body of water
>start swimming as far away as possible
>stop swimming
Accidentally mixed bleach and ammonia once, the pain was indescribable.
buy acetone and hair bleach
leave letter
walk into forest, far away from anyone
make acetone peroxide
blow yourself to pieces
First of all, DO NOT DO IT. Every problem has a solution and time indeed heals all wounds.
That being said, according to your rules, a greater quantity of sleeping pills will do the job.
odd how i was searching this today
then this thread appears...
i cant do it anyway cuz muh beleifs
if anything happens...
things are not what they seem.
stream it though
Don't. Fly to Ukraine and become a homeless pervert there. Or do sth stupid. Try getting from europe to asia on foot 4 3 or sth