Legit ways to steal money from ATM's?

Legit ways to steal money from ATM's?

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There isn't one

there is no legit way to steal, that is the point of stealing

Stolen debit card w/pin. Dur,

I've found this incredible hack
You put a plastic piece in it, and enter a 4 digit code secret code the plastic is configured to work with
You select the amount of money you want the machine to give you and... It does!
Works every single time

kys retard

Nigger detected

Get a job repairing ATMs. Steal from them while we do your job.

Get sent to federal prison.

>Obtain an actual modern ATM machine.
>Reverse engineer it.
>Find your own way like a pro.

ps. if you find a "legit" way to steal from an ATM. you might just as well sell that info to the bank for a huge bounty

learn to read cunt

u the stupid nigger here

Autism confirmed.

You could put something to block the dispense of cash,so when people try to take money out it stays.

Remove the blockage and profit

Do you ever go out?
Have you ever used an ATM?


ill take you seriously
>install credit card skimmer (good luck getting away with that for long)
>attack very small camera looking at PIN pad
>create fake debit card using your superior intelligence (good luck if it's a CHIP card too hahahaha)

it's impossible man. You really think banks would use them if they were easy to remove/steal from? even if you do physically remove it and with powertools crack it open, there's probably dye packs.

by far the easiest way would be to get in the industry, learn everything you needed to know, then have a grand plan to steal like 5+ of them in one day, way to get out of the country, and lay low as fuck

hurr durr

No. What's your point

Nah mate no dye packs in em
Theyre just pretty impossible to move and extract money from

Here in germoney they have dye packs.
Die juden watch their money

i know they are usually bolted to the ground. but i also know if you attach a chain and pull it with a truck they come free, or at least the 1 video i saw showed that.

but yea once you have it, it's like trying to open a safe, with security equal to that in banks.

do you think they have a way to track the bills?

geta job?


>get gun
>put it to someones head
>wear mask
>make them take money out
>say that they will just be given the stolen money back anyways after they report the robbery.

you win, and the other person gets reimbursed so its not like they lose anything

ahh the old "ghetto apartments around college campuses" tactic

>what are serial numbers on every bill printed?
>surely theres no logical system of checking 'x' many bills per reload of an atm to crosscheck in the event of theft?



the display is the weakest point

punch it and reach into it

it's not really about whether or not the serial numbers are tracked, im more wondering how efficient the tracking process is. Like once those bills were in circulation, would authorities actually be able to eventually tie it back to the original person who began to circulate them?

All of this is also not to mention the fact that an ATM is probably only going to contain like 30k or so. After the money you'd have to spend to get the tools necessary and the work it'd take to steal and break into one, it'd almost not even be worth it.


Gee OP was school too hard or something?

Between the tracking of the numbers which is slower, and the dna evidence shit they have available now, to the fact that you cant be within fifty foot of an atm and NOT be on at least three different cameras, (at least here in US its like that) its a definite you will be caught and more than likely the second you try to buy anything with that money. Its just not an easily done crime.

What's the code? :^)

become a bank

No, but being 18 working 8 hours a week on minimum wage with car payments sure fucking is

>cut off all the power to that city block
>release nerve gas and knock out all potential witnesses
>use heavy power tools, maybe a welding torch etc to remove entire machine and put in your truck/can/school bus
>repeat until you have a decent amount of ATMs
>return to your workshop and remove cash forcibly
>spend your money slowly, never deposit it, deal mostly with the black market, launder your money
>retire on an unmarked island

can i play devil's advocate?

lets say you are not on DNA database, you've paintballed the cameras out of sight. I just dont see many institutions checking serial numbers of bills for stolen series, but i really dont know the industry.

you cant afford a car then. you are trying to own a luxury your financial situation cannot afford.

stfu thundercunt

Better go online and complain about it instead of doing something productive and finding a new job or explaining to your boss about your situation in hopes for a small raise.

Don't you think if it was easy, niggers'd be robbing ATMs all the time? There's a reason you don't hear about that happening.

become a leet haxor

>money goes to bank at end of day, as most stores do. They only keep the cash they need
>bank checks a few bills here and there or likely their machine checks most if not all
>oh hey these bills came back in from here at this time. Lets check their cameras to see who all may have spent them
Its not a hard concept here. Theres a reason money laundering is a thing. And no it doesnt mean literally wash them anymore

OP, I work for a bank in their IT department.

There isn't any easy way to steal money from an ATM. the steel on the safe is about .5 inch thick, and the cash is kept in plastic cassette so any torch you'd use to cut in to it would burn up the cash. most common form of theft with an ATM is a skimmer. I'm not gonna link you to how to make one, but I'm sure they are out there. Keep in mind that most banks check their ATMs 2 or more times a day for a skimmer, and as soon as they find one, they review all camera's to find who did it, as well as cancel all debit cards used in the ATM immediately.

Tie a quarter around your index finger

is there anything else to do online?


i never said it was easy, im proposing a hypothetical.
ok i guess my question is "do banks have machines that automatically read serial numbers looking for problem bills"
or "do people manually check the cash that enters banks/financial establishments for this kind of money"

and it seems like yes

again i know nothing about this

>bankITfag here

No one manually "checks" the serial numbers of the bills at banks, that would take an insane amount of manpower.

they do have machines that check for counterfeit cash, and all cash would be run through those.

once the cash leaves the bank and goes to the fed they probably scan serials, but I don't know for sure.

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

I mean, hypothetically it's certainly possible to do, but with the amount of work and planning involved, it wouldn't be very practical for the payday involved. If you're gonna do all that work, might as well rob a casino or a bank vault or something instead.

funny story

remember skateboarding at this bank parking lot that had a drive thru ATM. there was a little bump you could launch off of and then there was a flat gap closer to the ATM. we were skating there for an hour then randomly an elder lady pulls around from the ATM and starts shouting hysterically at us for no reason. we were completely confused and didn't really know what to make of it.

later that night when we were smoking I pieced it together. she thought we were skating there deliberately to skate by the atm while she was using it and take the money. we got a good laugh out of it. don't think it would actually work unless you timed it perfectly.

>bankITfag here

Honestly I'm surprised that you weren't escorted away by the police. If there had been skateboarders loitering around one of our branches or ATMs or anything like that the police would have immediately been called.

>be in debt for $500,000

Easy. With a gun.
Point the gun at the locking device.
Position your head between the lock & the gun.
Pull the trigger.
You're Rich !!!

>get guns and ski mask
>unload entire magazine at ATM

1. access admin screen
2. set it to think it's full of $1 bills
3. use prepaid card to withdraw set amount
4. ???
5. profit

fucking kids these days don't know shit

Founding a bank, you'd then be stealing legally.

The only way to legitimately steal money from ATMs is to become a politician then enact laws allowing you to legally steal money from ATMs like the politician piece of crap you are.

That's probably gonna happen soon enough. It already is.

All these potatos here.
>Find ATM with an accessable usb port
>Reboot System
>Mount own OS
>Withdraw everything

Most ATMs still run Windows XP, some even fucking Win 95.


Or you could use a crane but it usually takes an atm to get the crane out.

i found one running win2k a few years ago