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need more cringe threads. Less dick threads.
I'm £1500 in debt and I'm sucking dick to pay it back
i hear voices in my head
umm no shit. those things on the side of your head are called ears...
Cheated on my wife through half of our marriage with someone 7 years younger than her. The sex was amazing, but it sucked living two lives.
Wwyd, facebook/insta, girlfriend/wife/ex, pics youre not supposed to share threads hold zero legitimacy. None of those girls are the posters wives or girlfriends. They're all screenshots of camwhores taken with a MacBook Pro and an iPhone. The IPs were traced to London, UK on both devices. Every one of them is linked to a suspicious throwaway kik account if one were to ask for more.
I've created nearly one hundred Andy Sixx log images
are you good looking, would pay you 2k and a ticket to fly to germany for 1 weekend if you pleasure me for 3 days.
wtf are u doing here? go make more! plz!
Depends on your definition of good looking, I'm a pretty decent trap, though I don't particularly like that
I once masturbated on a public bus. I was 13
I showered with a 9yo girl earlier today.
I stole some photos from the computer of my sister-in-law
i prefer doing it on the subway
any cute kitteh pics?
yeahhh ;)
sharing is caring
I'm a social worker caring and full of respect, but once in a while I meet up with redditors and beat them to shit, then take their ID away and threaten them to stay away from the cops or sueing me because I'd kill them otherwise. So far I did this 7 times with bronies, HAES whales and numales. Next will be an altright trumpetsucker fatty. For the lulz
good work
I share it sometimes, but I won't here, not the purpose of the thread
op here, youre just too much of a pussy
I've done some things that cause of this I wasn't able to sleep in nights. I really want to kill myself a lot of times. I have nothing in life. I just want to end it all, I really don't know why I'm alive. A lot of times in my head in public places I think how i would kill all of those people are around me and I start laughing so so so hard. I think someday I will do something to someone. I also wish that someday someone hit me on the face cause I would be able to smash him hit him destroy all her face into the ground as a " self defense " also I thinked to kill all my family before. I never hurt someone I never argue nothing clearly I never argue my bully enemies also i never cried on a funeral weathever if that was or no family, while all my family screaming me "OH MY GOSH CAN YOU JUST CRY PLEASE!!!". I just want to hurt a lot of people before I die .
Last saturday I spend 20 dollars in a lot of random things, 3 on weed to get high the girl I like, 10 on alcohol to get drunk the girl I like, 5 on the pill of the day after for the girl I like who got fucked by other dude and 2 on a coffee for her the next day, she says she is going to give me the money of the pill back, I know it's not going to happen
Every day I ride a dildo while looking at pics of m little sister.
I've arranged for my friend to fuck my milf mom. don't know why but it was something I always wanted
you're doing gods work bro
you're a faggot who will never find someone in life that will love you and you're simply jealous of everyone living normal happy lifes but you'll never do anything to anyone because you're a faggot
My buddy's ex is a hot milf with big tits. I get off sharing her pics and videos. Dumb bitch would be so humiliated if she knew so many people know exactly what every inch of her looks like!
fuck off faggot
so rape?
I've been having an affair with a co-worker of mine for the past year. She's been with her boyfriend for 15 years and I've been with my girlfriend for the past 8 years. Either of us aren't having any issues in our relationships but we jsutbuse wanted to have some extra fun. Usually in my car down the street from work. We've never had sex just make out a lot and she'd suck my cock every now and then.
the only reason why I'm still alive is I'm too much of a coward to kill myself
Do they talk to you and understand, randy?
nah, she was up for it. had to talk her into it a bit but it was quite easy actually. she's young and I can talk freely with her about everything so that made things easier
Guessing you have no interest in seeing them?
I would if it was true but faggots like you post the same shit in these threads everyday
Why should that matter if you want to see them at all?
OK, I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! ...but the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!
fucking jew fuck off
I actualy have a girl how's doing a hard training for me but I still depresed af
speak engrish you faggot.
If you or anyone else wants to see them Email me at copperj413 at gmail
Its been some of the most fun we've ever had. We don't plan on ever stopping. We'll just keep on playing for as long as we can.
I bought condoms for my 12yo niece
U probably can only speak 1-2 languages faggot
Piece of shit. Fuck you
nah not smart putting up your actual email btw
what's the matter? did you get cheated on
No but im in a long term relationship and you cheating fuckers are the worst breed
Up to you of you want to see them or not
I have a major crush on my friend who I talk to alot, but I am too scared to tell her because im ugly as shit and no would want me anyways
just rape her already
At one point or another everyone cheats. Get over it.
wow just kys now m8
I had a crush on one of my friend for years, turns out only reason we didn't fuck was because I was underage, fuck her whenever I want now. It's possible to get out the friend zone
Id rather not, shes a sweet pea, and we joke around about fucking alot, which doesnt help my case....
i still download pepes and don't contribute any in return.
just from that post I can tell you're a faggot and you'll never have the balls to fuck her
No actually they dont. But whatever lets you sleep at night
I got cucked by a girl who I didn't even get to fuck. we were dating for a month
Were both the same age I am just too scared
Idk, Possibly
greentext nao
so get drunk then fuck her
it's not that hard to fuck a friend
I... Never liked alcohol, or drugs, a waste of time and money
I took the virginity of my best friends younger sister after years of sexual tension when she turned legal and still regularly have sex with her. My friend and his brother are super protective over her as she's their little sister and quite attractive.. so basically no guy gets near her.. I'm sort of seen as a brother to her by their family but that also means I'm one of the very few guys non-related that is close to her which directly led to the sex.
I'm going to met a guy tomorrow to blow him.
then why did it matter that you were underage ? 17 year olds don't go to jail for fucking another 17 year old.
Shit you not. 45 minutes ago, was jacking off to normal porn. Couldn't get off, not in the mood. and was just browsing. Searches up gay guys fucking, starts jacking, nuts in 10 seconds. Fuck my life
I don't love them and I don't think I ever will. I go through all the motions, say the things I need to say and do the things I do but I don't feel anything for them. They are family and when I hold them close, I do not hold them dear. I can look into the eyes that look back at me and feel not connection other than "there is another human" I don't want to hurt them, it be bad to hurt them. But all the times I told them "I love you" were lies.
I take it you're fun at parties
that's gay bro
Pics or gtfo
user, I have some bad news.
hope you exchanged them for nudes
how is it a waste of money ? sure it's gone after you use it but so is every consumer product.
you confused bro that faggot was replying to me, I was 15 and she was 19
I know my wife is cheating on me since like 5 years ago.
So now I just fuck other women myself.
Not really cheating now tbh , it's more like a open relationship but she doesn't know that it is.
Id rather do projects at home, such as working on modeling or learning some code, or just playing with my friends on a game than go to a party
I regularly cheat on my military husband with Andy sixx's warm, creamy, steamy and oh so dreamy logs of creamcorned shit. Feels so good slidding down my throat in the Georgia heat.
I also regularly let my nieces shower with Andy's logs. Nothing sexual, the parents know about it.
Not the other guy but I sent an email using guerrilla
But how do you know she doesn't know that you know?
you should start going out you'll realise it's much better than staying in and drugs and alcohol is fun especially MDMA
I fucked with two totally random tourist women yesterday night. I got a wife. She does not know
I'm fulfilling my autistic fantasies of running away and not doing shit by browsing Sup Forums and shitposting. Unfortunately it be for long
Is that the guy from Panic at the Disco
not really worth greentxting imo. We've done it lots of times before also, she's my niece, she's staying with me for a week or so. Family-wise we are all pretty close and open, her parents are fine with it. Nothing sexual or anything like that but still it's not something id post on fb or go tell friends about, for obvious reasons.
it won't*
I post on liberal boards because they think I'm funny and give me consistent positive feedback.
Secretly, I hate niggers and Muslims. Trannies are almost universally annoying attention whores. E-feminists are lonely wackjobs looking for asspats and handouts.
Duck wrong person
Possibly, But I live in a small town, and im known as the introvert computer nerd
I've seen her naked quite a few times in person, good enough for me.